class via "use base" and not "extends", you don't get to complain that
Moose finds a metaclass incompatibility. When you call "extends" Moose
explicitly fixes said incompatibility.
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-use Test::Exception;
- skip 'This blows up because Moose thinks the metaclasses are incompatible', 4;
- package NoOpTrait;
- use Moose::Role;
- package Parent;
- use Moose -traits => 'NoOpTrait';
- has attr => (
- is => 'rw',
- isa => 'Str',
- );
- package Child;
- use base 'Parent';
-is(Child->meta->name, 'Child', "correct metaclass name");
-my $child = Child->new(attr => "ibute");
-ok($child, "constructor works");
-is($child->attr, "ibute", "getter inherited properly");
-is($child->attr, "ition", "setter inherited properly");