my $Is_EBCDIC = (ord('A') == 193) ? 1 : 0;
my $Is_UTF8 = (${^OPEN} || "") =~ /:utf8/;
-my $total_tests = 47;
+my $total_tests = 48;
if ($Is_EBCDIC || $Is_UTF8) { $total_tests -= 3; }
print "1..$total_tests\n";
print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+# "use 5.11.0" (and higher) loads strictures.
+# check that this doesn't happen with require
+eval 'require 5.11.0; ${"foo"} = "bar";';
+print "# $@\nnot " if $@;
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
# interaction with pod (see the eof)
write_file('', "print 'ok $i\n'; 1;\n");
require "";
$INC{""} = 1; # so we don't attempt to load
-print "1..70\n";
+print "1..69\n";
# Can't require, as we're testing the use/require mechanism here.
# and they are properly scoped
eval '{use 5.11.0;} ${"foo"} = "bar";';
is ($@, "");
-# and this doesn't happen with require
-eval 'require 5.11.0; ${"foo"} = "bar";';
-is ($@, "");
{ use test_use } # check that subparse saves pending tokens