my $error = !defined($proxy) ? ' is not defined'\r
: ref($proxy) && !blessed($proxy) ? qq{ is not an object (got '$proxy')}\r
: undef;\r
- if ($error) {\r
+ if ($error) {
"Cannot delegate $handle_name to $method_to_call because "\r
. "the value of "\r
. $attribute->name\r
- . $error,
+ . $error
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 26;
+use Test::More tests => 28;
use Test::Exception;
do {
"correct handles layout for 'person'",
+ local $TODO = "failed in 5.10.1, but I don't know why (gfx)" if $] == 5.010_001;
+ throws_ok{
+ $object->person(undef);
+ $object->person_name();
+ } qr/Cannot delegate person_name to name because the value of person is not defined/;
+ throws_ok{
+ $object->person([]);
+ $object->person_age();
+ } qr/Cannot delegate person_age to age because the value of person is not an object/;
-} qr/Cannot delegate person_name to name because the value of person is not defined/;
+like $@, qr/Cannot delegate person_name to name because the value of person is not defined/;
-} qr/Cannot delegate person_age to age because the value of person is not an object/;
+like $@, qr/Cannot delegate person_age to age because the value of person is not an object/;