$Frontend $Defaultsite
}; #};
-$VERSION = '1.50';
+$VERSION = '1.52';
-# $Id: CPAN.pm,v 1.264 1999/05/23 14:26:49 k Exp $
+# $Id: CPAN.pm,v 1.276 2000/01/08 15:29:46 k Exp $
# only used during development:
$Revision = "";
-# $Revision = "[".substr(q$Revision: 1.264 $, 10)."]";
+# $Revision = "[".substr(q$Revision: 1.276 $, 10)."]";
use Carp ();
use Config ();
@CPAN::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
- autobundle bundle expand force get
+ autobundle bundle expand force get cvs_import
install make readme recompile shell test clean
#-> sub CPAN::shell ;
sub shell {
my($self) = @_;
- $Suppress_readline ||= ! -t STDIN;
+ $Suppress_readline = ! -t STDIN unless defined $Suppress_readline;
CPAN::Config->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
my $prompt = "cpan> ";
$readline::rl_completion_function =
$readline::rl_completion_function = 'CPAN::Complete::cpl';
+ # $term->OUT is autoflushed anyway
+ my $odef = select STDERR;
+ $| = 1;
+ select STDOUT;
+ $| = 1;
+ select $odef;
no strict;
my $getcwd;
$getcwd = $CPAN::Config->{'getcwd'} || 'cwd';
my $cwd = CPAN->$getcwd();
- my $try_detect_readline = $term->ReadLine eq "Term::ReadLine::Stub";
+ my $try_detect_readline;
+ $try_detect_readline = $term->ReadLine eq "Term::ReadLine::Stub" if $term;
my $rl_avail = $Suppress_readline ? "suppressed" :
($term->ReadLine ne "Term::ReadLine::Stub") ? "enabled" :
"available (try ``install Bundle::CPAN'')";
my $redef;
local($SIG{__WARN__}) = CPAN::Shell::dotdot_onreload(\$redef);
require Term::ReadLine;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("\n$redef subroutines in Term::ReadLine redefined\n");
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("\n$redef subroutines in ".
+ "Term::ReadLine redefined\n");
goto &shell;
my $fh;
unless ($fh = FileHandle->new(">$lockfile")) {
- if ($! =~ /Permission/ || $!{EACCES}) {
+ if ($! =~ /Permission/) {
my $incc = $INC{'CPAN/Config.pm'};
my $myincc = MM->catfile($ENV{HOME},'.cpan','CPAN','MyConfig.pm');
print "Caught SIGINT\n";
+# From: Larry Wall <larry@wall.org>
+# Subject: Re: deprecating SIGDIE
+# To: perl5-porters@perl.org
+# Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:58:40 -0700 (PDT)
+# The original intent of __DIE__ was only to allow you to substitute one
+# kind of death for another on an application-wide basis without respect
+# to whether you were in an eval or not. As a global backstop, it should
+# not be used any more lightly (or any more heavily :-) than class
+# UNIVERSAL. Any attempt to build a general exception model on it should
+# be politely squashed. Any bug that causes every eval {} to have to be
+# modified should be not so politely squashed.
+# Those are my current opinions. It is also my optinion that polite
+# arguments degenerate to personal arguments far too frequently, and that
+# when they do, it's because both people wanted it to, or at least didn't
+# sufficiently want it not to.
+# Larry
$SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&cleanup;
$self->debug("Signal handler set.") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
require Mac::Files;
my $cat = Mac::Files::FSpGetCatInfo($_);
- $Du += $cat->ioFlLgLen() + $cat->ioFlRLgLen();
+ $Du += $cat->ioFlLgLen() + $cat->ioFlRLgLen() if $cat;
} else {
$Du += (-s _);
commit commit session changes to disk
init go through a dialog to set all parameters
-You may edit key values in the follow fashion:
+You may edit key values in the follow fashion (the "o" is a literal
+letter o):
o conf build_cache 15
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Detailed help not yet implemented\n");
} else {
-command arguments description
-a string authors
-b or display bundles
-d /regex/ info distributions
-m or about modules
-i none anything of above
-r as reinstall recommendations
-u above uninstalled distributions
-See manpage for autobundle, recompile, force, look, etc.
-make make
-test modules, make test (implies make)
-install dists, bundles, make install (implies test)
-clean "r" or "u" make clean
-readme display the README file
-reload index|cpan load most recent indices/CPAN.pm
-h or ? display this menu
-o various set and query options
-! perl-code eval a perl command
-q quit the shell subroutine
+Display Information
+ a authors
+ b string display bundles
+ d or info distributions
+ m /regex/ about modules
+ i or anything of above
+ r none reinstall recommendations
+ u uninstalled distributions
+Download, Test, Make, Install...
+ get download
+ make make (implies get)
+ test modules, make test (implies make)
+ install dists, bundles make install (implies test)
+ clean make clean
+ look open subshell in these dists' directories
+ readme display these dists' README files
+ h,? display this menu ! perl-code eval a perl command
+ o conf [opt] set and query options q quit the cpan shell
+ reload cpan load CPAN.pm again reload index load newer indices
+ autobundle Snapshot force cmd unconditionally do cmd});
} else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Valid options for debug are ".
- join(", ",sort(keys %CPAN::DEBUG), 'all').
- qq{ or a number. Completion works on the options. }.
- qq{Case is ignored.\n\n});
+ my $raw = "Valid options for debug are ".
+ join(", ",sort(keys %CPAN::DEBUG), 'all').
+ qq{ or a number. Completion works on the options. }.
+ qq{Case is ignored.};
+ require Text::Wrap;
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(Text::Wrap::fill("","",$raw));
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("\n\n");
if ($CPAN::DEBUG) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Options set for debugging:\n");
my $class = "CPAN::$type";
my $obj;
if (defined $regex) {
- for $obj ( sort {$a->id cmp $b->id} $CPAN::META->all_objects($class)) {
- push @m, $obj
- if
- $obj->id =~ /$regex/i
- or
+ for $obj (
+ sort
+ {$a->id cmp $b->id}
+ $CPAN::META->all_objects($class)
+ ) {
+ unless ($obj->id){
+ # BUG, we got an empty object somewhere
+ CPAN->debug(sprintf(
+ "Empty id on obj[%s]%%[%s]",
+ $obj,
+ join(":", %$obj)
+ )) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ next;
+ }
+ push @m, $obj
+ if $obj->id =~ /$regex/i
+ or
- $] < 5.00303 ### provide sort of compatibility with 5.003
+ $] < 5.00303 ### provide sort of
+ ### compatibility with 5.003
$obj->name =~ /$regex/i
- }
+ }
} else {
my($xarg) = $arg;
if ( $type eq 'Bundle' ) {
die "\n";
+sub setup_output {
+ return if -t STDOUT;
+ my $odef = select STDERR;
+ $| = 1;
+ select STDOUT;
+ $| = 1;
+ select $odef;
#-> sub CPAN::Shell::rematein ;
# RE-adme||MA-ke||TE-st||IN-stall
sub rematein {
$pragma = $meth;
$meth = shift @some;
+ setup_output();
CPAN->debug("pragma[$pragma]meth[$meth] some[@some]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
foreach $s (@some) {
sub clean { shift->rematein('clean',@_); }
#-> sub CPAN::Shell::look ;
sub look { shift->rematein('look',@_); }
+#-> sub CPAN::Shell::cvs_import ;
+sub cvs_import { shift->rematein('cvs_import',@_); }
package CPAN::FTP;
my $ret = $self->$method(\@host_seq,$file,$aslocal);
if ($ret) {
$Themethod = $level;
+ my $now = time;
+ # utime $now, $now, $aslocal; # too bad, if we do that, we
+ # might alter a local mirror
$self->debug("level[$level]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
return $ret;
} else {
my $res = $Ua->mirror($url, $aslocal);
if ($res->is_success) {
$Thesite = $i;
+ my $now = time;
+ utime $now, $now, $aslocal; # download time is more
+ # important than upload time
return $aslocal;
} elsif ($url !~ /\.gz$/) {
my $gzurl = "$url.gz";
HOSTHARD: for $i (@$host_seq) {
my $url = $CPAN::Config->{urllist}[$i] || $CPAN::Defaultsite;
unless ($self->is_reachable($url)) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Skipping $url (not reachable)\n");
- next;
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Skipping $url (not reachable)\n");
+ next;
$url .= "/" unless substr($url,-1) eq "/";
$url .= $file;
# if ($url =~ m|^ftp://(.*?)/(.*)/(.*)|) {
# to
if ($url =~ m|^([^:]+)://(.*?)/(.*)/(.*)|) {
- # proto not yet used
- ($proto,$host,$dir,$getfile) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
+ # proto not yet used
+ ($proto,$host,$dir,$getfile) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
} else {
- next HOSTHARD; # who said, we could ftp anything except ftp?
+ next HOSTHARD; # who said, we could ftp anything except ftp?
$self->debug("localizing funkyftpwise[$url]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
for $f ('lynx','ncftpget','ncftp') {
- next unless exists $CPAN::Config->{$f};
- $funkyftp = $CPAN::Config->{$f};
- next unless defined $funkyftp;
- next if $funkyftp =~ /^\s*$/;
- my($want_compressed);
- my $aslocal_uncompressed;
- ($aslocal_uncompressed = $aslocal) =~ s/\.gz//;
- my($source_switch) = "";
- $source_switch = " -source" if $funkyftp =~ /\blynx$/;
- $source_switch = " -c" if $funkyftp =~ /\bncftp$/;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- qq[
+ next unless exists $CPAN::Config->{$f};
+ $funkyftp = $CPAN::Config->{$f};
+ next unless defined $funkyftp;
+ next if $funkyftp =~ /^\s*$/;
+ my($want_compressed);
+ my $aslocal_uncompressed;
+ ($aslocal_uncompressed = $aslocal) =~ s/\.gz//;
+ my($source_switch) = "";
+ if ($f eq "lynx"){
+ $source_switch = " -source";
+ } elsif ($f eq "ncftp"){
+ $source_switch = " -c";
+ }
+ my($chdir) = "";
+ my($stdout_redir) = " > $aslocal_uncompressed";
+ if ($f eq "ncftpget"){
+ $chdir = "cd $aslocal_dir && ";
+ $stdout_redir = "";
+ }
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
+ qq[
Trying with "$funkyftp$source_switch" to get
- my($system) = "$funkyftp$source_switch '$url' $devnull > ".
- "$aslocal_uncompressed";
+ my($system) =
+ "$chdir$funkyftp$source_switch '$url' $devnull$stdout_redir";
+ $self->debug("system[$system]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ my($wstatus);
+ if (($wstatus = system($system)) == 0
+ &&
+ ($f eq "lynx" ?
+ -s $aslocal_uncompressed # lynx returns 0 on my
+ # system even if it fails
+ : 1
+ )
+ ) {
+ if (-s $aslocal) {
+ # Looks good
+ } elsif ($aslocal_uncompressed ne $aslocal) {
+ # test gzip integrity
+ if (
+ CPAN::Tarzip->gtest($aslocal_uncompressed)
+ ) {
+ rename $aslocal_uncompressed, $aslocal;
+ } else {
+ CPAN::Tarzip->gzip($aslocal_uncompressed,
+ "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz");
+ }
+ }
+ $Thesite = $i;
+ return $aslocal;
+ } elsif ($url !~ /\.gz$/) {
+ unlink $aslocal_uncompressed if
+ -f $aslocal_uncompressed && -s _ == 0;
+ my $gz = "$aslocal.gz";
+ my $gzurl = "$url.gz";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
+ qq[
+Trying with "$funkyftp$source_switch" to get
+ $url.gz
+ my($system) = "$funkyftp$source_switch '$url.gz' $devnull > ".
+ "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz";
$self->debug("system[$system]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
if (($wstatus = system($system)) == 0
- -s $aslocal_uncompressed # lynx returns 0 on my
- # system even if it fails
+ -s "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz"
) {
- if ($aslocal_uncompressed ne $aslocal) {
- # test gzip integrity
- if (
- CPAN::Tarzip->gtest($aslocal_uncompressed)
- ) {
- rename $aslocal_uncompressed, $aslocal;
- } else {
- CPAN::Tarzip->gzip($aslocal_uncompressed,
- "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz");
- }
- }
- $Thesite = $i;
- return $aslocal;
- } elsif ($url !~ /\.gz$/) {
- unlink $aslocal_uncompressed if
- -f $aslocal_uncompressed && -s _ == 0;
- my $gz = "$aslocal.gz";
- my $gzurl = "$url.gz";
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- qq[
-Trying with "$funkyftp$source_switch" to get
- $url.gz
- my($system) = "$funkyftp$source_switch '$url.gz' $devnull > ".
- "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz";
- $self->debug("system[$system]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- my($wstatus);
- if (($wstatus = system($system)) == 0
- &&
- -s "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz"
- ) {
- # test gzip integrity
- if (CPAN::Tarzip->gtest("$aslocal_uncompressed.gz")) {
- CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip("$aslocal_uncompressed.gz",
- $aslocal);
- } else {
- rename $aslocal_uncompressed, $aslocal;
- }
- $Thesite = $i;
- return $aslocal;
+ # test gzip integrity
+ if (CPAN::Tarzip->gtest("$aslocal_uncompressed.gz")) {
+ CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip("$aslocal_uncompressed.gz",
+ $aslocal);
} else {
- unlink "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz" if
- -f "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz";
+ rename $aslocal_uncompressed, $aslocal;
+ $Thesite = $i;
+ return $aslocal;
} else {
- my $estatus = $wstatus >> 8;
- my $size = -f $aslocal ? ", left\n$aslocal with size ".-s _ : "";
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{
+ unlink "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz" if
+ -f "$aslocal_uncompressed.gz";
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $estatus = $wstatus >> 8;
+ my $size = -f $aslocal ?
+ ", left\n$aslocal with size ".-s _ :
+ "\nWarning: expected file [$aslocal] doesn't exist";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{
System call "$system"
returned status $estatus (wstat $wstatus)$size
- }
+ }
my($host,$dir,$getfile) = ($1,$2,$3);
- my($netrcfile,$fh);
my $timestamp = 0;
$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($aslocal);
$timestamp = $mtime ||= 0;
my($netrc) = CPAN::FTP::netrc->new;
+ my($netrcfile) = $netrc->netrc;
my($verbose) = $CPAN::DEBUG{'FTP'} & $CPAN::DEBUG ? " -v" : "";
my $targetfile = File::Basename::basename($aslocal);
"get $getfile $targetfile",
- if (! $netrc->netrc) {
+ if (! $netrcfile) {
CPAN->debug("No ~/.netrc file found") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
} elsif ($netrc->hasdefault || $netrc->contains($host)) {
sort qw(
! a b d h i m o q r u autobundle clean
- make test install force reload look
+ make test install force reload look cvs_import
- } elsif ( $line !~ /^[\!abdhimorutl]/ ) {
+ } elsif ( $line !~ /^[\!abcdhimorutl]/ ) {
@return = ();
} elsif ($line =~ /^a\s/) {
@return = cplx('CPAN::Author',$word);
@return = cplx('CPAN::Bundle',$word);
} elsif ($line =~ /^d\s/) {
@return = cplx('CPAN::Distribution',$word);
- } elsif ($line =~ /^([mru]|make|clean|test|install|readme|look)\s/ ) {
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^([mru]|make|clean|test|install|readme|look|cvs_import)\s/ ) {
@return = (cplx('CPAN::Module',$word),cplx('CPAN::Bundle',$word));
} elsif ($line =~ /^i\s/) {
@return = cpl_any($word);
return if $last_time + $CPAN::Config->{index_expire}*86400 > $time
and ! $force;
+ ## IFF we are developing, it helps to wipe out the memory between
+ ## reloads, otherwise it is not what a user expects.
+ ## undef $CPAN::META; # Neue Gruendlichkeit since v1.52(r1.274)
+ ## $CPAN::META = CPAN->new;
$last_time = $time;
my($mod,$version,$dist) = split;
### $version =~ s/^\+//;
- # if it is a bundle, instatiate a bundle object
+ # if it is a bundle, instantiate a bundle object
if ($mod eq 'CPAN' &&
if ($version > $CPAN::VERSION){
There\'s a new CPAN.pm version (v$version) available!
+ [Current version is v$CPAN::VERSION]
You might want to try
install Bundle::CPAN
reload cpan
# instantiate a distribution object
- unless ($CPAN::META->exists('CPAN::Distribution',$dist)) {
- $CPAN::META->instance(
- 'CPAN::Distribution' => $dist
- )->set(
- 'CPAN_USERID' => $userid
- );
+ if ($CPAN::META->exists('CPAN::Distribution',$dist)) {
+ # we do not need CONTAINSMODS unless we do something with
+ # this dist, so we better produce it on demand.
+ ## my $obj = $CPAN::META->instance(
+ ## 'CPAN::Distribution' => $dist
+ ## );
+ ## $obj->{CONTAINSMODS}{$mod} = undef; # experimental
+ } else {
+ $CPAN::META->instance(
+ 'CPAN::Distribution' => $dist
+ )->set(
+ 'CPAN_USERID' => $userid
+ );
return if $CPAN::Signal;
$extra .= ")";
if (ref($self->{$_}) eq "ARRAY") { # language interface? XXX
- push @m, sprintf " %-12s %s%s\n", $_, "@{$self->{$_}}", $extra;
+ push @m, sprintf " %-12s %s%s\n", $_, "@{$self->{$_}}", $extra;
+ } elsif (ref($self->{$_}) eq "HASH") {
+ push @m, sprintf(
+ " %-12s %s%s\n",
+ $_,
+ join(" ",keys %{$self->{$_}}),
+ $extra);
} else {
- push @m, sprintf " %-12s %s%s\n", $_, $self->{$_}, $extra;
+ push @m, sprintf " %-12s %s%s\n", $_, $self->{$_}, $extra;
join "", @m, "\n";
package CPAN::Distribution;
+#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::as_string ;
+sub as_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->containsmods;
+ $self->SUPER::as_string(@_);
+#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::containsmods ;
+sub containsmods {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return if exists $self->{CONTAINSMODS};
+ for my $mod ($CPAN::META->all_objects("CPAN::Module")) {
+ my $mod_file = $mod->{CPAN_FILE} or next;
+ my $dist_id = $self->{ID} or next;
+ my $mod_id = $mod->{ID} or next;
+ $self->{CONTAINSMODS}{$mod_id} = undef if $mod_file eq $dist_id;
+ }
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::called_for ;
sub called_for {
my($self,$id) = @_;
+sub cvs_import {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ $self->get;
+ my $dir = $self->dir;
+ my $package = $self->called_for;
+ my $module = $CPAN::META->instance('CPAN::Module', $package);
+ my $version = $module->cpan_version;
+ my $userid = $self->{CPAN_USERID};
+ my $cvs_dir = (split '/', $dir)[-1];
+ $cvs_dir =~ s/-\d+[^-]+$//;
+ my $cvs_root =
+ $CPAN::Config->{cvsroot} || $ENV{CVSROOT};
+ my $cvs_site_perl =
+ $CPAN::Config->{cvs_site_perl} || $ENV{CVS_SITE_PERL};
+ if ($cvs_site_perl) {
+ $cvs_dir = "$cvs_site_perl/$cvs_dir";
+ }
+ my $cvs_log = qq{"imported $package $version sources"};
+ $version =~ s/\./_/g;
+ my @cmd = ('cvs', '-d', $cvs_root, 'import', '-m', $cvs_log,
+ "$cvs_dir", $userid, "v$version");
+ my $getcwd;
+ $getcwd = $CPAN::Config->{'getcwd'} || 'cwd';
+ my $pwd = CPAN->$getcwd();
+ chdir($dir);
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Working directory is $dir\n});
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{@cmd\n});
+ system(@cmd) == 0 or
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("cvs import failed");
+ chdir($pwd);
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::readme ;
sub readme {
my($self) = @_;
$perl ||= $candidate if MM->maybe_command($candidate);
unless ($perl) {
my ($component,$perl_name);
- foreach $perl_name ($^X, 'perl', 'perl5', "perl$Config::Config{version}") {
+ DIST_PERLNAME: foreach $perl_name ($^X, 'perl', 'perl5', "perl$]") {
PATH_COMPONENT: foreach $component (MM->path(),
$Config::Config{'binexp'}) {
next unless defined($component) && $component;
my $fh = FileHandle->new;
local $/ = "\n";
open($fh,$parsefile) or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!";
- my $inpod = 0;
+ my $in_cont = 0;
$self->debug("parsefile[$parsefile]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
while (<$fh>) {
- $inpod = m/^=(?!head1\s+CONTENTS)/ ? 0 :
- m/^=head1\s+CONTENTS/ ? 1 : $inpod;
- next unless $inpod;
+ $in_cont = m/^=(?!head1\s+CONTENTS)/ ? 0 :
+ m/^=head1\s+CONTENTS/ ? 1 : $in_cont;
+ next unless $in_cont;
next if /^=/;
+ s/\#.*//;
next if /^\s+$/;
push @result, (split " ", $_, 2)[0];
$what2 =~ s/:Bundle://;
$what2 =~ tr|:|/|;
} else {
- $what2 =~ s|Bundle/||;
+ $what2 =~ s|Bundle[/\\]||;
my $bu;
while (<$fh>) {
# recap with less noise
if ( $meth eq "install") {
if (%fail) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{\nBundle summary: }.
- qq{The following items seem to }.
- qq{have had installation problems:\n});
+ require Text::Wrap;
+ my $raw = sprintf(qq{Bundle summary:
+The following items in bundle %s had installation problems:},
+ $self->id
+ );
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(Text::Wrap::fill("","",$raw));
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("\n");
+ my $paragraph = "";
for $s ($self->contains) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint( "$s " ) if $fail{$s};
+ $paragraph .= "$s " if $fail{$s};
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{\n});
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(Text::Wrap::fill(" "," ",$paragraph));
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("\n");
} else {
$self->{'install'} = 'YES';
sub readme { shift->rematein('readme') }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::look ;
sub look { shift->rematein('look') }
+#-> sub CPAN::Module::cvs_import ;
+sub cvs_import { shift->rematein('cvs_import') }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::get ;
sub get { shift->rematein('get',@_); }
#-> sub CPAN::Module::make ;
local($^W) = 0 if $] < 5.00303 && $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION < 5.38;
# warn "HERE";
my $have = MM->parse_version($parsefile) || "undef";
- $have =~ s/\s+//g;
+ $have =~ s/\s*//g; # stringify to float around floating point issues
} else {
my $fh = $self->{FH};
- $fh->close;
+ $fh->close if defined $fh;
undef $self;
if (MM->maybe_command($CPAN::Config->{'gzip'})
MM->maybe_command($CPAN::Config->{'tar'})) {
- if ($^O =~ /win/i) { # irgggh
- # people find the most curious tar binaries that cannot handle
- # pipes
- my $system = "$CPAN::Config->{'gzip'} --decompress $file";
- if (system($system)==0) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Uncompressed $file successfully\n});
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(
- qq{Couldn\'t uncompress $file\n}
- );
- }
- $file =~ s/\.gz$//;
- $system = "$CPAN::Config->{tar} xvf $file";
- if (system($system)==0) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Untarred $file successfully\n});
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(qq{Couldn\'t untar $file\n});
- }
- return 1;
+ my $system = "$CPAN::Config->{'gzip'} --decompress --stdout " .
+ "< $file | $CPAN::Config->{tar} xvf -";
+ if (system($system) != 0) {
+ # people find the most curious tar binaries that cannot handle
+ # pipes
+ my $system = "$CPAN::Config->{'gzip'} --decompress $file";
+ if (system($system)==0) {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Uncompressed $file successfully\n});
+ } else {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(
+ qq{Couldn\'t uncompress $file\n}
+ );
+ }
+ $file =~ s/\.gz$//;
+ $system = "$CPAN::Config->{tar} xvf $file";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Using Tar:$system:\n});
+ if (system($system)==0) {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Untarred $file successfully\n});
+ } else {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(qq{Couldn\'t untar $file\n});
+ }
+ return 1;
} else {
- my $system = "$CPAN::Config->{'gzip'} --decompress --stdout " .
- "< $file | $CPAN::Config->{tar} xvf -";
- return system($system) == 0;
+ return 1;
} elsif ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Archive::Tar")
The CPAN module also supports the concept of named and versioned
-'bundles' of modules. Bundles simplify the handling of sets of
-related modules. See BUNDLES below.
+I<bundles> of modules. Bundles simplify the handling of sets of
+related modules. See Bundles below.
The package contains a session manager and a cache manager. There is
no status retained between sessions. The session manager keeps track
enclose it between two slashes.
The principle is that the number of found objects influences how an
-item is displayed. If the search finds one item, the result is displayed
-as object-E<gt>as_string, but if we find more than one, we display
-each as object-E<gt>as_glimpse. E.g.
- cpan> a ANDK
- Author id = ANDK
- EMAIL a.koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE
- FULLNAME Andreas König
- cpan> a /andk/
- Author id = ANDK
- EMAIL a.koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE
- FULLNAME Andreas König
- cpan> a /and.*rt/
- Author ANDYD (Andy Dougherty)
- Author MERLYN (Randal L. Schwartz)
+item is displayed. If the search finds one item, the result is
+displayed with the rather verbose method C<as_string>, but if we find
+more than one, we display each object with the terse method
=item make, test, install, clean modules or distributions
-These commands take any number of arguments and investigates what is
+These commands take any number of arguments and investigate what is
necessary to perform the action. If the argument is a distribution
file name (recognized by embedded slashes), it is processed. If it is
a module, CPAN determines the distribution file in which this module
being executed within the distribution file's working directory.
-=item readme, look module or distribution
+=item get, readme, look module or distribution
-These two commands take only one argument, be it a module or a
-distribution file. C<readme> unconditionally runs, displaying the
-README of the associated distribution file. C<Look> gets and
-untars (if not yet done) the distribution file, changes to the
+C<get> downloads a distribution file without further action. C<readme>
+displays the README file of the associated distribution. C<Look> gets
+and untars (if not yet done) the distribution file, changes to the
appropriate directory and opens a subshell process in that directory.
=item Signals
=over 2
-=item o conf E<lt>scalar optionE<gt>
+=item C<o conf E<lt>scalar optionE<gt>>
prints the current value of the I<scalar option>
-=item o conf E<lt>scalar optionE<gt> E<lt>valueE<gt>
+=item C<o conf E<lt>scalar optionE<gt> E<lt>valueE<gt>>
Sets the value of the I<scalar option> to I<value>
-=item o conf E<lt>list optionE<gt>
+=item C<o conf E<lt>list optionE<gt>>
prints the current value of the I<list option> in MakeMaker's
neatvalue format.
-=item o conf E<lt>list optionE<gt> [shift|pop]
+=item C<o conf E<lt>list optionE<gt> [shift|pop]>
shifts or pops the array in the I<list option> variable
-=item o conf E<lt>list optionE<gt> [unshift|push|splice] E<lt>listE<gt>
+=item C<o conf E<lt>list optionE<gt> [unshift|push|splice] E<lt>listE<gt>>
works like the corresponding perl commands.
=item ftp firewall
-This where the firewall machine runs a ftp server. This kind of firewall will
-only let you access ftp serves outside the firewall. This is usually done by
-connecting to the firewall with ftp, then entering a username like
+This where the firewall machine runs a ftp server. This kind of
+firewall will only let you access ftp servers outside the firewall.
+This is usually done by connecting to the firewall with ftp, then
+entering a username like "user@outside.host.com"
To access servers outside these type of firewalls with perl you
will need to use Net::FTP.
=head1 AUTHOR
-Andreas König E<lt>a.koenig@kulturbox.deE<gt>
+Andreas Koenig E<lt>andreas.koenig@anima.deE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO