+++ /dev/null
-### make sure we can find our conf.pl file
- use FindBin;
- require "$FindBin::Bin/inc/conf.pl";
-use strict;
-use Module::Load;
-use Test::More eval { load 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'; 1 }
- ? 'no_plan'
- : (skip_all => "SQLite engine not available");
-use Data::Dumper;
-use File::Basename qw[dirname];
-use CPANPLUS::Error;
-use CPANPLUS::Backend;
-use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
-my $conf = gimme_conf();
-### make sure we use the SQLite engine
-$conf->set_conf( source_engine => 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite' );
-my $cb = CPANPLUS::Backend->new( $conf );
-my $mod = TEST_CONF_MODULE;
-my $auth = TEST_CONF_AUTHOR;
-ok( $cb->reload_indices( update_source => 1 ),
- "Building trees" );
-ok( $cb->__sqlite_dbh, " Got a DBH " );
-ok( $cb->__sqlite_file, " Got a DB file" );
-### make sure we have trees and they're hashes
-{ ok( $cb->author_tree, "Got author tree" );
- isa_ok( $cb->author_tree, "HASH" );
- ok( $cb->module_tree, "Got module tree" );
- isa_ok( $cb->module_tree, "HASH" );
-### save state, shouldn't work
-{ CPANPLUS::Error->flush;
- my $rv = $cb->save_state;
- ok( !$rv, "Saving state not implemented" );
- like( CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string, qr/not implemented/i,
- " Diagnostics confirmed" );
-### test look ups
-{ my %map = (
- $auth => 'author_tree',
- $mod => 'module_tree',
- );
- while( my($str, $meth) = each %map ) {
- ok( $str, "Trying to retrieve $str" );
- ok( $cb->$meth( $str ), " Got $str object via ->$meth" );
- ok( $cb->$meth->{$str}, " Got author object via ->{ $str }" );
- ok( exists $cb->$meth->{ $str },
- " Testing exists() " );
- ok( not(exists( $cb->$meth->{ $$ } )),
- " And non-exists() " );
- cmp_ok( scalar(keys(%{ $cb->$meth })), ">", 1,
- " Got keys()" );
- cmp_ok( scalar(keys(%{ $cb->$meth })), '==', scalar(keys(%{ $cb->$meth })),
- " Keys == Values" );
- while( my($key,$val) = each %{ $cb->$meth } ) {
- ok( $key, " Retrieved $key via each()" );
- ok( $val, " And value" );
- ok( ref $val, " Value is a ref: $val" );
- can_ok( $val, '_id' );
- }
- }