my $ANON_SERIAL = 0;
- my $ANON_PREFIX = 'Mouse::Meta::Module::__ANON__::';
sub create {
- my ($class, $package_name, %options) = @_;
- $class->throw_error('You must pass a package name') if @_ == 1;
+ my($class, $package_name, %options) = @_;
+ $class->throw_error('You must pass a package name') if @_ < 2;
+ my $superclasses;
if(exists $options{superclasses}){
- if($class->isa('Mouse::Meta::Class')){
- (ref $options{superclasses} eq 'ARRAY')
- || $class->throw_error("You must pass an ARRAY ref of superclasses");
- }
- else{ # role
+ if($class->isa('Mouse::Meta::Role')){
delete $options{superclasses};
+ else{
+ $superclasses = delete $options{superclasses};
+ (ref $superclasses eq 'ARRAY')
+ || $class->throw_error("You must pass an ARRAY ref of superclasses");
+ }
- my $attributes;
- if(exists $options{attributes}){
- $attributes = delete $options{attributes};
- (ref $attributes eq 'ARRAY' || ref $attributes eq 'HASH')
- || $class->throw_error("You must pass an ARRAY ref of attributes")
- }
- (ref $options{methods} eq 'HASH')
- || $class->throw_error("You must pass a HASH ref of methods")
- if exists $options{methods};
- (ref $options{roles} eq 'ARRAY')
- || $class->throw_error("You must pass an ARRAY ref of roles")
- if exists $options{roles};
- my @extra_options;
+ my $attributes = delete $options{attributes};
+ if(defined $attributes){
+ (ref $attributes eq 'ARRAY' || ref $attributes eq 'HASH')
+ || $class->throw_error("You must pass an ARRAY ref of attributes");
+ }
+ my $methods = delete $options{methods};
+ if(defined $methods){
+ (ref $methods eq 'HASH')
+ || $class->throw_error("You must pass a HASH ref of methods");
+ }
+ my $roles = delete $options{roles};
+ if(defined $roles){
+ (ref $roles eq 'ARRAY')
+ || $class->throw_error("You must pass an ARRAY ref of roles");
+ }
my $mortal;
my $cache_key;
# something like Super::Class|Super::Class::2=Role|Role::1
$cache_key = join '=' => (
- join('|', @{$options{superclasses} || []}),
- join('|', sort @{$options{roles} || []}),
+ join('|', @{$superclasses || []}),
+ join('|', sort @{$roles || []}),
return $IMMORTALS{$cache_key} if exists $IMMORTALS{$cache_key};
- $package_name = $ANON_PREFIX . ++$ANON_SERIAL;
- push @extra_options, (anon_serial_id => $ANON_SERIAL);
+ $options{anon_serial_id} = ++$ANON_SERIAL;
+ $package_name = $class . '::__ANON__::' . $ANON_SERIAL;
# instantiate a module
${ $package_name . '::AUTHORITY' } = delete $options{authority} if exists $options{authority};
- my %initialize_options = %options;
- delete @initialize_options{qw(
- package
- superclasses
- attributes
- methods
- roles
- )};
- my $meta = $class->initialize( $package_name, %initialize_options, @extra_options);
+ my $meta = $class->initialize( $package_name, %options);
weaken $METAS{$package_name}
if $mortal;
$class->initialize(ref($_[0]) || $_[0]);
- $meta->superclasses(@{$options{superclasses}})
- if exists $options{superclasses};
+ $meta->superclasses(@{$superclasses})
+ if defined $superclasses;
# process attributes first, so that they can
# I think this should be the order of things.
if (defined $attributes) {
if(ref($attributes) eq 'ARRAY'){
+ # array of Mouse::Meta::Attribute
foreach my $attr (@{$attributes}) {
- $meta->add_attribute($attr->{name} => $attr);
+ $meta->add_attribute($attr);
+ # hash map of name and attribute spec pairs
while(my($name, $attr) = each %{$attributes}){
$meta->add_attribute($name => $attr);
- if (exists $options{methods}) {
- foreach my $method_name (keys %{$options{methods}}) {
- $meta->add_method($method_name, $options{methods}->{$method_name});
+ if (defined $methods) {
+ while(my($method_name, $method_body) = each %{$methods}){
+ $meta->add_method($method_name, $method_body);
- if (exists $options{roles}){
- Mouse::Util::apply_all_roles($package_name, @{$options{roles}});
+ if (defined $roles){
+ Mouse::Util::apply_all_roles($package_name, @{$roles});
- if(!$mortal && exists $meta->{anon_serial_id}){
+ if($cache_key){
$IMMORTALS{$cache_key} = $meta;
return if !$serial_id;
- my $stash = $self->namespace;
+ @{$self->{superclasses}} = (); # clear @ISA
+ %{$self->namespace} = (); # clear the stash
- @{$self->{superclasses}} = () if exists $self->{superclasses};
- %{$stash} = ();
- delete $METAS{$self->name};
+ my $name = $self->name;
+ delete $METAS{$name};
+ $name =~ s/::\d+$//;
no strict 'refs';
- delete ${$ANON_PREFIX}{ $serial_id . '::' };
+ delete ${$name}{ $serial_id . '::' };