my $V_NUM_REGEXP = qr{v?[0-9._]+}; # crudely, a v-string or decimal
+my $PKG_FIRST_WORD_REGEXP = qr{ # the FIRST word in a package name
+ [a-zA-Z_] # the first word CANNOT start with a digit
+ (?:
+ [\w']? # can contain letters, digits, _, or ticks
+ \w # But, NO multi-ticks or trailing ticks
+ )*
+my $PKG_ADDL_WORD_REGEXP = qr{ # the 2nd+ word in a package name
+ \w # the 2nd+ word CAN start with digits
+ (?:
+ [\w']? # and can contain letters or ticks
+ \w # But, NO multi-ticks or trailing ticks
+ )*
+my $PKG_NAME_REGEXP = qr{ # match a package name
+ (?: :: )? # a pkg name can start with aristotle
+ $PKG_FIRST_WORD_REGEXP # a package word
+ (?:
+ (?: :: )+ ### aristotle (allow one or many times)
+ $PKG_ADDL_WORD_REGEXP ### a package word
+ )* # ^ zero, one or many times
+ (?:
+ :: # allow trailing aristotle
+ )?
my $PKG_REGEXP = qr{ # match a package declaration
^[\s\{;]* # intro chars on a line
package # the word 'package'
\s+ # whitespace
- ([\w:]+) # a package name
+ ($PKG_NAME_REGEXP) # a package name
\s* # optional whitespace
($V_NUM_REGEXP)? # optional version number
\s* # optional whitesapce
Returns a list of packages. Note: this is a raw list of packages
discovered (or assumed, in the case of C<main>). It is not
filtered for C<DB>, C<main> or private packages the way the
-C<provides> method does.
+C<provides> method does. Invalid package names are not returned,
+for example "Foo:Bar". Strange but valid package names are
+returned, for example "Foo::Bar::", and are left up to the caller
+on how to handle.
=item C<< pod_inside() >>
my %modules = reverse @modules;
-plan tests => 54 + 2 * keys( %modules );
+my @pkg_names = (
+ [ 'Simple' ] => <<'---', # package NAME
+package Simple;
+ [ 'Simple::Edward' ] => <<'---', # package NAME::SUBNAME
+package Simple::Edward;
+ [ 'Simple::Edward::' ] => <<'---', # package NAME::SUBNAME::
+package Simple::Edward::;
+ [ "Simple'Edward" ] => <<'---', # package NAME'SUBNAME
+package Simple'Edward;
+ [ "Simple'Edward::" ] => <<'---', # package NAME'SUBNAME::
+package Simple'Edward::;
+ [ 'Simple::::Edward' ] => <<'---', # package NAME::::SUBNAME
+package Simple::::Edward;
+ [ '::Simple::Edward' ] => <<'---', # package ::NAME::SUBNAME
+package ::Simple::Edward;
+ [ 'main' ] => <<'---', # package NAME:SUBNAME (fail)
+package Simple:Edward;
+ [ 'main' ] => <<'---', # package NAME' (fail)
+package Simple';
+ [ 'main' ] => <<'---', # package NAME::SUBNAME' (fail)
+package Simple::Edward';
+ [ 'main' ] => <<'---', # package NAME''SUBNAME (fail)
+package Simple''Edward;
+ [ 'main' ] => <<'---', # package NAME-SUBNAME (fail)
+package Simple-Edward;
+my %pkg_names = reverse @pkg_names;
+plan tests => 54 + (2 * keys( %modules )) + (2 * keys( %pkg_names ));
# revert to pristine state
$dist->regen( clean => 1 );
+foreach my $pkg_name ( sort keys %pkg_names ) {
+ my $expected = $pkg_names{$pkg_name};
+ $dist->change_file( 'lib/', $pkg_name );
+ $dist->regen;
+ my $warnings = '';
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= $_ for @_ };
+ my $pm_info = Module::Metadata->new_from_file( $file );
+ # Test::Builder will prematurely numify objects, so use this form
+ my $errs;
+ my @got = $pm_info->packages_inside();
+ is_deeply( \@got, $expected,
+ "correct package names (expected '" . join(', ', @$expected) . "')" )
+ or $errs++;
+ is( $warnings, '', 'no warnings from parsing' ) or $errs++;
+ diag "Got: '" . join(', ', @got) . "'\nModule contents:\n$pkg_name" if $errs;
+# revert to pristine state
+$dist->regen( clean => 1 );
# Find each package only once
$dist->change_file( 'lib/', <<'---' );
package Simple;