-use strict;
-use warnings ;
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use Config;
-use File::Spec;
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Config ;
+use File::Spec ;
use BuildStem ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
-my $is_win32 = ( $^O =~ /Win32/) ? 1 : 0 ;
+# I wonder if I should add the ability to put the Docs and Design etc
+# directories in apropriate spots, like
+# /usr/local/share/stem (site) or /usr/share/stem (vendor)
my %requires ;
my $version_from = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->curdir, 'lib', 'Stem.pm' );
my $build = BuildStem->new(
+#my $build = $class->new(
module_name => 'Stem',
dist_version_from => $version_from,
requires => \%requires,
+ dist_abstract => 'ABSTRACT GOES HERE',
license => 'gpl',
dynamic_config => 1,
recursive_test_files => 1,
create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough'
-# since we are making a fresh Build script, delete any older stem config file
-# so Build will create a new one.
-my $conf_pm_file = $build->config_pm_path() ;
-unlink $conf_pm_file ;
+$build->is_unixish() || die "Stem currently only installs properly on *nix-like platforms.\n";
+print <<'EOT';
+Building Stem
+This script will ask you various questions in order to properly
+configure, build and install Stem on your system. Whenever a question
+is asked, the default answer will be shown inside [brackets].
+Pressing enter will accept the default answer. If a choice needs to be
+made from a list of values, that list will be inside (parentheses).
+If you have already configured Stem in a previous build, you can put
+use_defaults=1 on the Build command line and you won't be prompted for
+any answers and the previous settings will be used.
+If you want to force a new build, run Build clean.
+print <<'EOT';
+Stem configuration files are used to create and initialize Stem Cells
+(objects). Stem needs to know the list of directories to search to
+find its configurations files.
+Note that the default has a single absolute path. You can test Stem
+configurations easily setting this path when executing run_stem. You
+can override or modify the path time with either a shell environment
+variable or on the command line of run_stem. See the documentation on
+run_stem for how so do this.
+The first directory in the list is where the standard Stem
+configuration files will be installed.
+Enter a list of absolute directory paths separated by ':'.
+my $conf_path = $build->prompt(
+ "What directories do you want Stem to search for configuration files?\n",
+ '.:./conf:~/.stem/conf:/usr/local/stem/conf'
+$build->config_data(conf_path => $conf_path);
+=begin comment
+print "\n\nChecking to see if you have a good C compiler...\n\n" ;
+if ( $build->have_c_compiler() ) {
+ print <<'EOT';
+ssfe (Split Screen Front End) is a compiled program optionally used by
+the Stem demonstration scripts that provides a full screen interface
+with command line editing and history. It is not required to run Stem
+but it makes the demonstrations easier to work with and they look much
+nicer. To use ssfe add the '-s' option when you run any demonstration
+script. You can also use ssfe for your own programs. Install ssfe in
+some place in your $PATH ($conf->{'bin_path'} is where Stem executables
+are being installed) so it can be used by the demo scripts. The ssfe
+install script will do this for you or you can do it manually after
+building it.
+ my $install_ssfe = $build->y_n("Do you want to install ssfe?\n", 'y');
+ $build->config_data(install_ssfe => $install_ssfe);
+ if ( $install_ssfe ) {
+ # Do horrible, nasty things.
+ # This really should be done with a proper makefile.
+ }
+print <<'EOT';
+Stem comes with a variety of demos to show how to get started and do some
+basic things.
+my $install_demos = $build->y_n("\nDo you want to install the demos?\n",'n');
+$build->config_data( install_demos => $install_demos ) ;
+$build->config_data( build_demos => $install_demos ) ;
+if ( $install_demos ) {
+ my $demo_dir = $build->prompt(
+ "\nWhere do you want to install the demo scripts?\n",
+ '/usr/local/stem/demo'
+ );
+ $build->config_data(demo_dir => $demo_dir);
+ $build->install_path()->{demo} ||= $demo_dir;
+ my $demo_conf_dir = $build->prompt(
+ "\nWhere do you want to install the demo config files?\n",
+ '/usr/local/stem/conf'
+ );
+ $build->config_data(demo_conf_dir => $demo_conf_dir);
+ $build->install_path()->{conf} ||= $demo_conf_dir;
+ $build->add_build_element('conf');
+ my $cur_conf_path = $build->config_data('conf_path') ;
+ my $new_conf_path = $cur_conf_path =~ /(^|:)$demo_conf_dir(:|$)/ ?
+ $cur_conf_path : "$cur_conf_path:$demo_conf_dir" ;
+ $build->config_data( conf_path => $new_conf_path ) ;
+ # Check for telnet
+ my $telnet_path = $build->find_binary( 'telnet' ) || '' ;
+ while ( ! -x $telnet_path && ! $build->_is_unattended() ) {
+ print <<'EOT';
+telnet was not found on this system. you can't run the demo programs
+without telnet. Make sure you enter a valid path to telnet or some other
+terminal emulator.
+NOTE: If you don't have an telnet, you can still run the demo scripts
+by hand. Run a *_demo script and see what telnet commands it
+issues. The run those telnet commands using your telnet or another
+similar program.
+ $telnet_path = $build->prompt(
+ "Enter the path to telnet "
+ . "(or another compatible telnet client)",
+ '/foo/usr/bin/telnet'
+ ) ;
+ }
+ $build->config_data( telnet_path => $telnet_path ) ;
+ # Check for xterm
+ my $xterm_path = $build->find_binary( 'xterm' ) || '' ;
+ while ( ! -x $xterm_path && ! $build->_is_unattended() ) {
+ print <<'EOT';
+xterm was not found on this system. you can't run the demo programs
+without xterm. Make sure you enter a valid path to xterm or some other
+terminal emulator.
+NOTE: If you don't have an xterm, you can still run the demo scripts
+by hand. Run a *_demo script and see what commands it issues. Take the
+part after the -e and run that command in its own terminal window.
+ $xterm_path = $build->prompt(
+ "Enter the path to xterm "
+ . "(or another compatible terminal emulator)",
+ '/foo/usr/bin/xterm'
+ ) ;
+ }
+ $build->config_data( xterm_path => $xterm_path ) ;
+my $script_dest = $build->install_destination('script') ;
+my $run_stem_path = File::Spec->catfile( $script_dest, 'run_stem' ) ;
+$build->config_data( run_stem_path => $run_stem_path ) ;
+my $bin_path = $build->install_destination('bin') ;
+$build->config_data( bin_path => $bin_path ) ;
+$build->config_data( perl_path => $build->config( 'perlpath' ) ) ;
+# Several different prefixes... which one to use??
+#$build->config_data( prefix => $build->prefix() ) ;
+$build->config_data( prefix => $build->config( 'install_base' ) ) ;
+$build->config_data( config_done => 1 ) ;
+#print Dumper \%{ $build->config_data() };
$build->create_build_script() ;
exit ;
+1 ;
-package BuildStem ;
+package BuildStem;
use strict;
-use warnings qw( all );
+use warnings;
-use Carp ;
use Config;
-use File::Path ;
-use File::Spec ;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec;
+use IO::File;
-use lib 'lib' ;
-use base 'Module::Build' ;
+use Module::Build;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Module::Build);
-# this is the common env values to control running stem stuff in the
-# build directory.
-my $env =
- 'PATH=blib/bin:blib/demo:$PATH PERL5LIB=blib/lib STEM_CONF_PATH=conf' ;
-my %env = (
- PATH => "blib/bin:blib/demo:$ENV{PATH}",
- PERL5LIB => 'blib/lib',
- STEM_CONF_PATH => 'conf',
-) ;
-local( @ENV{ keys %env } ) = values %env ;
-my ( @manifest_lines ) ;
-eval {
- require Stem::InstallConfig
-} ;
-my $conf = \%Stem::InstallConfig::Config ;
-my $is_win32 = ( $^O =~ /Win32/) ? 1 : 0 ;
-my $default_stem_path = $is_win32 ?
- '/stem' :
- File::Spec->catfile(
- File::Spec->rootdir, qw( usr local stem ) ) ;
-my $default_conf_path = File::Spec->catfile( $default_stem_path, 'conf' ) ;
-#my $default_tail_dir = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->tmpdir, 'stem_tail' );
-my %defaults = (
- bin_path => $Config{bin},
- run_stem_path => File::Spec->catfile( $Config{bin}, 'run_stem' ),
- perl_path => $Config{perlpath},
- conf_path => $default_conf_path,
- prefix => $Config{prefix},
-# tail_dir => $default_tail_dir,
- build_demos => ! $is_win32,
- install_demos => ! $is_win32,
- install_ssfe => ! $is_win32,
- %{$conf}
-# these are the top level action handlers. ACTION_foo gets called when you do
-# 'Build foo' on the command line
-sub ACTION_build {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- $self->query_for_config() ;
- $self->SUPER::ACTION_build() ;
-# $self->build_bin() ;
-sub ACTION_test {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- local( @ENV{ keys %env } ) = values %env ;
- $self->depends_on('build');
- $self->SUPER::ACTION_test() ;
-sub ACTION_install {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- $self->install_config_files() ;
-# $self->install_ssfe() ;
- $self->SUPER::ACTION_install() ;
-sub ACTION_run {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- $self->depends_on('build');
- my $run_cmd = $self->{'args'}{'cmd'} || '' ;
- $run_cmd or die "Missing cmd=name argument" ;
- my $cmd = "$env $run_cmd" ;
-# print "CMD: $cmd\n" ;
- system $cmd ;
-sub ACTION_run_stem {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- $self->depends_on('build');
- my $conf = $self->{'args'}{'conf'} || '' ;
- $conf or die "Missing conf=name argument" ;
- my $cmd = "$env run_stem $conf" ;
-# print "DEMO: $cmd\n" ;
- system $cmd ;
-sub run_demo {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- $self->depends_on('build');
- my $cmd = "$env $self->{action}_demo" ;
- print "DEMO: $cmd\n" ;
- system $cmd ;
-sub ACTION_tail {
- mkdir 'tail' ;
- unlink <tail/*> ;
- goto &run_demo ;
-*ACTION_chat = \&run_demo ;
-*ACTION_chat2 = \&run_demo ;
-*ACTION_inetd = \&run_demo ;
-sub ACTION_update_pod {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- my @manifest_sublist = $self->grep_manifest( qr/\.pm$/ ) ;
- @manifest_sublist = grep /Codec/, @manifest_sublist ;
-print join( "\n", @manifest_sublist ), "\n" ;
- system( "bin/spec2pod.pl @manifest_sublist" ) ;
- return;
-# grep through all matched files
-# command line args:
-# files=<regex> (default is all .pm files)
-# re=<regex>
-sub ACTION_grep {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- my $args = $self->{'args'} ;
- my $file_regex = $args->{ files } || qr/\.pm$/ ;
- my $grep_regex = $args->{ re } or die "need grep regex" ;
- my @manifest_sublist = $self->grep_manifest( $file_regex ) ;
- local( @ARGV ) = @manifest_sublist ;
- while( <> ) {
- next unless /$grep_regex/ ;
- print "$ARGV:$. $_"
- }
- continue {
- close ARGV if eof ;
- }
- return;
-# ACTION: grep through MANIFEST
-# command line args:
-# files=<regex>
-# do we need this action?
-sub ACTION_grep_manifest {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- my @manifest_sublist = $self->grep_manifest() ;
- print join( "\n", @manifest_sublist ), "\n" ;
- return;
-# ACTION: count source lines
-# command line args:
-# files=<regex> (defaults to all .pm and bin files
-# do we need this action?
-sub ACTION_lines {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- my $args = $self->{'args'} ;
- my $file_regex = $args->{ files } || qr/\.pm$|^bin/ ;
- my @manifest_sublist = $self->grep_manifest( $file_regex ) ;
- system( "./util/lines @manifest_sublist" ) ;
- return;
-# build a distro and scp to stemsystems.com
-sub ACTION_ftp {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- my $dist_tar = $self->dist_dir() . '.tar.gz' ;
- unlink $dist_tar ;
- $self->ACTION_dist() ;
- system "scp $dist_tar stemsystems.com:www/" ;
-# this sub overrides the find_test_files method in Module::Build
-sub find_test_files {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $test_args = $self->{ args }{ tests } ;
- my @tests = $test_args ? split( ':', $test_args ) :
- $self->grep_manifest( qr/\.t$/ ) ;
- return \@tests ;
sub process_script_files {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- my @scripts = $self->grep_manifest( qr{^bin/} ) ;
-#print "SCR @scripts\n" ;
- foreach my $file ( @scripts ) {
- my $bin_dir = File::Spec->catdir(
- $self->blib,
- $file =~ /_demo$/ ? 'demo' : 'bin' ) ;
- File::Path::mkpath( $bin_dir );
- my $result = $self->copy_if_modified(
- $file, $bin_dir, 'flatten') or next;
-#print "COPY $file\n" ;
- $self->fix_run_stem($result);
- $self->fix_demos($result);
- $self->fix_shebang_line($result);
- $self->make_executable($result);
- }
-sub fix_run_stem {
- my( $self, $file ) = @_ ;
- return unless $file =~ m{/run_stem$} ;
- my $text = read_file( $file ) ;
- $text =~ s/'conf:.'/'$conf->{'conf_path'}'/ if $conf->{'conf_path'} ;
- write_file( $file, $text ) ;
-sub fix_demos {
- my( $self, $file ) = @_ ;
- return unless $file =~ /_demo$/ ;
- my $text = read_file( $file ) ;
- $conf->{xterm_path} ||= 'NOT FOUND' ;
- $conf->{telnet_path} ||= 'NOT FOUND' ;
- $text =~ s[xterm][$conf->{xterm_path}]g;
- $text =~ s[telnet][$conf->{telnet_path}]g;
- write_file( $file, $text ) ;
-# MANIFEST helper subs
-sub grep_manifest {
- my( $self, $file_regex ) = @_ ;
- $file_regex ||= $self->{ args }{ files } || qr/.*/ ;
- manifest_load() ;
- return grep( /$file_regex/, @manifest_lines ) ;
-sub manifest_load {
- return if @manifest_lines ;
- @manifest_lines = grep ! /^\s*$|^\s*#/, read_file( 'MANIFEST' ) ;
- chomp @manifest_lines ;
- return ;
-sub query_for_config {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- return if $defaults{ 'config_done' } ;
- print <<'EOT';
-Building Stem
-This script will ask you various questions in order to properly
-configure, build and install Stem on your system. Whenever a question
-is asked, the default answer will be shown inside [brackets].
-Pressing enter will accept the default answer. If a choice needs to be
-made from a list of values, that list will be inside (parentheses).
-If you have already configured Stem in a previous build, you can put
-use_defaults=1 on the Build command line and you won't be prompted for
-any answers and the previous settings will be used.
-If you want to force a new build, run Build clean.
- $self->get_path_config() ;
- $self->get_demo_config() ;
- $defaults{ 'config_done' } = 1 ;
- $self->write_config_pm() ;
-my $package = 'Stem::InstallConfig' ;
-sub config_pm_path {
- return File::Spec->catfile(
- File::Spec->curdir, 'lib', split( /::/, $package) ) . '.pm' ;
-sub write_config_pm {
my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- my $config = Data::Dumper->Dump(
- [\%defaults],
- ["*${package}::Config"]
- );
- my $conf_pm_file = $self->config_pm_path() ;
- $self->add_to_cleanup( $conf_pm_file ) ;
- write_file( $conf_pm_file, <<EOT ) ;
-# this file is generated by running Build build
-package $package ;
-1 ;
-sub get_path_config {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
-# $self->query_config_value( <<'EOT', 'perl_path' );
-# Stem has several executable Perl programs and demonstration scripts
-# and they need to have the correct path to your perl binary.
-# What is the path to perl?
-# EOT
-# $self->query_config_value( <<'EOT', 'bin_path' );
-# Those Stem executables need to be installed in a directory that is in your
-# shell $PATH variable.
-# What directory will have the Stem executables?
-# EOT
- $self->query_config_value( <<'EOT', 'conf_path' );
-Stem configuration files are used to create and initialize Stem Cells
-(objects). Stem needs to know the list of directories to search to
-find its configurations files.
-Note that the default has a single absolute path. You can test Stem
-configurations easily setting this path when executing run_stem. You
-can override or modify the path time with either a shell environment
-variable or on the command line of run_stem. See the documentation on
-run_stem for how so do this.
-The first directory in the list is where the standard Stem
-configuration files will be installed.
-Enter a list of absolute directory paths separated by ':'.
-What directories do you want to search for Stem configuration files?
- return ;
-sub get_demo_config {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
-# don't even bother if win32
- return if $is_win32 ;
-# $self->get_config_boolean( <<'EOT', 'build_demos' );
-# Stem comes with several demonstration scripts. After building them,
-# they can be run from the main directory by the Build script: ./Build
-# chat, Build inetd, etc. Do you want to build the demos?
-# EOT
-# return unless $defaults{build_demos};
-# all the demos need xterm
- $self->get_xterm_path();
- $self->get_telnet_path();
- return unless -x $defaults{xterm_path} && -x $defaults{telnet_path};
-# $self->query_config_value( <<'EOT', 'tail_dir' );
-# The tail demo script needs a temporary working directory. Enter the
-# path to a directory to use for this purpose. If it does not exist,
-# this directory will be created.
-# EOT
- $self->get_config_boolean( <<'EOT', 'install_ssfe' );
-ssfe (Split Screen Front End) is a compiled program optionally used by
-the Stem demonstration scripts that provides a full screen interface
-with command line editing and history. It is not required to run Stem
-but it makes the demonstrations easier to work with and they look much
-nicer. To use ssfe add the '-s' option when you run any demonstration
-script. You can also use ssfe for your own programs. Install ssfe in
-some place in your \$PATH ($conf->{'bin_path'} is where Stem executables
-are being installed) so it can be used by the demo scripts. The ssfe
-install script will do this for you or you can do it manually after
-building it.
-Do you want to install ssfe?
-sub get_xterm_path {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- my $xterm_path;
-# unless ( $xterm_path = which_exec( 'xterm' ) ) {
-# foreach my $path ( qw(
-# /usr/openwin/bin/xterm
-# /usr/bin/X11/xterm
-# /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm ) ) {
-# next unless -x $path;
-# $xterm_path = $path ;
-# last;
-# }
-# }
-# if ( $xterm_path ) {
-# $defaults{'xterm_path'} = $xterm_path ;
-# print "xterm was found at '$xterm_path'\n";
-# return ;
-# }
- $self->query_config_value( <<"EOT", 'xterm_path' );
-xterm was not found on this system. you can't run the demo programs
-without xterm. Make sure you enter a valid path to xterm or some other
-terminal emulator.
-NOTE: If you don't have an xterm, you can still run the demo scripts
-by hand. Run a *_demo script and see what commands it issues. Take the
-part after the -e and run that command in its own terminal window.
-Enter the path to xterm (or another compatible terminal emulator)
-sub get_telnet_path {
- my( $self ) = @_ ;
- my $telnet_path;
- unless ( $telnet_path = which_exec( 'telnet' ) ) {
-# enter a list of common places to find telnet. or delete this as it
-# will almost always be in the path
- foreach my $path ( qw( ) ) {
- next unless -x $path;
- $telnet_path = $path ;
- last;
+ my $files = $self->find_script_files();
+ return unless keys %$files;
+ my $script_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'script');
+ my $demo_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'demo');
+ File::Path::mkpath( $script_dir );
+ File::Path::mkpath( $demo_dir );
+ foreach my $file (keys %$files) {
+ my $dest_dir = $file =~ /_demo$/ ? $demo_dir : $script_dir ;
+ my $result = $self->copy_if_modified($file, $dest_dir, 'flatten') or next;
+ $self->fix_shebang_line($result) if $self->is_unixish();
+ $self->make_executable($result);
+ if ( $result =~ /(?:run_stem$)|(?:_demo$)/ ) {
+ my $result2 = $self->copy_if_modified($result, $self->base_dir(), 'flatten') or next;
+ $self->add_to_cleanup($result2);
- if ( $telnet_path ) {
- $defaults{'telnet_path'} = $telnet_path ;
- print "telnet was found at '$telnet_path'\n";
- return ;
- }
- $self->query_config_value( <<"EOT", 'telnet_path' );
-telnet was not found on this system. you can't run the demo programs
-without telnet. Make sure you enter a valid path to telnet or some other
-terminal emulator.
-NOTE: If you don't have an telnet, you can still run the demo scripts
-by hand. Run a *_demo script and see what telnet commands it
-issues. The run those telnet commands using your telnet or another
-similar program.
-Enter the path to telnet (or another compatible terminal emulator)
+ return 1;
-sub install_config_files {
+sub process_conf_files {
my ( $self ) = @_ ;
+ my $files = $self->_find_file_by_type('stem','conf');
+ return unless keys %$files;
- my ( $conf_path ) = split /:/, $conf->{conf_path} ;
- mkpath( $conf_path, 1, 0755 ) unless -d $conf_path ;
- my @config_files = $self->grep_manifest( qr{^conf/.+\.stem$} ) ;
- foreach my $conf_file (@config_files) {
+ my $conf_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'conf');
+ File::Path::mkpath( $conf_dir );
- $conf_file =~ s{conf/}{} ;
- my $out_file = File::Spec->catfile( $conf_path, $conf_file );
- print "Installing config file: $out_file\n";
- my $in_file = File::Spec->catfile(
- File::Spec->curdir(), 'conf', $conf_file );
- my $conf_text = read_file($in_file);
- if ( $conf_file eq 'inetd.stem' ) {
- my $quote_serve = File::Spec->catfile(
- $conf->{bin_path}, 'quote_serve' );
- $conf_text =~ s[path\s+=>\s+'bin/quote_serve',]
- [path\t\t=> '$quote_serve',];
- }
-# elsif ( $conf eq 'monitor.stem' || $conf eq 'archive.stem' ) {
-# $conf_text =~ s[path'\s+=>\s+'tail]
-# [path'\t\t=> '$conf->{tail_dir}]g ;
-# }
- write_file( $out_file, $conf_text );
+ foreach my $file (keys %$files) {
+ my $result = $self->copy_if_modified($file, $conf_dir, 'flatten') or next;
+ $self->fix_shebang_line($result) if $self->is_unixish();
+ return 1;
-sub install_ssfe {
- my ( $self ) = @_ ;
- return unless $conf->{install_stem_demos} &&
- $conf->{install_ssfe} ;
- print <<'EOT';
-Installing ssfe.
-This is not a Stem install script and it will ask its own
-questions. It will execute in its own xterm (whatever was configured
-earlier) to keep this install's output clean. The xterm is kept open
-with a long sleep call and can be exited by typing ^C.
- system <<'EOT';
-xterm -e /bin/sh -c 'chdir extras ;
-tar zxvf sirc-2.211.tar.gz ;
-chdir sirc-2.211 ;
-./install ;
-sleep 1000 ;'
- print "\nInstallation of ssfe is done\n\n";
-# this sub builds the exec scripts in bin and puts them into blib/bin
-# for local running or later installation
-# sub build_bin {
-# my ( $self ) = @_ ;
-# my @bin_scripts = $self->grep_manifest( qr{^bin/} ) ;
-# foreach my $bin_file ( @bin_scripts ) {
-# #print "BIN $bin_file\n" ;
-# my $bin_text = read_file( $bin_file ) ;
-# $bin_file =~ s{bin/}{} ;
-# # fix the shebang line
-# $bin_text =~ s{/usr/local/bin/perl}{$conf->{'perl_path'}} ;
-# my $bin_dir ;
-# if ( $bin_file =~ /_demo$/ ) {
-# next unless $conf->{build_demos} ;
-# $bin_dir = 'demo' ;
-# # fix the location of xterms in the demo scripts
-# $bin_text =~ s[xterm][$conf->{xterm_path}]g;
-# $bin_text =~ s[telnet][$conf->{telnet_path}]g;
-# # fix the default config search path in run_stem
-# }
-# else {
-# $bin_dir = 'bin' ;
-# # fix the default config search path in run_stem
-# if ( $bin_file eq 'run_stem' ) {
-# $bin_text =~
-# s/'conf:.'/'$conf->{'conf_path'}'/ ;
-# }
-# }
-# # elsif ( $bin_file eq 'tail_demo' ) {
-# # $bin_text =~ s['tail']['$conf->{tail_dir}'];
-# # }
-# # write the built script into the blib/ dir
-# my $out_file = File::Spec->catfile( 'blib',
-# $bin_dir,
-# $bin_file
-# );
-# mkdir "blib/$bin_dir" ;
-# print "Building executable script: $out_file\n";
-# write_file( $out_file, $bin_text );
-# chmod 0755, $out_file;
-# }
-# }
-# this sub searches the path for the locations of an executable
-sub which_exec {
- my ( $exec ) = @_;
- foreach my $path_dir ( split /[:;]/, $ENV{PATH} ) {
- my $exec_path = File::Spec->catfile( $path_dir, $exec );
- return $exec_path if -x $exec_path ;
+sub find_binary {
+ my ( $self, $prog ) = @_ ;
+ if ( $self->do_system( "which $prog >/dev/null" ) ) {
+ return `which $prog` ;
-# the sub searches a list of dir paths to find the first one that
-# exists with a prefix dir
-# sub which_dir {
-# my ( $prefix, @dirs ) = @_;
-# foreach my $subdir ( @dirs ) {
-# my $dir = File::Spec->catfile( $prefix, $subdir );
-# return $dir if -x $dir;
-# }
-# return;
-# }
-# these subs handle querying for a user answer. it uses the key to
-# find a current value in the defaults and prompt for another value
-# if 'use_defaults' is set on the command line, then no prompting will be done
-sub query_config_value {
- my( $self, $query, $key ) = @_ ;
- my $default = $self->{args}{$key} ;
- $default = $defaults{ $key } unless defined $default ;
- $defaults{ $key } = ( $self->{args}{use_defaults} ) ?
- $default :
- $self->prompt( edit_query( $query, $default ), $default ) ;
-sub get_config_boolean {
- my( $self, $query, $key ) = @_ ;
- my $default = $self->{args}{$key} ;
- $default = $defaults{ $key } unless defined $default ;
- $default =~ tr/01/ny/ ;
- $defaults{ $key } = ( $self->{args}{use_defaults} ) ?
- $default :
- $self->y_n( edit_query( $query, $default ), $default ) ;
-sub edit_query {
- my ( $query, $default ) = @_ ;
- chomp $query ;
- $default ||= '' ;
- my $last_line = (split /\n/, $query)[-1] ;
- if ( length( $last_line ) + 2 * length( $default ) > 70 ) {
- $query .= "\n\t" ;
- }
- return $query ;
-# low level file i/o subs. should be replaced with File::Slurp. stem
-# should depend on it
-sub read_file {
- my ( $file_name ) = @_ ;
- local( *FH );
- open( FH, $file_name ) || croak "Can't open $file_name $!";
- return <FH> if wantarray;
- read FH, my $buf, -s FH;
- return $buf;
-sub write_file {
- my( $file_name ) = shift ;
- local( *FH ) ;
- open( FH, ">$file_name" ) || croak "can't create $file_name $!" ;
- print FH @_ ;
-1 ;