$self->del_reading( $deleted );
+=head2 merge_related( @relationship_types )
+Merge all readings linked with the relationship types given. If any of the selected type(s) is not a colocation, the graph will no longer be linear. The majority/plurality reading in each case will be the one kept.
+WARNING: This operation cannot be undone.
+=begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+use TryCatch;
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'Self',
+ 'file' => 't/data/legendfrag.xml',
+ );
+my $c = $t->collation;
+my %rdg_ids;
+map { $rdg_ids{$_} = 1 } $c->readings;
+$c->merge_related( 'orthographic' );
+is( scalar( $c->readings ), keys( %rdg_ids ) - 8,
+ "Successfully collapsed orthographic variation" );
+map { $rdg_ids{$_} = undef } qw/ r13.3 r11.4 r8.5 r8.2 r7.7 r7.5 r7.4 r7.1 /;
+foreach my $rid ( keys %rdg_ids ) {
+ my $exp = $rdg_ids{$rid};
+ is( !$c->reading( $rid ), !$exp, "Reading $rid correctly " .
+ ( $exp ? "retained" : "removed" ) );
+ok( $c->linear, "Graph is still linear" );
+try {
+ $c->calculate_ranks; # This should succeed
+ ok( 1, "Can still calculate ranks on the new graph" );
+} catch {
+ ok( 0, "Rank calculation on merged graph failed: $@" );
+# Now add some transpositions
+$c->add_relationship( 'r8.4', 'r10.4', { type => 'transposition' } );
+$c->merge_related( 'transposition' );
+is( scalar( $c->readings ), keys( %rdg_ids ) - 9,
+ "Transposed relationship is merged away" );
+ok( !$c->reading('r8.4'), "Correct transposed reading removed" );
+ok( !$c->linear, "Graph is no longer linear" );
+try {
+ $c->calculate_ranks; # This should fail
+ ok( 0, "Rank calculation happened on nonlinear graph?!" );
+} catch ( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ is( $e->message, 'Cannot calculate ranks on a non-linear graph',
+ "Rank calculation on merged graph threw an error" );
+=end testing
+# TODO: there should be a way to display merged without affecting the underlying data!
+sub merge_related {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %reltypehash;
+ map { $reltypehash{$_} = 1 } @_;
+ # Set up the filter for finding related readings
+ my $filter = sub {
+ exists $reltypehash{$_[0]->type};
+ };
+ my $linear = 1;
+ # Go through all readings looking for related ones
+ foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
+ next unless $self->reading( "$r" ); # might have been deleted meanwhile
+ my @related = $self->related_readings( $r, $filter );
+ if( @related ) {
+ push( @related, $r );
+ @related = sort {
+ scalar $b->witnesses <=> scalar $a->witnesses
+ } @related;
+ my $keep = shift @related;
+ foreach my $delr ( @related ) {
+ $linear = undef
+ unless( $self->get_relationship( $keep, $delr )->colocated );
+ $self->merge_readings( $keep, $delr );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->linear( $linear );
=head2 compress_readings
Where possible in the graph, compresses plain sequences of readings into a
sub calculate_ranks {
my $self = shift;
# Save the existing ranks, in case we need to invalidate the cached SVG.
+ throw( "Cannot calculate ranks on a non-linear graph" )
+ unless $self->linear;
my %existing_ranks;
map { $existing_ranks{$_} = $_->rank } $self->readings;
# =begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+use TryCatch;
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'Self',
+ 'file' => 't/data/legendfrag.xml',
+ );
+my $c = $t->collation;
+my %rdg_ids;
+map { $rdg_ids{$_} = 1 } $c->readings;
+$c->merge_related( 'orthographic' );
+is( scalar( $c->readings ), keys( %rdg_ids ) - 8,
+ "Successfully collapsed orthographic variation" );
+map { $rdg_ids{$_} = undef } qw/ r13.3 r11.4 r8.5 r8.2 r7.7 r7.5 r7.4 r7.1 /;
+foreach my $rid ( keys %rdg_ids ) {
+ my $exp = $rdg_ids{$rid};
+ is( !$c->reading( $rid ), !$exp, "Reading $rid correctly " .
+ ( $exp ? "retained" : "removed" ) );
+ok( $c->linear, "Graph is still linear" );
+try {
+ $c->calculate_ranks; # This should succeed
+ ok( 1, "Can still calculate ranks on the new graph" );
+} catch {
+ ok( 0, "Rank calculation on merged graph failed: $@" );
+# Now add some transpositions
+$c->add_relationship( 'r8.4', 'r10.4', { type => 'transposition' } );
+$c->merge_related( 'transposition' );
+is( scalar( $c->readings ), keys( %rdg_ids ) - 9,
+ "Transposed relationship is merged away" );
+ok( !$c->reading('r8.4'), "Correct transposed reading removed" );
+ok( !$c->linear, "Graph is no longer linear" );
+try {
+ $c->calculate_ranks; # This should fail
+ ok( 0, "Rank calculation happened on nonlinear graph?!" );
+} catch ( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ is( $e->message, 'Cannot calculate ranks on a non-linear graph',
+ "Rank calculation on merged graph threw an error" );
+# =begin testing
use Test::More::UTF8;
use Text::Tradition;
use TryCatch;