my $outfh;
if (defined $output_file) {
open $outfh, '>', $output_file
- or die "ERROR: could not open file '$output_file' for writing: $!";
+ or die "ERROR: could not open file '$output_file' for writing: $!\n";
else {
open $outfh, ">&STDOUT"
- or die "ERROR: can't dup STDOUT: $!";
+ or die "ERROR: can't dup STDOUT: $!\n";
if (defined $cache_dir) {
- my $cpan_dir = get_distribution($cache_dir, $untar_dir, $module, $dist);
+ my $cpan_dir;
+ eval {
+ $cpan_dir = get_distribution($cache_dir, $untar_dir, $module, $dist)
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print $outfh " ", $@;
+ print $outfh " (skipping)\n";
+ next;
+ }
my @perl_files = Maintainers::get_module_files($module);
my ($cache_dir, $untar_dir, $module, $dist) = @_;
$dist =~ m{.+/([^/]+)$}
- or die "ERROR: $module: invalid DISTRIBUTION name (no AUTHOR/ prefix): $dist";
+ or die "ERROR: $module: invalid DISTRIBUTION name (no AUTHOR/ prefix): $dist\n";
my $filename = $1;
my $download_dir = $cache_dir || File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
unless (-f $download_file) {
# not cached
$dist =~ /^([A-Z])([A-Z])/
- or die "ERROR: $module: invalid DISTRIBUTION name (not /^[A-Z]{2}/): $dist";
+ or die "ERROR: $module: invalid DISTRIBUTION name (not /^[A-Z]{2}/): $dist\n";
my $url = "$1/$1$2/$dist";
my_getstore($url, $download_file)
- or die "ERROR: Could not fetch '$url'";
+ or die "ERROR: Could not fetch '$url'\n";
# extract distribution
my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $download_file);
$ae->extract( to => $untar_dir )
- or die "ERROR: failed to extract distribution '$download_file to temp. dir: " . $ae->error();
+ or die "ERROR: failed to extract distribution '$download_file to temp. dir: " . $ae->error() . "\n";
# get the name of the extracted distribution dir