## First, we check that the new regex parsing works
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str]')
- => 'detected correctly';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Str]') => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Str]';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Str]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "Str" ] => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Str]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Str ]') => 'detected correctly';
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str ]')
- => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Str ]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Str ]';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Str ]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "Str" ] => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Str ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ Str]') => 'detected correctly';
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str]')
- => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ Str]';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ Str]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "Str" ] => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ Str]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ Str ]') => 'detected correctly';
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str ]')
- => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ Str ]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "Str"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ Str ]';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ Str ]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "Str" ] => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ Str ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]') => 'detected correctly';
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]')
- => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "HashRef[Int]"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "HashRef[Int]" ] =>
+ 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int] ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]') => 'detected correctly';
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]')
- => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "HashRef[Int ]"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "HashRef[Int ]" ] =>
+ 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ HashRef[Int ] ]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Int|Str]') => 'detected correctly';
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Int|Str]')
- => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[Int|Str]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "Int|Str"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Int|Str]';
-ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int]|Str]')
- => 'detected correctly';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Int|Str]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "Int|Str" ] => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[Int|Str]';
+ok Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_detect_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int]|Str]') => 'detected correctly';
- [Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint('ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int]|Str]')],
- ["ArrayRef", "ArrayRef[Int]|Str"]
- => 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int]|Str]';
+ [
+ Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::_parse_parameterized_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int]|Str]')
+ ],
+ [ "ArrayRef", "ArrayRef[Int]|Str" ] =>
+ 'Correctly parsed ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Int]|Str]';
## creating names via subtype
-ok my $r = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints->get_type_constraint_registry
- => 'Got registry object';
+ok my $r = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints->get_type_constraint_registry =>
+ 'Got registry object';
-ok my $subtype_a1 = subtype('subtype_a1' => as 'HashRef[Int]'),
- => 'created subtype_a1';
-ok my $subtype_a2 = subtype('subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[ Int]'),
- => 'created subtype_a2';
+ok my $subtype_a1
+ = subtype( 'subtype_a1' => as 'HashRef[Int]' ), => 'created subtype_a1';
-ok my $subtype_a3 = subtype('subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[Int ]'),
- => 'created subtype_a2';
+ok my $subtype_a2
+ = subtype( 'subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[ Int]' ), => 'created subtype_a2';
-ok my $subtype_a4 = subtype('subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[ Int ]'),
- => 'created subtype_a2';
+ok my $subtype_a3
+ = subtype( 'subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[Int ]' ), => 'created subtype_a2';
-is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a2->parent->name
- =>'names match';
+ok my $subtype_a4 = subtype( 'subtype_a2' => as 'HashRef[ Int ]' ), =>
+ 'created subtype_a2';
-is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a3->parent->name
- =>'names match';
-is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a4->parent->name
- =>'names match';
+is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a2->parent->name => 'names match';
-ok my $subtype_b1 = subtype('subtype_b1' => as 'HashRef[Int|Str]'),
- => 'created subtype_b1';
-ok my $subtype_b2 = subtype('subtype_b2' => as 'HashRef[Int | Str]'),
- => 'created subtype_b2';
+is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a3->parent->name => 'names match';
-ok my $subtype_b3 = subtype('subtype_b2' => as 'HashRef[Str|Int]'),
- => 'created subtype_b3';
+is $subtype_a1->parent->name, $subtype_a4->parent->name => 'names match';
-is $subtype_b1->parent->name, $subtype_b2->parent->name
- =>'names match';
+ok my $subtype_b1 = subtype( 'subtype_b1' => as 'HashRef[Int|Str]' ), =>
+ 'created subtype_b1';
-is $subtype_b1->parent->name, $subtype_b3->parent->name
- =>'names match';
-is $subtype_b2->parent->name, $subtype_b3->parent->name
- =>'names match';
+ok my $subtype_b2 = subtype( 'subtype_b2' => as 'HashRef[Int | Str]' ), =>
+ 'created subtype_b2';
+ok my $subtype_b3 = subtype( 'subtype_b2' => as 'HashRef[Str|Int]' ), =>
+ 'created subtype_b3';
+is $subtype_b1->parent->name, $subtype_b2->parent->name => 'names match';
+is $subtype_b1->parent->name, $subtype_b3->parent->name => 'names match';
+is $subtype_b2->parent->name, $subtype_b3->parent->name => 'names match';
## testing via add_constraint
ok my $union1 = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::create_type_constraint_union(
- 'ArrayRef[Int|Str] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef]') => 'Created Union1';
+ 'ArrayRef[Int|Str] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef]') => 'Created Union1';
ok my $union2 = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::create_type_constraint_union(
- 'ArrayRef[ Int|Str] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef]') => 'Created Union2';
+ 'ArrayRef[ Int|Str] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef]') => 'Created Union2';
ok my $union3 = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::create_type_constraint_union(
- 'ArrayRef[Int |Str ] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef ]') => 'Created Union3';
-is $union1->name, $union2->name,
- 'names match';
-is $union1->name, $union3->name,
- 'names match';
-is $union2->name, $union3->name,
- 'names match';
\ No newline at end of file
+ 'ArrayRef[Int |Str ] | ArrayRef[Int | HashRef ]') => 'Created Union3';
+is $union1->name, $union2->name, 'names match';
+is $union1->name, $union3->name, 'names match';
+is $union2->name, $union3->name, 'names match';