package main;
-print "1..31\n";
+print "1..35\n";
my $test = 1;
{my @ary;
@ary = split(/:/,'1:2:3');
print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '1:2:3';
print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
my $t = 0;
foreach $n (@ary)
print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+# (30-33) 20020303 MJD
+@ary = ();
+$seen{POP} = 0;
+pop @ary; # this didn't used to call POP at all
+print "not " unless $seen{POP} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+$seen{SHIFT} = 0;
+shift @ary; # this didn't used to call SHIFT at all
+print "not " unless $seen{SHIFT} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+$seen{PUSH} = 0;
+push @ary; # this didn't used to call PUSH at all
+print "not " unless $seen{PUSH} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+$seen{UNSHIFT} = 0;
+unshift @ary; # this didn't used to call UNSHIFT at all
+print "not " unless $seen{UNSHIFT} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
@ary = qw(3 2 1);
print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '3:2:1';
print "ok ", $test++,"\n";