or skip_all("XS::APItest not available");
-plan tests => 4;
+plan tests => 5;
# run some code N times. If the number of SVs at the end of loop N is
# greater than (N-1)*delta at the end of loop 1, we've got a leak
cmp_ok($sv1-$sv0, '<=', ($n-1)*$delta, @rest);
+# run some expression N times. The expr is concatenated N times and then
+# evaled, ensuring that that there are no scope exits between executions.
+# If the number of SVs at the end of expr N is greater than (N-1)*delta at
+# the end of expr 1, we've got a leak
+sub leak_expr {
+ my ($n, $delta, $expr, @rest) = @_;
+ my $sv0 = 0;
+ my $sv1 = 0;
+ my $true = 1; # avoid stuff being optimised away
+ my $code1 = "($expr || \$true)";
+ my $code = "$code1 && (\$sv0 = sv_count())" . ("&& $code1" x 4)
+ . " && (\$sv1 = sv_count())";
+ if (eval $code) {
+ cmp_ok($sv1-$sv0, '<=', ($n-1)*$delta, @rest);
+ }
+ else {
+ fail("eval @rest: $@");
+ }
my @a;
leak(5, 0, sub {}, "basic check 1 of leak test infrastructure");
leak(5, 0, sub {local $a[0]}, "local \$tied[0]");
+# [perl #74484] repeated tries leaked SVs on the tmps stack
+ local $TODO = 'not fixed yet';
+ leak_expr(5, 0, q{"YYYYYa" =~ /.+?(a(.+?)|b)/ }, "trie leak");