use Data::Query::ExprHelpers qw(perl_scalar_value);
use Moo;
+use namespace::clean;
has renderer_will_quote => (
is => 'ro'
} elsif (ref($arg) eq 'REF' and ref($$arg) eq 'ARRAY') {
$dq->{by} = $self->_literal_to_dq($$arg);
} elsif (ref($arg) eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # < mst> right, but if it doesn't match that, it goes "ok, right, not sure,
+ # totally leaving this untouched as a literal"
+ # < mst> so I -think- it's relatively robust
+ # < ribasushi> right, it's relatively safe then
+ # < ribasushi> is this regex centralized?
+ # < mst> it only exists in _order_by_to_dq in SQL::Abstract::Converter
+ # < mst> it only exists because you were kind enough to support new
+ # dbihacks crack combined with old literal order_by crack
+ # < ribasushi> heh :)
if (my ($ident, $dir) = $$arg =~ /^(\w+)(?:\s+(desc|asc))?$/i) {
$dq->{by} = $self->_ident_to_dq($ident);
$dq->{reverse} = 1 if $dir and lc($dir) eq 'desc';