-use Test::More tests=>8; {
+use Test::More tests=>15; {
use strict;
use warnings;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Int Str Object ArrayRef HashRef Maybe);
use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw(
+ UniqueInt
+ ## The dependent value must exceed the constraining value
subtype IntGreaterThanInt,
as Depending[
isa_ok IntGreaterThanInt, 'MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Dependent';
ok !IntGreaterThanInt->check(['a',10]), "Fails, 'a' is not an Int.";
ok !IntGreaterThanInt->check([5,'b']), "Fails, 'b' is not an Int either.";
ok !IntGreaterThanInt->check({4,1}), "Fails, since this isn't an arrayref";
ok IntGreaterThanInt->check([11,6]), "Success, 11 is greater than 6.";
ok IntGreaterThanInt->check([12,1]), "Success, 12 is greater than1.";
ok IntGreaterThanInt->check([0,-10]), "Success, 0 is greater than -10.";
+ ## The dependent value cannot exist in the constraining arrayref
+ subtype UniqueInt,
+ as Depending[
+ Int,
+ sub {
+ my ($dependent_int, $constraining_arrayref) = @_;
+ (grep { $_ == $dependent_int} @$constraining_arrayref) ? 0:1
+ },
+ ArrayRef[Int],
+ ];
+ isa_ok UniqueInt, 'MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Dependent';
+ ok !UniqueInt->check(['a',[1,2,3]]), '"a" not an Int';
+ ok !UniqueInt->check([1,['b','c']]), '"b","c" not an arrayref';
+ ok !UniqueInt->check([1,[1,2,3]]), 'not unique in set';
+ ok !UniqueInt->check([10,[1,10,15]]), 'not unique in set';
+ ok UniqueInt->check([2,[3..6]]), 'PASS unique in set';
+ ok UniqueInt->check([3,[100..110]]), 'PASS unique in set';