chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
+ require './';
-use Test;
-plan tests => 15;
+plan tests => 16;
# bug id 20001009.001
ok($w == 0 && $x eq "\x{100}");
+ my $progfile = 'utf' . $$;
+ END {unlink $progfile}
+ open P, ">$progfile" or die "Can't open '$progfile': $!";
+ # Interpolation of hex characters needs to take place now, as we're
+ # testing feeding malformed utf8 into perl. Bug now fixed was an
+ # "out of memory" error. We really need the "" [rather than qq() or q()]
+ # to get the best explosion.
+ print P <<"BANG";
+ use utf8; %a = ("\xE1\xA0"=>"sterling");
+ print 'start'; printf '%x,', ord $_ foreach keys %a; print "end\n";
+ print "# Possible delay...\n";
+ my $result = runperl ( verbose => 1, stderr => 1, progfile => $progfile );
+ like ($result,
+ qr/^Malformed UTF-8 character \(2 bytes, need 3\).*start\d+,end$/s);