is( exception { $k->foo_baz }, undef, "but not for class name" );
+ package Delegator;
+ use Moose;
+ sub full { 1 }
+ sub stub;
+ ::like(
+ ::exception{ has d1 => (
+ isa => 'X',
+ handles => ['full'],
+ );
+ },
+ qr/\QYou cannot overwrite a locally defined method (full) with a delegation/,
+ 'got an error when trying to declare a delegation method that overwrites a local method'
+ );
+ ::is(
+ ::exception{ has d2 => (
+ isa => 'X',
+ handles => ['stub'],
+ );
+ },
+ undef,
+ 'no error when trying to declare a delegation method that overwrites a stub method'
+ );