sub verify_type_constraint {
- my $self = shift;
- local $_ = shift;
+ return 1 unless $_[0]->{type_constraint};
- my $type = $self->type_constraint_as_string
- or return 1;
- my $constraint = $self->find_type_constraint;
+ local $_ = $_[1];
+ return 1 if $_[0]->{find_type_constraint}->($_);
- return 1 if $constraint->($_);
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = $self->type_constraint_as_string;
my $name = $self->name;
my $display = defined($_) ? overload::StrVal($_) : 'undef';
Carp::confess("Attribute ($name) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for \'$type\' failed with value $display");
-sub coerce_constraint {
- my($self, $value) = @_;
- my $type = $self->type_constraint
- or return $value;
- return Mouse::TypeRegistry->typecast_constraints($self->associated_class->name, $self->find_type_constraint, $type, $value);
+sub coerce_constraint { ## my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my $type = $_[0]->{type_constraint}
+ or return $_[1];
+ return Mouse::TypeRegistry->typecast_constraints($_[0]->associated_class->name, $_[0]->find_type_constraint, $type, $_[1]);
sub _canonicalize_handles {
use Carp ();
use Mouse::Util qw/blessed looks_like_number openhandle/;
-my $SUBTYPE = +{};
-my $COERCE = +{};
+my %COERCE;
#find_type_constraint register_type_constraint
sub import {
my $optimized_constraints_base;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
- $SUBTYPE = {
+ %SUBTYPE = (
Any => sub { 1 },
Item => sub { 1 },
Bool => sub {
Object => sub { blessed($_) && blessed($_) ne 'Regexp' },
- };
+ );
- sub optimized_constraints { $SUBTYPE }
- my @SUBTYPE_KEYS = keys %{ $SUBTYPE };
+ sub optimized_constraints { \%SUBTYPE }
sub list_all_builtin_type_constraints { @SUBTYPE_KEYS }
sub _subtype {
my $pkg = caller(0);
my($name, %conf) = @_;
- if (my $type = $SUBTYPE->{$name}) {
+ if (my $type = $SUBTYPE{$name}) {
Carp::croak "The type constraint '$name' has already been created, cannot be created again in $pkg";
my $as = $conf{as};
my $stuff = $conf{where} || optimized_constraints()->{$as};
- $SUBTYPE->{$name} = $stuff;
+ $SUBTYPE{$name} = $stuff;
sub _coerce {
unless optimized_constraints()->{$name};
my $subtypes = optimized_constraints();
- $COERCE->{$name} ||= {};
+ unless ($COERCE{$name}) {
+ $COERCE{$name} = {};
+ $COERCE_KEYS{$name} = [];
+ }
while (my($type, $code) = each %conf) {
Carp::croak "A coercion action already exists for '$type'"
- if $COERCE->{$name}->{$type};
+ if $COERCE{$name}->{$type};
Carp::croak "Could not find the type constraint ($type) to coerce from"
unless $subtypes->{$type};
- $COERCE->{$name}->{$type} = $code;
+ push @{ $COERCE_KEYS{$name} }, $type;
+ $COERCE{$name}->{$type} = $code;
sub typecast_constraints {
my($class, $pkg, $type_constraint, $types, $value) = @_;
- my $optimized_constraints = optimized_constraints();
for my $type (ref($types) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $types } : ( $types )) {
- next unless $COERCE->{$type};
+ next unless $COERCE{$type};
- for my $coerce_type (keys %{ $COERCE->{$type} }) {
+ for my $coerce_type (@{ $COERCE_KEYS{$type}}) {
local $_ = $value;
- if ($optimized_constraints->{$coerce_type}->()) {
+ if ($SUBTYPE{$coerce_type}->()) {
local $_ = $value;
- local $_ = $COERCE->{$type}->{$coerce_type}->();
+ local $_ = $COERCE{$type}->{$coerce_type}->();
return $_ if $type_constraint->();