package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Reference;
+# XXX This is where we're going to add the refcounting
our @ISA = qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data );
sub _init {
$e->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, 0 ), # Index/BList loc
pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $class_offset ), # Classname loc
+ # XXX Add the recounting location here. We can take $e->byte_size bytes.
chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
+ # XXX Here is where we add the recount decrement check
my $data_sector = $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
my $data = $data_sector->data;