--- /dev/null
+# $RCSfile$
+# Regression tests for the new Math::Complex pacakge
+# -- Raphael Manfredi, Sept 1996
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Math::Complex;
+$test = 0;
+$| = 1;
+$script = '';
+$epsilon = 1e-10;
+while (<DATA>) {
+ next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/;
+ chop;
+ $set_test = 0; # Assume not a test over a set of values
+ if (/^&(.*)/) {
+ $op = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\{(.*)\}/) {
+ set($1, \@set, \@val);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (s/^\|//) {
+ $set_test = 1; # Requests we loop over the set...
+ }
+ my @args = split(/:/);
+ if ($set_test) {
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @set; $i++) {
+ $target = $set[$i]; # complex number
+ $zvalue = $val[$i]; # textual value as found in set definition
+ test($zvalue, $target, @args);
+ }
+ } else {
+ test($op, undef, @args);
+ }
+print "1..$test\n";
+eval $script;
+die $@ if $@;
+sub test {
+ my ($op, $z, @args) = @_;
+ $test++;
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @args; $i++) {
+ $val = value($args[$i]);
+ $script .= "\$z$i = $val;\n";
+ }
+ if (defined $z) {
+ $args = "'$op'"; # Really the value
+ $try = "abs(\$z0 - \$z1) <= 1e-10 ? \$z1 : \$z0";
+ $script .= "\$res = $try; ";
+ $script .= "check($test, $args[0], \$res, \$z$#args, $args);\n";
+ } else {
+ my ($try, $args);
+ if (@args == 2) {
+ $try = "$op \$z0";
+ $args = "'$args[0]'";
+ } else {
+ $try = ($op =~ /^\w/) ? "$op(\$z0, \$z1)" : "\$z0 $op \$z1";
+ $args = "'$args[0]', '$args[1]'";
+ }
+ $script .= "\$res = $try; ";
+ $script .= "check($test, '$try', \$res, \$z$#args, $args);\n";
+ }
+sub set {
+ my ($set, $setref, $valref) = @_;
+ @{$setref} = ();
+ @{$valref} = ();
+ my @set = split(/;\s*/, $set);
+ my @res;
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @set; $i++) {
+ push(@{$valref}, $set[$i]);
+ my $val = value($set[$i]);
+ $script .= "\$s$i = $val;\n";
+ push(@{$setref}, "\$s$i");
+ }
+sub value {
+ local ($_) = @_;
+ if (/^\s*\((.*),(.*)\)/) {
+ return "cplx($1,$2)";
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*\[(.*),(.*)\]/) {
+ return "cplxe($1,$2)";
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*'(.*)'/) {
+ my $ex = $1;
+ $ex =~ s/\bz\b/$target/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\br\b/abs($target)/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\bt\b/arg($target)/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\ba\b/Re($target)/g;
+ $ex =~ s/\bb\b/Im($target)/g;
+ return $ex;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*"(.*)"/) {
+ return "\"$1\"";
+ }
+ return $_;
+sub check {
+ my ($test, $try, $got, $expected, @z) = @_;
+ if ("$got" eq "$expected" || ($expected =~ /^-?\d/ && $got == $expected)) {
+ print "ok $test\n";
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $test\n";
+ my $args = (@z == 1) ? "z = $z[0]" : "z0 = $z[0], z1 = $z[1]";
+ print "# '$try' expected: '$expected' got: '$got' for $args\n";
+ }
+[-1, 0]:"[1,pi]"
+[1, pi/3]:"[1,pi/3]"
+[6, -2*pi/3]:"[6,-2pi/3]"
+[0.5, -9*pi/11]:"[0.5,-9pi/11]"
+{ (4,3); [3,2]; (-3,4); (0,2); [2,1] }
+|'z + ~z':'2*Re(z)'
+|'z - ~z':'2*i*Im(z)'
+|'z * ~z':'abs(z) * abs(z)'
+{ (4,3); [3,2]; (-3,4); (0,2); 3; 1; (-5, 0); [2,1] }
+|'exp(z)':'exp(a) * exp(i * b)'
+|'sqrt(z) * sqrt(z)':'z'
+|'sqrt(z)':'sqrt(r) * exp(i * t/2)'
+|'cbrt(z)':'cbrt(r) * exp(i * t/3)'
+|'log(z)':'log(r) + i*t'
+|'cos(z) ** 2 + sin(z) ** 2':1
+|'cosh(z) ** 2 - sinh(z) ** 2':1
+|'cotan(z)':'1 / tan(z)'
+|'cotanh(z)':'1 / tanh(z)'
+|'z**z':'exp(z * log(z))'
+|'log10(z)':'log(z) / log(10)'
+|'logn(z, 3)':'log(z) / log(3)'
+|'logn(z, 2)':'log(z) / log(2)'
+|'(root(z, 4))[1] ** 4':'z'
+|'(root(z, 8))[7] ** 8':'z'
+{ (1,1); [1,0.5]; (-2, -1); 2; (-1,0.5); (0,0.5); 0.5; (2, 0) }
+{ (0.2,-0.4); [1,0.5]; -1.2; (-1,0.5); (0,-0.5); 0.5; (1.1, 0) }
+|'acos(cos(z)) ** 2':'z * z'
+|'acosh(cosh(z)) ** 2':'z * z'