--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use lib 'lib';
+use feature 'say';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Lingua::Features::Structure;
+use Text::Tradition::Directory;
+use XML::Easy::Syntax qw/ $xml10_name_rx $xml10_namestartchar_rx /;
+use TryCatch;
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
+eval { no warnings; binmode $DB::OUT, ':utf8'; $DB::deep = 1000 };
+ orthographic => 1,
+ spelling => 2,
+ grammatical => 3,
+ lexical => 3,
+ collated => 50,
+ );
+my( $dbuser, $dbpass );
+my $dsn = 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=stemmaweb/db/traditions.db';
+my $testrun;
+ 'dsn=s' => \$dsn,
+ 'u|user=s' => \$dbuser,
+ 'p|pass=s' => \$dbpass,
+ 'n|test' => \$testrun,
+ );
+my $dbopts = { dsn => $dsn };
+$dbopts->{extra_args}->{user} = $dbuser if $dbuser;
+$dbopts->{extra_args}->{password} = $dbpass if $dbpass;
+my $dir = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( $dbopts );
+my $scope = $dir->new_scope();
+my $lookfor = $ARGV[0] || '';
+foreach my $tinfo ( $dir->traditionlist() ) {
+ next unless $tinfo->{'name'} =~ /$lookfor/ || $tinfo->{'id'} eq $lookfor;
+ my $tradition = $dir->lookup( $tinfo->{'id'} );
+ my $c = $tradition->collation;
+ my $represented_by = {};
+ my $representative = {};
+ # For each set of ranked relationships, make all the implied links
+ # explicit. Start with orthographic readings
+ push_rel_type( $c, 'orthographic', $representative, $represented_by );
+ # then move on to spelling readings
+ push_rel_type( $c, 'spelling', $representative, $represented_by );
+ # Now all orth/spelling linked words are the same word for the purposes of
+ # other colocated links, and in our representation hashes.
+ # Go through the other relationships and propagate them to all words that are
+ # the same word.
+ foreach my $rel ( $c->relationships ) {
+ my $relobj = $c->get_relationship( $rel );
+ next unless $relobj->type =~ /^(grammatical|lexical)$/;
+ my $r1pool = $represented_by->{$representative->{$rel->[0]}};
+ my $r2pool = $represented_by->{$representative->{$rel->[1]}};
+ # Error check
+ if( check_distinct( $r1pool, $r2pool ) ) {
+ map { propagate_rel( $c, $relobj->type, $_, @$r2pool ) } @$r1pool;
+ } else {
+ warn "Pools not distinct for " . join( ' and ', @$rel );
+ }
+ }
+ $dir->save( $tradition ) unless $testrun;
+sub propagate_rel {
+ my( $c, $type, @list ) = @_;
+ my $curr = shift @list;
+ while( @list ) {
+ foreach my $r ( @list ) {
+ next if $curr eq $r;
+ my $hasrel = $c->get_relationship( $curr, $r );
+ if( !$hasrel || $hasrel->type eq 'collated' ) {
+ say STDERR "Propagating $type relationship $curr -> $r";
+ $c->add_relationship( $curr, $r, { type => $type } );
+ } elsif( $hasrel->type ne $type ) {
+ warn "Found relationship conflict at $curr / $r: "
+ . $hasrel->type . " instead of $type"
+ unless( $TYPEVALUES{$hasrel->type} < $TYPEVALUES{$type} );
+ }
+ }
+ $curr = shift @list;
+ }
+sub push_rel_type {
+ my( $c, $type, $r2rep, $rep2r ) = @_;
+ my %handled;
+ foreach my $rdg ( $c->readings ) {
+ next if $rdg->is_meta;
+ next if $handled{"$rdg"};
+ if( exists $r2rep->{"$rdg"} ) {
+ $rdg = $r2rep->{"$rdg"};
+ }
+ # Get the specified relationships
+ my @set = $rdg->related_readings( sub {
+ $_[0]->colocated && ( $_[0]->type eq $type ||
+ $TYPEVALUES{$_[0]->type} < $TYPEVALUES{$type} ) } );
+ push( @set, $rdg );
+ propagate_rel( $c, $type, @set ) if @set > 2;
+ # Set up the representatives
+ map { $r2rep->{"$_"} = $rdg } @set;
+ $rep2r->{"$rdg"} = \@set;
+ map { $handled{"$_"} = 1 } @set;
+ }
+sub check_distinct {
+ my( $l1, $l2 ) = @_;
+ my %seen;
+ map { $seen{"$_"} = 1 } @$l1;
+ map { return 0 if $seen{"$_"} } @$l2;
+ return 1;