use Maintainers qw/%Modules/;
use Module::CoreList;
+my $deprecated;
+sub added {
+ my ($mod, $old_v, $new_v) = @_;
+ say "=item C<$mod>\n";
+ say "Version $new_v has been added to the Perl core.\n";
+sub updated {
+ my ($mod, $old_v, $new_v) = @_;
+ say "=item C<$mod>\n";
+ say "Upgraded from version $old_v to $new_v.\n";
+ if ( $deprecated->{$mod} ) {
+ say "NOTE: C<$mod> is deprecated and may be removed from a future version of Perl.\n";
+ }
+sub removed {
+ my ($mod, $old_v, $new_v) = @_;
+ say "=item C<$mod>\n";
+ say "Removed from the Perl core. Prior version was $old_v.\n";
+sub generate_section {
+ my ($title, $item_sub, @mods ) = @_;
+ return unless @mods;
+ say "=head2 $title\n";
+ say "=over 4\n";
+ for my $tuple ( sort { lc($a->[0]) cmp lc($b->[0]) } @mods ) {
+ my ($mod,$old_v,$new_v) = @$tuple;
+ $old_v //= q('undef');
+ $new_v //= q('undef');
+ $item_sub->($mod, $old_v, $new_v);
+ }
+ say "=back\n";
my $corelist = \%Module::CoreList::version;
my @versions = sort keys %$corelist;
$old ||= $versions[-2];
$new ||= $versions[-1];
-say "=head2 Updated Modules\n";
-say "=over 4\n";
+$deprecated = $Module::CoreList::deprecated{$new};
-for my $mod ( sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %Modules ) {
- my $old_ver = $corelist->{$old}{$mod};
- my $new_ver = $corelist->{$new}{$mod};
- next unless defined $old_ver && defined $new_ver && $old_ver ne $new_ver;
- say "=item C<$mod>\n";
- say "Upgraded from version $old_ver to $new_ver.\n";
+my (@new,@deprecated,@removed,@pragmas,@modules);
+# %Modules defines what is currently in core
+for my $k ( keys %Modules ) {
+ next unless exists $corelist->{$new}{$k};
+ my $old_ver = $corelist->{$old}{$k};
+ my $new_ver = $corelist->{$new}{$k};
+ # in core but not in last corelist
+ if ( ! exists $corelist->{$old}{$k} ) {
+ push @new, [$k, undef, $new_ver];
+ }
+ # otherwise just pragmas or modules
+ else {
+ my $old_ver = $corelist->{$old}{$k};
+ my $new_ver = $corelist->{$new}{$k};
+ next unless defined $old_ver && defined $new_ver && $old_ver ne $new_ver;
+ my $tuple = [ $k, $old_ver, $new_ver ];
+ if ( $k eq lc $k ) {
+ push @pragmas, $tuple;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @modules, $tuple;
+ }
+ }
-say "=back\n";
+# in old corelist, but not this one => removed
+# N.B. This is exhaustive -- not just what's in %Modules, so modules removed from
+# distributions will show up here, too. Some person will have to review to see what's
+# important. That's the best we can do without a historical
+for my $k ( keys %{ $corelist->{$old} } ) {
+ if ( ! exists $corelist->{$new}{$k} ) {
+ push @removed, [$k, $corelist->{$old}{$k}, undef];
+ }
+generate_section("New Modules and Pragmata", \&added, @new);
+generate_section("Pragmata Changes", \&updated, @pragmas);
+generate_section("Updated Modules", \&updated, @modules);
+generate_section("Removed Modules and Pragmata", \&removed, @removed);
B<FIXME> - this could be automated better
If Module::CoreList has been updated, then F<Porting/>
-will automatically print out this section following a template like this:
+will automatically print out several sections if relevent that can be
+pasted into F<perldelta>:
+ * New Modules and Pragmata
+ * Pragmata Changes
+ * Updated Modules
+ * Removed Modules and Pragmata
+Each section will have stub entries following a template like this:
=item C<less>
Upgraded from version 0.01 to 0.02
-That's a start and the output can be copied/inserted into the perldelta.
+It does not include modules listed in F<Porting/> under
+C<_PERLLIB>, but it's a start. Where relevent, a summary of changes can be
+added by hand.
A more adventurous enhancement would be to automate grabbing
the changelogs for dual lived modules. For each of them, grab the relevant
=head1 Modules and Pragmata
XXX All changes to installed files in F<cpan/>, F<dist/>, F<ext/> and F<lib/>
-go here, in a list ordered by distribution name. Minimally it should be the
-module version, but it's more useful to the end user to give a paragraph's
-summary of the module's changes. In an ideal world, dual-life modules would
-have a F<Changes> file that could be cribbed.
+go here. If Module::CoreList is updated, generate an initial draft of the
+following sections using F<Porting/>, which prints stub
+entries to STDOUT. Results can be pasted in place of the '=head2' entries
+below. A paragraph summary for important changes should then be added by hand.
+In an ideal world, dual-life modules would have a F<Changes> file that could be
=head2 New Modules and Pragmata
-=over 4
-=item C<XXX>
=head2 Pragmata Changes
-=over 4
-=item C<XXX>
=head2 Updated Modules
-XXX If Module::CoreList is updated, generate this section using
-=over 4
-=item C<XXX>
+=head2 Removed Modules and Pragmata
=head1 Utility Changes