use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark;
+use Encode qw/ encode_utf8 /;
use Exporter 'import';
+use JSON qw/ encode_json decode_json /;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
use Text::Tradition;
use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
-=head2 run_analysis( $tradition, $stemma_id, @merge_relationship_types )
+=head2 run_analysis( $tradition, %opts )
-Runs the analysis described in analyze_variant_location on every location
-in the collation of the given tradition, against the stemma specified in
-$stemma_id. If $stemma_id is not specified, it defaults to 0 (referencing
-the first stemma saved for the tradition.)
+Runs the analysis described in analyze_variant_location on every location in the
+collation of the given tradition, with the given options. These include:
-The optional @merge_relationship_types contains a list of relationship types
-to treat as equivalent for the analysis.
+=over 4
+=item * stemma_id - Specify which of the tradition's stemmata to use. Default
+is 0 (i.e. the first).
+=item * ranks - Specify a list of location ranks to analyze; exclude the rest.
+=item * merge_types - Specify a list of relationship types, where related readings
+should be treated as identical for the purposes of analysis.
=begin testing
sub run_analysis {
- my( $tradition, $stemma_id, @collapse ) = @_;
+ my( $tradition, %opts ) = @_;
my $c = $tradition->collation;
- $stemma_id = 0 unless $stemma_id;
- # Run the variant analysis on every rank in the graph that doesn't
- # have a common reading. Return the results.
- my @variants; # holds results from analyze_variant_location
- my $genealogical; # counter of 'genealogical' variants
- my $conflicts; # counter of conflicting readings
- # Find and mark 'common' ranks for exclusion.
- my %common_rank;
- foreach my $rdg ( $tradition->collation->common_readings ) {
- $common_rank{$rdg->rank} = 1;
+ my $stemma_id = $opts{'stemma_id'} || 0;
+ my @ranks = @{$opts{'ranks'}} if ref( $opts{'ranks'} ) eq 'ARRAY';
+ my @collapse = @{$opts{'merge_types'}} if ref( $opts{'merge_types'} ) eq 'ARRAY';
+ # Get the stemma
+ my $stemma = $tradition->stemma( $stemma_id );
+ # Figure out which witnesses we are working with
+ my @lacunose = $stemma->hypotheticals;
+ push( @lacunose, _symmdiff( [ $stemma->witnesses ],
+ [ map { $_->sigil } $tradition->witnesses ] ) );
+ # Find and mark 'common' ranks for exclusion, unless they were
+ # explicitly specified.
+ unless( @ranks ) {
+ my %common_rank;
+ foreach my $rdg ( $tradition->collation->common_readings ) {
+ $common_rank{$rdg->rank} = 1;
+ }
+ @ranks = grep { !$common_rank{$_} } ( 1 .. $c->end->rank-1 );
- foreach my $rank ( 1 .. $tradition->collation->end->rank-1 ) {
- next if $common_rank{$rank};
- my $variant_row = analyze_variant_location(
- $tradition, $rank, $stemma_id, @collapse );
- next unless $variant_row;
- # Add the reading text to the readings in variant_row
- foreach my $rh ( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}} ) {
- if( $c->reading( $rh->{'readingid'} ) ) {
- $rh->{'text'} = $c->reading( $rh->{'readingid'} )->text;
- } else {
- $rh->{'text'} = $rh->{'readingid'};
- }
- }
- push( @variants, $variant_row );
- $genealogical++ if $variant_row->{'genealogical'};
- $conflicts += grep { $_->{'conflict'} } @{$variant_row->{'readings'}};
+ # Group the variants to send to the solver
+ my @groups;
+ foreach my $rank ( @ranks ) {
+ push( @groups, group_variants( $tradition, $rank, \@lacunose, \@collapse ) );
+ # Parse the answer
+ my $answer = solve_variants( $stemma->editable( ' ' ), @groups );
+ # Do further analysis on the answer
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#ranks ) {
+ my $location = $answer->{'variants'}->[$idx];
+ # Add the rank back in
+ $location->{'id'} = $ranks[$idx];
+ # Run the extra analysis we need.
+ # For each reading we need missing, conflict, reading_parents,
+ # independent_occurrence, followed, not_followed, follow_unknown
+ analyze_location( $tradition, $stemma->graph, $location );
+ }
- return {
- 'variants' => \@variants,
- 'variant_count' => scalar @variants, # TODO redundant
- 'conflict_count' => $conflicts,
- 'genealogical_count' => $genealogical,
- };
+ return $answer;
=head2 group_variants( $tradition, $rank, $lacunose, @merge_relationship_types )
return \%grouped_readings;
+=head2 solve_variants( $graph, @groups )
+Sends the set of groups to the external graph solver service and returns
+a cleaned-up answer, adding the rank IDs back where they belong.
+The JSON has the form
+ { "graph": [ stemmagraph DOT string without newlines ],
+ "groupings": [ array of arrays of groups, one per rank ] }
+The answer has the form
+ { "variants" => [ array of variant location structures ],
+ "variant_count" => total,
+ "conflict_count" => number of conflicts detected,
+ "genealogical_count" => number of solutions found }
+sub solve_variants {
+ my( $graph, @groups ) = @_;
+ # Make the json with stemma + groups
+ my $jsonstruct = { 'graph' => $graph, 'groupings' => [] };
+ foreach my $ghash ( @groups ) {
+ my @grouping;
+ foreach my $k ( sort keys %$ghash ) {
+ push( @grouping, $ghash->{$k} );
+ }
+ push( @{$jsonstruct->{'groupings'}}, \@grouping );
+ }
+ my $json = encode_json( $jsonstruct );
+ # Send it off and get the result
+ my $solver_url = '';
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+ my $resp = $ua->post( $solver_url, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
+ 'Content' => $json );
+ my $answer;
+ if( $resp->is_success ) {
+ $answer = decode_json( $resp->content );
+ } else {
+ # Either throw an error or fall back to the old method.
+ die "Solver returned " . $resp->status_line . " / " . $resp->content;
+ }
+ # Fold the result back into what we know about the groups.
+ my $variants = [];
+ my $genealogical = 0;
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#groups ) {
+ my( $calc_groups, $result ) = @{$answer->[$idx]};
+ $genealogical++ if $result;
+ my $input_group = $groups[$idx];
+ foreach my $k ( sort keys %$input_group ) {
+ my $cg = shift @$calc_groups;
+ $input_group->{$k} = $cg;
+ }
+ my $vstruct = {
+ 'genealogical' => $result,
+ 'readings' => [],
+ }
+ foreach my $k ( keys %$input_group ) {
+ push( @{$vstruct->{'readings'}},
+ { 'readingid' => $k, 'group' => $dg } );
+ }
+ push( @$variants, $vstruct );
+ }
+ return { 'variants' => $variants,
+ 'variant_count' => scalar @$variants,
+ 'genealogical_count' => $genealogical };
=head2 analyze_variant_location( $tradition, $rank, $stemma_id, @merge_relationship_types )
Runs an analysis of the given tradition, at the location given in $rank,