isa_ok(Class::MOP::class_of('Foo::Reverse'), 'Foo::Meta::Class');
-{ local $TODO = 'No idea how to handle case where parent class is created before children';
+{ local $TODO = 'No idea how to handle case where child class is created before parent';
isa_ok(Class::MOP::class_of('Foo::Reverse::Sub'), 'Foo::Meta::Class');
isa_ok(Class::MOP::class_of('Foo::Reverse::Sub::Sub'), 'Foo::Meta::Class');
my @classes = qw(Foo Bar Gorch Zoink);
tests: {
- TODO: {
is( Foo->new->foo, undef, "base class (" . (Foo->meta->is_immutable ? "immutable" : "mutable") . ")" );
is( Bar->new->foo, 42, "around new called on Bar->new (" . (Bar->meta->is_immutable ? "immutable" : "mutable") . ")" );
is( Gorch->new->foo, 42, "around new called on Gorch->new (" . (Gorch->meta->is_immutable ? "immutable" : "mutable") . ")" );
is( Zoink->new->foo, 42, "around new called Zoink->new (" . (Zoink->meta->is_immutable ? "immutable" : "mutable") . ")" );
- }
if ( @classes ) {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};