feature 'JSON',
-default => 1,
'JSON::Any' => '1.15',
- 'Test::JSON' => '0.06';
+ 'Test::Deep::JSON' => '0';
author_requires 'JSON::Any' => '1.15';
-author_requires 'Test::JSON' => '0.06';
+author_requires 'Test::Deep::JSON' => '0';
feature 'YAML',
-default => 1,
use Test::Deep;
use Test::Requires {
- 'Test::JSON' => 0.01, # skip all if not installed
'JSON::Any' => 0.01,
+ 'Test::Deep::JSON' => 0,
- plan tests => 12;
+ plan tests => 11;
my $json = $foo->freeze;
- is_valid_json($json, '.. this is valid JSON');
- is_json(
+ cmp_deeply(
- '... got the right JSON'
+ json({
+ number => 10,
+ string => 'foo',
+ float => 10.5,
+ array => [ 1 .. 10 ],
+ hash => { map { $_ => undef } (1 .. 10) },
+ __CLASS__ => 'Foo',
+ object => {
+ number => 2,
+ __CLASS__ => 'Foo'
+ },
+ }),
+ 'is valid JSON and content matches',
use Storable;
use Test::Requires {
- 'Test::JSON' => 0.01, # skip all if not installed
+ 'Test::Deep::JSON' => 0, # skip all if not installed
'JSON::Any' => 0.01,
'YAML::Any' => 0.01,
- plan tests => 31;
+ plan tests => 30;
my $json = $foo->freeze({ 'format' => 'JSON' });
- is_valid_json($json, '.. this is valid JSON');
- is_json(
+ cmp_deeply(
+ json({
+ number => 10,
+ string => 'foo',
+ float => 10.5,
+ array => [ 1 .. 10 ],
+ hash => { map { $_ => undef } ( 1 .. 10 ) },
+ __CLASS__ => 'Foo',
+ object => {
+ number => 2,
+ __CLASS__ => 'Foo'
+ },
+ }),
'... got the right JSON'