Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
+ - patch from Robert Bohne to make _table_uniq_info more correct for
+ Oracle
0.04999_09 2009-10-08
- Only redump the files when something has actually changed
- Place a warning at the top of the files saying 'do not modify' to
SELECT constraint_name, acc.column_name
FROM all_constraints JOIN all_cons_columns acc USING (constraint_name)
- WHERE acc.table_name=? AND constraint_type='U'
+ WHERE acc.table_name=? and acc.owner = ? AND constraint_type='U'
ORDER BY acc.position
{}, 1);
- $sth->execute(uc $table);
+ $sth->execute(uc $table,$self->{db_schema} );
my %constr_names;
while(my $constr = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
my $constr_name = lc $constr->[0];