--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+our @applications;
+ package CustomApplication;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ after apply_methods => sub {
+ my ($self, $role, $other) = @_;
+ $self->apply_custom($role, $other);
+ };
+ sub apply_custom {
+ shift;
+ push @applications, [@_];
+ }
+ package CustomApplication::ToClass;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'CustomApplication';
+ package CustomApplication::ToRole;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'CustomApplication';
+ package CustomApplication::ToInstance;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'CustomApplication';
+ package CustomApplication::Composite;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'CustomApplication';
+ around apply_custom => sub {
+ my ($next, $self, $composite, $other) = @_;
+ for my $role (@{ $composite->get_roles }) {
+ $self->$next($role, $other);
+ }
+ };
+ package CustomApplication::Composite::ToClass;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'CustomApplication::Composite';
+ package CustomApplication::Composite::ToRole;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'CustomApplication::Composite';
+ package CustomApplication::Composite::ToInstance;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with 'CustomApplication::Composite';
+ package Role::Composite;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ around apply_params => sub {
+ my ($next, $self, @args) = @_;
+ return Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaclass_roles(
+ for_class => $self->$next(@args),
+ application_to_class_class_roles => [ 'CustomApplication::Composite::ToClass' ],
+ application_to_role_class_roles => [ 'CustomApplication::Composite::ToRole' ],
+ application_to_instance_class_roles => [ 'CustomApplication::Composite::ToInstance' ],
+ );
+ };
+ package Role::WithCustomApplication;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ has '+composition_class_roles' => (
+ default => [ 'Role::Composite' ],
+ );
+ package CustomRole;
+ Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods(
+ also => 'Moose::Role',
+ );
+ sub init_meta {
+ my ($self, %options) = @_;
+ return Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaclass_roles(
+ for_class => Moose::Role->init_meta(%options),
+ metaclass_roles => [ 'Role::WithCustomApplication' ],
+ application_to_class_class_roles => [ 'CustomApplication::ToClass' ],
+ application_to_role_class_roles => [ 'CustomApplication::ToRole' ],
+ application_to_instance_class_roles => [ 'CustomApplication::ToInstance' ],
+ );
+ }
+ package My::Role::Normal;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ package My::Role::Special;
+ CustomRole->import;
+ok(My::Role::Normal->meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role'), "sanity check");
+ok(My::Role::Special->meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role'), "using custom application roles does not change the role metaobject's class");
+ok(My::Role::Special->meta->meta->does_role('Role::WithCustomApplication'), "the role's metaobject has custom applications");
+is_deeply(My::Role::Special->meta->composition_class_roles, ['Role::Composite'], "the role knows about the specified composition class");
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ local @applications;
+ with 'My::Role::Special';
+ ::is(@applications, 1, 'one role application');
+ ::is($applications[0]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Special', "the application's first role was My::Role::Special'");
+ ::is($applications[0]->[1]->name, 'Foo', "the application provided an additional role");
+ package Bar;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ local @applications;
+ with 'My::Role::Special';
+ ::is(@applications, 1);
+ ::is($applications[0]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Special');
+ ::is($applications[0]->[1]->name, 'Bar');
+ package Baz;
+ use Moose;
+ my $i = Baz->new;
+ local @applications;
+ My::Role::Special->meta->apply($i);
+ ::is(@applications, 1);
+ ::is($applications[0]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Special');
+ ::ok($applications[0]->[1]->is_anon_class);
+ ::ok($applications[0]->[1]->name->isa('Baz'));
+ package Corge;
+ use Moose;
+ local @applications;
+ with 'My::Role::Normal', 'My::Role::Special';
+ ::is(@applications, 2);
+ ::is($applications[0]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Normal');
+ ::is($applications[0]->[1]->name, 'Corge');
+ ::is($applications[1]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Special');
+ ::is($applications[1]->[1]->name, 'Corge');
+ package Thud;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ local @applications;
+ with 'My::Role::Normal', 'My::Role::Special';
+ ::is(@applications, 2);
+ ::is($applications[0]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Normal');
+ ::is($applications[0]->[1]->name, 'Thud');
+ ::is($applications[1]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Special');
+ ::is($applications[1]->[1]->name, 'Thud');
+ package Garply;
+ use Moose;
+ my $i = Garply->new;
+ local @applications;
+ Moose::Meta::Role->combine(
+ ['My::Role::Normal' => undef],
+ ['My::Role::Special' => undef],
+ )->apply($i);
+ ::is(@applications, 2);
+ ::is($applications[0]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Normal');
+ ::ok($applications[0]->[1]->is_anon_class);
+ ::ok($applications[0]->[1]->name->isa('Garply'));
+ ::is($applications[1]->[0]->name, 'My::Role::Special');
+ ::ok($applications[1]->[1]->is_anon_class);
+ ::ok($applications[1]->[1]->name->isa('Garply'));