my %Expect_File = (); # what we expect for $_
my %Expect_Name = (); # what we expect for $File::Find::name/fullname
my %Expect_Dir = (); # what we expect for $File::Find::dir
-my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
-my $cwd;
-my $cwd_untainted;
+my ($cwd, $cwd_untainted);
use Config;
$ENV{'PATH'} = join($sep,@path);
+use Test::More tests => 45;
-if ( $symlink_exists ) { print "1..45\n"; }
-else { print "1..27\n"; }
+my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink("",""); 1 };
use File::Find;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
-find({wanted => sub { print "ok 1\n" if $_ eq 'commonsense.t'; },
- untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^(.+)$|}, File::Spec->curdir);
-finddepth({wanted => sub { print "ok 2\n" if $_ eq 'commonsense.t'; },
- untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^(.+)$|},
- File::Spec->curdir);
+my $found;
+find({wanted => sub { $found = 1 if ($_ eq 'commonsense.t') },
+ untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^(.+)$|}, File::Spec->curdir);
+ok($found, 'commonsense.t found');
+$found = 0;
+finddepth({wanted => sub { $found = 1 if $_ eq 'commonsense.t'; },
+ untaint => 1, untaint_pattern => qr|^(.+)$|}, File::Spec->curdir);
+ok($found, 'commonsense.t found again');
my $case = 2;
my $FastFileTests_OK = 0;
-sub Check($) {
- $case++;
- if ($_[0]) { print "ok $case\n"; }
- else { print "not ok $case\n"; }
-sub CheckDie($) {
- $case++;
- if ($_[0]) { print "ok $case\n"; }
- else { print "not ok $case\n"; exit 0; }
-sub Skip($) {
- $case++;
- print "ok $case # skipped: ",$_[0],"\n";
sub touch {
- CheckDie( open(my $T,'>',$_[0]) );
+ ok( open(my $T,'>',$_[0]), "Opened $_[0] successfully" );
sub MkDir($$) {
- CheckDie( mkdir($_[0],$_[1]) );
+ ok( mkdir($_[0],$_[1]), "Created directory $_[0] successfully" );
sub wanted_File_Dir {
print "# \$File::Find::dir => '$File::Find::dir'\n";
print "# \$_ => '$_'\n";
s#\.$## if ($^O eq 'VMS' && $_ ne '.');
- Check( $Expect_File{$_} );
+ ok( $Expect_File{$_}, "Expected and found $File::Find::name" );
if ( $FastFileTests_OK ) {
delete $Expect_File{ $_}
unless ( $Expect_Dir{$_} && ! -d _ );
$File::Find::prune=1 if $_ eq 'faba';
sub simple_wanted {
print "# \$File::Find::dir => '$File::Find::dir'\n";
print "# \$_ => '$_'\n";
MkDir( dir_path('for_find'), 0770 );
-CheckDie(chdir( dir_path('for_find')));
+ok( chdir( dir_path('for_find')), 'successful chdir() to for_find' );
$cwd = cwd(); # save cwd
( $cwd_untainted ) = $cwd =~ m|^(.+)$|; # untaint it
touch( file_path('fb', 'fb_ord') );
MkDir( dir_path('fb', 'fba'), 0770 );
touch( file_path('fb', 'fba', 'fba_ord') );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Creating symlink", 1, unless $symlink_exists;
if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- CheckDie( symlink(':fb',':fa:fsl') ) if $symlink_exists;
+ ok( symlink(':fb',':fa:fsl'), 'Created symbolic link' );
} else {
- CheckDie( symlink('../fb','fa/fsl') ) if $symlink_exists;
+ ok( symlink('../fb','fa/fsl'), 'Created symbolic link' );
touch( file_path('fa', 'fa_ord') );
File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir_prune, untaint => 1,
untaint_pattern => qr|^(.+)$|}, topdir('fa') );
-Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 );
+is(scalar keys %Expect_File, 0, 'Found all expected files');
# don't untaint at all, should die
%Expect_Dir = ();
undef $@;
eval {File::Find::find( {wanted => \&simple_wanted}, topdir('fa') );};
-Check( $@ =~ m|Insecure dependency| );
+like( $@, qr|Insecure dependency|, 'Tainted directory causes death (good)' );
untaint_pattern => qr|^(NO_MATCH)$|},
topdir('fa') );};
-Check( $@ =~ m|is still tainted| );
+like( $@, qr|is still tainted|, 'Bad untaint pattern causes death (good)' );
print "# $@" if $@;
#$^D = 8;
-Check( $@ =~ m|insecure cwd| );
+like( $@, qr|insecure cwd|, 'Bad untaint pattern causes death in cwd (good)' );
-if ( $symlink_exists ) {
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Symbolic link tests", 17, unless $symlink_exists;
print "# --- symbolic link tests --- \n";
$FastFileTests_OK= 1;
no_chdir => 1, untaint => 1, untaint_pattern =>
qr|^(.+)$| }, topdir('fa') );
- Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 );
+ is( scalar(keys %Expect_File), 0, 'Found all files in symlink test' );
# don't untaint at all, should die
eval {File::Find::find( {wanted => \&simple_wanted, follow => 1},
topdir('fa') );};
- Check( $@ =~ m|Insecure dependency| );
+ like( $@, qr|Insecure dependency|, 'Not untainting causes death (good)' );
# untaint pattern doesn't match, should die
untaint => 1, untaint_pattern =>
qr|^(NO_MATCH)$|}, topdir('fa') );};
- Check( $@ =~ m|is still tainted| );
+ like( $@, qr|is still tainted|, 'Bat untaint pattern causes death (good)' );
# untaint pattern doesn't match, should die when we chdir to cwd
eval {File::Find::find( {wanted => \&simple_wanted, untaint => 1,
untaint_skip => 1, untaint_pattern =>
qr|^(NO_MATCH)$|}, topdir('fa') );};
- Check( $@ =~ m|insecure cwd| );
+ like( $@, qr|insecure cwd|, 'Cwd not untainted with bad pattern (good)' );