use Carp ();
use Scalar::Util ();
use MRO::Compat;
-use Sub::Name ();
our $VERSION = '0.09008';
-# when changing minimum version don't forget to adjust L</PERFROMANCE> as well
-our $__minimum_xsa_version = '1.06';
+# when changing minimum version don't forget to adjust L</PERFORMANCE> and
+# the Makefile.PL as well
+our $__minimum_xsa_version;
+ $__minimum_xsa_version = '1.06';
our $USE_XS;
# the unless defined is here so that we can override the value
unless defined $USE_XS;
-my ($xsa_loaded, $xsa_autodetected);
-my $load_xsa = sub {
- return if $xsa_loaded++;
- require Class::XSAccessor;
- Class::XSAccessor->VERSION($__minimum_xsa_version);
-my $use_xs = sub {
- if (defined $USE_XS) {
- $load_xsa->() if ($USE_XS && ! $xsa_loaded);
- return $USE_XS;
- }
- $xsa_autodetected = 1;
- $USE_XS = 0;
- # Class::XSAccessor is segfaulting on win32, in some
- # esoteric heavily-threaded scenarios
- # Win32 users can set $USE_XS/CAG_USE_XS to try to use it anyway
- if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
- local $@;
- eval { $load_xsa->(); $USE_XS = 1 };
- }
- return $USE_XS;
-my $maker_type_map = {
- rw => {
- xsa => 'accessors',
- cag => 'make_group_accessor',
- },
- ro => {
- xsa => 'getters',
- cag => 'make_group_ro_accessor',
- },
- wo => {
- xsa => 'setters',
- cag => 'make_group_wo_accessor',
- },
-# When installing an XSA simple accessor, we need to make sure we are not
-# short-circuiting a (compile or runtime) get_simple/set_simple override.
-# What we do here is install a lazy first-access check, which will decide
-# the ultimate coderef being placed in the accessor slot
-my $no_xsa_classes_warned;
-my $add_xs_accessor = sub {
- my ($class, $group, $field, $name, $type) = @_;
- Class::XSAccessor->import({
- replace => 1,
- class => $class,
- $maker_type_map->{$type}{xsa} => {
- $name => $field,
- },
- });
- my $xs_cref = $class->can($name);
- my $pp_cref = do {
- my $cag_method = $maker_type_map->{$type}{cag};
- local $USE_XS = 0;
- $class->$cag_method ($group, $field, $name, $type);
- };
- # can't use pkg_gen to track this stuff, as it doesn't
- # detect superclass mucking
- my $original_getter = __PACKAGE__->can ("get_$group");
- my $original_setter = __PACKAGE__->can ("set_$group");
- return sub {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $current_class = Scalar::Util::blessed( $self ) || $self;
- my $final_cref;
- if (
- $current_class->can("get_$group") == $original_getter
- &&
- $current_class->can("set_$group") == $original_setter
- ) {
- # nothing has changed, might as well use the XS crefs
- #
- # note that by the time this code executes, we already have
- # *objects* (since XSA works on 'simple' only by definition).
- # If someone is mucking with the symbol table *after* there
- # are some objects already - look! many, shiny pieces! :)
- $final_cref = $xs_cref;
- }
- else {
- $final_cref = $pp_cref;
- if ($USE_XS and ! $xsa_autodetected and ! $no_xsa_classes_warned->{$current_class}++) {
- # not using Carp since the line where this happens doesn't mean much
- warn 'Explicitly requested use of Class::XSAccessor disabled for objects of class '
- . "'$current_class' due to an overriden get_$group and/or set_$group\n";
- }
- }
- # installing an XSA cref that was originally created on a class
- # different than $current_class is perfectly safe as per
- # C::XSA's author
- my $fq_meth = "${current_class}::${name}";
- no strict qw/refs/;
- no warnings qw/redefine/;
- *$fq_meth = Sub::Name::subname($fq_meth, $final_cref);
- # older perls segfault if the cref behind the goto throws
- #
- return $final_cref->(@_) if ($] < 5.008009);
- goto $final_cref;
- };
# Yes this method is undocumented
-# Yes it should be a private coderef like the one above it
+# Yes it should be a private coderef like all the rest at the end of this file
# No we can't do that (yet) because the DBIC-CDBI compat layer overrides it
# %$*@!?&!&#*$!!!
sub _mk_group_accessors {
no warnings 'redefine';
# So we don't have to do lots of lookups inside the loop.
- $maker = $self->can($maker) unless ref $maker eq 'CODE';
+ $maker = $self->can($maker) unless ref $maker;
foreach (@fields) {
if( $_ eq 'DESTROY' ) {
for my $meth ($name, $alias) {
# the maker may elect to not return anything, meaning it already
- # installed the coderef for us
+ # installed the coderef for us (e.g. lack of Sub::Name)
my $cref = $self->$maker($group, $field, $meth)
or next;
- my $fq_meth = join('::', $class, $meth);
+ my $fq_meth = "${class}::${meth}";
*$fq_meth = Sub::Name::subname($fq_meth, $cref);
#unless defined &{$class."\:\:$field"}
+# coderef is setup at the end for clarity
+my $gen_accessor;
=head1 NAME
sub mk_group_accessors {
- my ($self, $group, @fields) = @_;
+ my ($self, $group, @fields) = @_;
- $self->_mk_group_accessors('make_group_accessor', $group, @fields);
- return;
+ $self->_mk_group_accessors('make_group_accessor', $group, @fields);
+ return;
=head2 mk_group_ro_accessors
-sub make_group_accessor {
- my ($class, $group, $field, $name) = @_;
- if ( $group eq 'simple' && $use_xs->() ) {
- return $add_xs_accessor->(@_, 'rw');
- }
- my $set = "set_$group";
- my $get = "get_$group";
- $field =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- # eval for faster fastiness
- my $code = eval "sub {
- if(\@_ > 1) {
- return shift->$set('$field', \@_);
- }
- else {
- return shift->$get('$field');
- }
- };";
- Carp::croak $@ if $@;
- return $code;
+sub make_group_accessor { $gen_accessor->('rw', @_) }
=head2 make_group_ro_accessor
-sub make_group_ro_accessor {
- my($class, $group, $field, $name) = @_;
- if ( $group eq 'simple' && $use_xs->() ) {
- return $add_xs_accessor->(@_, 'ro');
- }
- my $get = "get_$group";
- $field =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- my $code = eval "sub {
- if(\@_ > 1) {
- my \$caller = caller;
- Carp::croak(\"'\$caller' cannot alter the value of '$field' on \".
- \"objects of class '$class'\");
- }
- else {
- return shift->$get('$field');
- }
- };";
- Carp::croak $@ if $@;
- return $code;
+sub make_group_ro_accessor { $gen_accessor->('ro', @_) }
=head2 make_group_wo_accessor
-sub make_group_wo_accessor {
- my($class, $group, $field, $name) = @_;
- if ( $group eq 'simple' && $use_xs->() ) {
- return $add_xs_accessor->(@_, 'wo')
- }
- my $set = "set_$group";
- $field =~ s/'/\\'/g;
- my $code = eval "sub {
- unless (\@_ > 1) {
- my \$caller = caller;
- Carp::croak(\"'\$caller' cannot access the value of '$field' on \".
- \"objects of class '$class'\");
- }
- else {
- return shift->$set('$field', \@_);
- }
- };";
- Carp::croak $@ if $@;
- return $code;
+sub make_group_wo_accessor { $gen_accessor->('wo', @_) }
=head2 get_simple
sub get_simple {
- return $_[0]->{$_[1]};
+ return $_[0]->{$_[1]};
=head2 set_simple
sub set_simple {
- return $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2];
+ return $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2];
local $^W = 0;
require Class::Inspector;
if (Class::Inspector->installed($_[2]) && !Class::Inspector->loaded($_[2])) {
- eval "use $_[2]";
+ eval "require $_[2]";
Carp::croak("Could not load $_[1] '$_[2]': ", $@) if $@;
return @{mro::get_linear_isa( ref($_[0]) || $_[0] )};
To provide total flexibility L<Class::Accessor::Grouped> calls methods
it under the same terms as perl itself.
+# Here be many angry dragons
+# (all code is in private coderefs since everything inherits CAG)
+ die "Huh?! No minimum C::XSA version?!\n"
+ unless $__minimum_xsa_version;
+ local $@;
+ my $err;
+ $err = eval { require Sub::Name; 1; } ? undef : do {
+ delete $INC{'Sub/'}; # because older perls suck
+ $@;
+ };
+ *__CAG_NO_SUBNAME = $err
+ ? sub () { $err }
+ : sub () { 0 }
+ ;
+ $err = eval {
+ require Class::XSAccessor;
+ Class::XSAccessor->VERSION($__minimum_xsa_version);
+ require Sub::Name;
+ 1;
+ } ? undef : do {
+ delete $INC{'Sub/'}; # because older perls suck
+ delete $INC{'Class/'};
+ $@;
+ };
+ *__CAG_NO_CXSA = $err
+ ? sub () { $err }
+ : sub () { 0 }
+ ;
+ *__CAG_BROKEN_GOTO = ($] < '5.008009')
+ ? sub () { 1 }
+ : sub () { 0 }
+ ;
+# Autodetect unless flag supplied
+# Class::XSAccessor is segfaulting on win32, in some
+# esoteric heavily-threaded scenarios
+# Win32 users can set $USE_XS/CAG_USE_XS to try to use it anyway
+my $xsa_autodetected;
+if (! defined $USE_XS) {
+ $USE_XS = (!__CAG_NO_CXSA and $^O ne 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0;
+ $xsa_autodetected++;
+my $maker_templates = {
+ rw => {
+ xs_call => 'accessors',
+ pp_code => sub {
+ my $set = "set_$_[1]";
+ my $get = "get_$_[1]";
+ my $field = $_[2];
+ $field =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+ "
+ \@_ > 1
+ ? shift->$set('$field', \@_)
+ : shift->$get('$field')
+ "
+ },
+ },
+ ro => {
+ xs_call => 'getters',
+ pp_code => sub {
+ my $get = "get_$_[1]";
+ my $field = $_[2];
+ $field =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+ "
+ \@_ == 1
+ ? shift->$get('$field')
+ : do {
+ my \$caller = caller;
+ Carp::croak(\"'\$caller' cannot alter the value of '$field' on \".
+ \"objects of class '$_[0]'\");
+ }
+ "
+ },
+ },
+ wo => {
+ xs_call => 'setters',
+ pp_code => sub {
+ my $set = "set_$_[1]";
+ my $field = $_[2];
+ $field =~ s/'/\\'/g;
+ "
+ \@_ > 1
+ ? shift->$set('$field', \@_)
+ : do {
+ my \$caller = caller;
+ Carp::croak(\"'\$caller' cannot access the value of '$field' on \".
+ \"objects of class '$_[0]'\");
+ }
+ "
+ },
+ },
+my ($accessor_maker_cache, $no_xsa_warned_classes);
+# can't use pkg_gen to track this stuff, as it doesn't
+# detect superclass mucking
+my $original_simple_getter = __PACKAGE__->can ('get_simple');
+my $original_simple_setter = __PACKAGE__->can ('set_simple');
+# Note!!! Unusual signature
+$gen_accessor = sub {
+ my ($type, $class, $group, $field, $methname) = @_;
+ if (my $c = ref $class) {
+ $class = $c;
+ }
+ # When installing an XSA simple accessor, we need to make sure we are not
+ # short-circuiting a (compile or runtime) get_simple/set_simple override.
+ # What we do here is install a lazy first-access check, which will decide
+ # the ultimate coderef being placed in the accessor slot
+ if ($USE_XS and $group eq 'simple') {
+ my $fq_name = "${class}::${methname}";
+ ($accessor_maker_cache->{xs}{$field}{$type}{$fq_name} ||= do {
+ die sprintf( "Class::XSAccessor requested but not available:\n%s\n", __CAG_NO_CXSA )
+ if __CAG_NO_CXSA;
+ sub { sub {
+ my $current_class = Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) || $_[0];
+ if (
+ $current_class->can('get_simple') == $original_simple_getter
+ &&
+ $current_class->can('set_simple') == $original_simple_setter
+ ) {
+ # nothing has changed, might as well use the XS crefs
+ #
+ # note that by the time this code executes, we already have
+ # *objects* (since XSA works on 'simple' only by definition).
+ # If someone is mucking with the symbol table *after* there
+ # are some objects already - look! many, shiny pieces! :)
+ Class::XSAccessor->import(
+ replace => 1,
+ class => $class,
+ $maker_templates->{$type}{xs_call} => {
+ $methname => $field,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ if (! $xsa_autodetected and ! $no_xsa_warned_classes->{$current_class}++) {
+ # not using Carp since the line where this happens doesn't mean much
+ warn 'Explicitly requested use of Class::XSAccessor disabled for objects of class '
+ . "'$current_class' due to an overriden get_simple and/or set_simple\n";
+ }
+ no strict qw/refs/;
+ *$fq_name = Sub::Name::subname($fq_name, do {
+ # that's faster than local
+ $USE_XS = 0;
+ my $c = $gen_accessor->($type, $class, 'simple', $field, $methname);
+ $USE_XS = 1;
+ $c;
+ });
+ }
+ # older perls segfault if the cref behind the goto throws
+ #
+ return $current_class->can($methname)->(@_) if __CAG_BROKEN_GOTO;
+ goto $current_class->can($methname);
+ }}
+ })->();
+ }
+ # no Sub::Name - just install the coderefs directly (compiling every time)
+ elsif (__CAG_NO_SUBNAME) {
+ my $pp_code = $maker_templates->{$type}{pp_code}->($class, $group, $field);
+ eval "sub ${class}::${methname} { $pp_code }; 1" or die $@;
+ undef; # so that no attempt will be made to install anything
+ }
+ # a coderef generator with a variable pad (returns a fresh cref on every invocation)
+ # also since it is much simpler than the xs one it needs less cache-keys
+ else {
+ ($accessor_maker_cache->{pp}{$field}{$type} ||= do {
+ my $pp_code = $maker_templates->{$type}{pp_code}->($class, $group, $field);
+ eval "sub { my \$dummy; sub { \$dummy if 0; $pp_code } }" or die $@;
+ })->()
+ }