Revision history for SQL::Abstract
+ - Support for DELETE ... RETURNING
revision 1.82 2017-03-20
- Add explicit dependency on Sub::Quote (GH#8)
sub delete {
- my $self = shift;
- my $table = $self->_table(shift);
- my $where = shift;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->_table(shift);
+ my $where = shift;
+ my $options = shift;
my($where_sql, @bind) = $self->where($where);
my $sql = $self->_sqlcase('delete from') . " $table" . $where_sql;
+ if ($options->{returning}) {
+ my ($returning_sql, @returning_bind) = $self->_delete_returning ($options);
+ $sql .= $returning_sql;
+ push @bind, @returning_bind;
+ }
return wantarray ? ($sql, @bind) : $sql;
+sub _delete_returning { shift->_returning(@_) }
# WHERE: entry point
-=head2 delete($table, \%where)
+=head2 delete($table, \%where, \%options)
This takes a table name and optional hashref L<WHERE clause|/WHERE CLAUSES>.
It returns an SQL DELETE statement and list of bind values.
+The optional C<\%options> hash reference may contain additional
+options to generate the delete SQL. Currently supported options
+=over 4
+=item returning
+See the C<returning> option to
+L<insert|/insert($table, \@values || \%fieldvals, \%options)>.
=head2 where(\%where, $order)
This is used to generate just the WHERE clause. For example,
the Artistic License)
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `mytable` SET `foo` = ? WHERE `baz` = ? RETURNING `id`, `created_at`',
bind => [42, 32],
+ {
+ func => 'delete',
+ args => ['test', {requestor => undef}, {returning => 'id'}],
+ stmt => 'DELETE FROM test WHERE ( requestor IS NULL ) RETURNING id',
+ stmt_q => 'DELETE FROM `test` WHERE ( `requestor` IS NULL ) RETURNING `id`',
+ bind => []
+ },
+ {
+ func => 'delete',
+ args => ['test', {requestor => undef}, {returning => \'*'}],
+ stmt => 'DELETE FROM test WHERE ( requestor IS NULL ) RETURNING *',
+ stmt_q => 'DELETE FROM `test` WHERE ( `requestor` IS NULL ) RETURNING *',
+ bind => []
+ },
+ {
+ func => 'delete',
+ args => ['test', {requestor => undef}, {returning => ['id', 'created_at']}],
+ stmt => 'DELETE FROM test WHERE ( requestor IS NULL ) RETURNING id, created_at',
+ stmt_q => 'DELETE FROM `test` WHERE ( `requestor` IS NULL ) RETURNING `id`, `created_at`',
+ bind => []
+ },
# check is( not) => undef