% find `perl -Te 'print "@INC"'` -name '*.pm' -print
+(The -T is here to prevent '.' from being listed in @INC.)
They should all have their own documentation installed and accessible
via your system man(1) command. If you do not have a B<find>
program, you can use the Perl B<find2perl> program instead, which
to fix your manpath. See L<perl> for details. If you have no
system B<man> command, you might try the B<perldoc> program.
+Note also that the command C<perldoc perllocal> gives you a (possibly
+incomplete) list of the modules that have been further installed on
+your system. (The perllocal.pod file is updated by the standard MakeMaker
+install process.)
=head2 Extension Modules
Extension modules are written in C (or a mix of Perl and C). They
% find `perl -Te 'print "@INC"'` -name '*.pm' -print
+(The -T is here to prevent '.' from being listed in @INC.)
They should all have their own documentation installed and accessible
via your system man(1) command. If you do not have a B<find>
program, you can use the Perl B<find2perl> program instead, which
to fix your manpath. See L<perl> for details. If you have no
system B<man> command, you might try the B<perldoc> program.
+Note also that the command C<perldoc perllocal> gives you a (possibly
+incomplete) list of the modules that have been further installed on
+your system. (The perllocal.pod file is updated by the standard MakeMaker
+install process.)
=head2 Extension Modules
Extension modules are written in C (or a mix of Perl and C). They