--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use Test::Exception;
+ package Foo;
+ use Mouse;
+ has foo => (
+ isa => "Int",
+ is => "rw",
+ );
+ package Bar;
+ use Moose;
+ ::lives_ok { extends qw(Foo) } "extend Mouse class with Moose";
+ ::lives_ok {
+ has bar => (
+ isa => "Str",
+ is => "rw",
+ );
+ } "new attr in subclass";
+ package Gorch;
+ use Moose;
+ ::lives_ok { extends qw(Foo) } "extend Mouse class with Moose";
+ {
+ local our $TODO = "Moose not yet aware of Mouse meta";
+ ::lives_ok {
+ has '+foo' => (
+ default => 3,
+ );
+ } "clone and inherit attr in subclass";
+ }
+ package Quxx;
+ use Mouse;
+ has quxx => (
+ is => "rw",
+ default => "lala",
+ );
+ package Zork;
+ use Moose;
+ ::lives_ok { extends qw(Quxx) } "extend Mouse class with Moose";
+ has zork => (
+ is => "rw",
+ default => 42,
+ );
+can_ok( Bar => "new" );
+my $bar = eval { Bar->new };
+ok( $bar, "got an object" );
+isa_ok( $bar, "Bar" );
+isa_ok( $bar, "Foo" );
+can_ok( $bar, qw(foo bar) );
+is( eval { $bar->foo }, undef, "no default value" );
+is( eval { $bar->bar }, undef, "no default value" );
+ local $TODO = "Moose not yet aware of Mouse meta";
+ is_deeply(
+ [ sort map { $_->name } Bar->meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes ],
+ [ sort qw(foo bar) ],
+ "attributes",
+ );
+ is( eval { Gorch->new->foo }, 3, "cloned and inherited attr's default" );
+can_ok( Zork => "new" );
+ my $zork = eval { Zork->new };
+ ok( $zork, "got an object" );
+ isa_ok( $zork, "Zork" );
+ isa_ok( $zork, "Quxx" );
+ can_ok( $zork, qw(quxx zork) );
+ local $TODO = "Constructor needs to know default values of attrs from both";
+ is( eval { $bar->quxx }, "lala", "default value" );
+ is( eval { $bar->zork }, 42, "default value" );
+ my $zork = eval { Zork->new( zork => "diff", quxx => "blah" ) };
+ ok( $zork, "got an object" );
+ isa_ok( $zork, "Zork" );
+ isa_ok( $zork, "Quxx" );
+ can_ok( $zork, qw(quxx zork) );
+ local $TODO = "Constructor needs to know init args of attrs from both";
+ is( eval { $bar->quxx }, "blah", "constructor param" );
+ is( eval { $bar->zork }, "diff", "constructor param" );