package FileCache;
-our $VERSION = 1.03;
+our $VERSION = 1.04;
=head1 NAME
namely; C<< '>' >>, C<< '+>' >>, C<< '<' >>, C<< '<+' >>, C<<< '>>' >>>,
C< '|-' > and C< '-|' >
+To pass supplemental arguments to a program opened with C< '|-' > or C< '-|' >
+append them to the command string as you would system EXPR.
Returns EXPR on success for convenience. You may neglect the
return value and manipulate EXPR as the filehandle directly if you prefer.
=head1 NOTES
-FileCache installs signal handlers for CHLD (a.k.a. CLD) and PIPE in the
-calling package to handle deceased children from 2-arg C<cacheout> with C<'|-'>
-or C<'-|'> I<expediently>. The children would otherwise be reaped eventually,
-unless you terminated before repeatedly calling cacheout.
+FileCache installs localized signal handlers for CHLD (a.k.a. CLD) and PIPE
+to handle deceased children from 2-arg C<cacheout> with C<'|-'> or C<'-|'>
+I<expediently>. The children would otherwise be reaped eventually, unless you
+terminated before repeatedly calling cacheout.
*{$pkg.'::cacheout'} = \&cacheout;
*{$pkg.'::close'} = \&cacheout_close;
- # Reap our children
- ${"$pkg\::SIG"}{'CLD'} = 'IGNORE' if $Config{sig_name} =~ /\bCLD\b/;
- ${"$pkg\::SIG"}{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE' if $Config{sig_name} =~ /\bCHLD\b/;
- ${"$pkg\::SIG"}{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE' if $Config{sig_name} =~ /\bPIPE\b/;
# Truth is okay here because setting maxopen to 0 would be bad
return $cacheout_maxopen = $args{maxopen} if $args{maxopen};
foreach my $param ( '/usr/include/sys/param.h' ){
# Open in their package.
sub cacheout_open {
+ # Reap our children
+ local $SIG{CLD} ||= 'IGNORE'if $Config{sig_name} =~ /\bCLD\b/;
+ local $SIG{CHLD} ||= 'IGNORE'if $Config{sig_name} =~ /\bCHLD\b/;
+ local $SIG{PIPE} ||= 'IGNORE'if $Config{sig_name} =~ /\bPIPE\b/;
return open(*{caller(1) . '::' . $_[1]}, $_[0], $_[1]) && $_[1];
($file, $mode) = ($mode, $file) if $narg == 1;
croak "Invalid mode for cacheout" if $mode &&
( $mode !~ /^\s*(?:>>|\+?>|\+?<|\|\-|)|\-\|\s*$/ );
# Mode changed?
if( $isopen{$file} && ($mode||'>') ne $isopen{$file}->[2] ){
&cacheout_close($file, 1);