Inflates the first result without creating a cursor if the resultset has
any records in it; if not returns nothing. Used by find() as an optimisation.
+Can optionally take an additional condition *only* - this is a fast-code-path
+method; if you need to add extra joins or similar call ->search and then
+->single without a condition on the $rs returned from that.
sub single {
C<has_one> (or if you're using C<add_relationship>, any relationship declared
with an accessor type of 'single' or 'filter').
+=head2 page
+=over 4
+=item Value: $page
+Makes the resultset paged and specifies the page to retrieve. Effectively
+identical to creating a non-pages resultset and then calling ->page($page)
+on it.
+=head2 rows
+=over 4
+=item Value: $rows
+Specifes the maximum number of rows for direct retrieval or the number of
+rows per page if the page attribute or method is used.
+=head2 group_by
+=over 4
+=item Value: \@columns
+A arrayref of columns to group by. Can include columns of joined tables.
+ group_by => [qw/ column1 column2 ... /]
+=head2 having
+=over 4
+=item Value: $condition
+HAVING is a select statement attribute that is applied between GROUP BY and
+ORDER BY. It is applied to the after the grouping calculations have been
+ having => { 'count(employee)' => { '>=', 100 } }
+=head2 distinct
+=over 4
+=item Value: (0 | 1)
+Set to 1 to group by all columns.
+=head2 cache
+Set to 1 to cache search results. This prevents extra SQL queries if you
+revisit rows in your ResultSet:
+ my $resultset = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
+ while( my $artist = $resultset->next ) {
+ ... do stuff ...
+ }
+ $rs->first; # without cache, this would issue a query
+By default, searches are not cached.
+For more examples of using these attributes, see
=head2 from
=over 4
NOTE: Use this on your own risk. This allows you to shoot off your foot!
C<join> will usually do what you need and it is strongly recommended that you
avoid using C<from> unless you cannot achieve the desired result using C<join>.
+And we really do mean "cannot", not just tried and failed. Attempting to use
+this because you're having problems with C<join> is like trying to use x86
+ASM because you've got a syntax error in your C. Trust us on this.
+Now, if you're still really, really sure you need to use this (and if you're
+not 100% sure, ask the mailing list first), here's an explanation of how this
-In simple terms, C<from> works as follows:
+The syntax is as follows -
+ [
+ { <alias1> => <table1> },
- { <alias> => <table>, -join_type => 'inner|left|right' }
- [] # nested JOIN (optional)
- { <table.column> => <foreign_table.foreign_key> }
- ]
+ { <alias2> => <table2>, -join_type => 'inner|left|right' },
+ [], # nested JOIN (optional)
+ { <table1.column1> => <table2.column2>, ... (more conditions) },
+ ],
+ # More of the above [ ] may follow for additional joins
+ ]
- <alias> <table>
- [JOIN ...]
- ON <table.column> = <foreign_table.foreign_key>
+ <table1> <alias1>
+ <table2> <alias2>
+ [JOIN ...]
+ ON <table1.column1> = <table2.column2>
+ <more joins may follow>
An easy way to follow the examples below is to remember the following:
# SELECT child.* FROM person child
# INNER JOIN person father ON child.father_id =
-=head2 page
-=over 4
-=item Value: $page
-Makes the resultset paged and specifies the page to retrieve. Effectively
-identical to creating a non-pages resultset and then calling ->page($page)
-on it.
-=head2 rows
-=over 4
-=item Value: $rows
-Specifes the maximum number of rows for direct retrieval or the number of
-rows per page if the page attribute or method is used.
-=head2 group_by
-=over 4
-=item Value: \@columns
-A arrayref of columns to group by. Can include columns of joined tables.
- group_by => [qw/ column1 column2 ... /]
-=head2 having
-=over 4
-=item Value: $condition
-HAVING is a select statement attribute that is applied between GROUP BY and
-ORDER BY. It is applied to the after the grouping calculations have been
- having => { 'count(employee)' => { '>=', 100 } }
-=head2 distinct
-=over 4
-=item Value: (0 | 1)
-Set to 1 to group by all columns.
-=head2 cache
-Set to 1 to cache search results. This prevents extra SQL queries if you
-revisit rows in your ResultSet:
- my $resultset = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
- while( my $artist = $resultset->next ) {
- ... do stuff ...
- }
- $rs->first; # without cache, this would issue a query
-By default, searches are not cached.
-For more examples of using these attributes, see
--- /dev/null
+sub run_tests {
+my $schema = shift;
+my $queries;
+#$schema->storage->debugfh(IO::File->new('t/var/temp.trace', 'w'));
+$schema->storage->debugcb( sub{ $queries++ } );
+eval "use DBD::SQLite";
+plan skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' if $@;
+plan tests => 2;
+my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1);
+# SELECT count
+$queries = 0;
+is($queries, 1, 'liner_notes (might_have) not prefetched - do not load
+liner_notes on update');
+my $cd2 = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(2, {prefetch => 'liner_notes'});
+# SELECT count
+$queries = 0;
+is($queries, 1, 'liner_notes (might_have) prefetched - do not load
+liner_notes on update');