use_ok( 'Text::Tradition::Stemma' );
# Try to create a bad graph
-my $baddotfh;
-open( $baddotfh, 't/data/' ) or die "Could not open test dotfile";
-try {
- my $stemma = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new( dot => $baddotfh );
- ok( 0, "Created broken stemma from dotfile with syntax error" );
-} catch( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
- like( $e->message, qr/^Error trying to parse/, "Syntax error in dot threw exception" );
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "cannot use stdout redirection trick with FastCGI";
+ my $baddotfh;
+ open( $baddotfh, 't/data/' ) or die "Could not open test dotfile";
+ try {
+ my $stemma = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new( dot => $baddotfh );
+ ok( 0, "Created broken stemma from dotfile with syntax error" );
+ } catch( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ like( $e->message, qr/^Error trying to parse/, "Syntax error in dot threw exception" );
+ }
# Create a good graph
use_ok( 'Text::Tradition::Stemma' );
# Try to create a bad graph
-my $baddotfh;
-open( $baddotfh, 't/data/' ) or die "Could not open test dotfile";
-try {
- my $stemma = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new( dot => $baddotfh );
- ok( 0, "Created broken stemma from dotfile with syntax error" );
-} catch( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
- like( $e->message, qr/^Error trying to parse/, "Syntax error in dot threw exception" );
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "cannot use stdout redirection trick with FastCGI";
+ my $baddotfh;
+ open( $baddotfh, 't/data/' ) or die "Could not open test dotfile";
+ try {
+ my $stemma = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new( dot => $baddotfh );
+ ok( 0, "Created broken stemma from dotfile with syntax error" );
+ } catch( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ like( $e->message, qr/^Error trying to parse/, "Syntax error in dot threw exception" );
+ }
# Create a good graph
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'searching on public attr not implemented yet';
- ## Fetch public traditions, not user traditions, when not fetching with a user
- use Text::Tradition;
- my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
- 'name' => 'inline',
- 'input' => 'Tabular',
- 'file' => 't/data/simple.txt',
- );
+## Fetch public traditions, not user traditions, when not fetching with a user
+use Text::Tradition;
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'Tabular',
+ 'file' => 't/data/simple.txt',
+my $user = $user_store->add_user({ username => 'testpublic',
+ password => 'testingtraditions' });
+## add a second, not owned by this user, we shouldn't return it from
+## traditionslist
+my $t2 = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'Tabular',
+ 'file' => 't/data/simple.txt',
+my $uuid = $user_store->save($t2);
+my @tlist = $user_store->traditionlist('public');
+is(scalar @tlist, 1, 'Got one public tradition');
+is($tlist[0]->{name}, $t2->name, 'Traditionlist returns same named user->tradition');
+is($tlist[0]->{id}, $uuid, 'Traditionlist returns actual tradition with same uuid we put in earlier');
+my $fetched_t = $user_store->tradition($tlist[0]->{id});
+ok($fetched_t->public, 'Traditionlist returns public item');
- $user_store->save($t);
- my $user = $user_store->add_user({ username => 'testpublic',
- password => 'testingtraditions' });
- $user->add_tradition($t);
- $user_store->update($user);
- ## add a second, not owned by this user, we shouldn't return it from
- ## traditionslist
- my $t2 = Text::Tradition->new(
- 'name' => 'inline',
- 'input' => 'Tabular',
- 'file' => 't/data/simple.txt',
- );
- $t2->public(1);
- my $uuid = $user_store->save($t2);
- my @tlist = $user_store->traditionlist('public');
- is(scalar @tlist, 1, 'Got one public tradition');
- is($tlist[0]->{name}, $t2->name, 'Traditionlist returns same named user->tradition');
- is($tlist[0]->{id}, $uuid, 'Traditionlist returns actual tradition with same uuid we put in earlier');
- my $fetched_t = $user_store->tradition($tlist[0]->{id});
- ok($fetched_t->public, 'Traditionlist returns public item');
## remove_tradition