print "deleted\n" unless exists $Foo::{'Bar::'};
C<Symbol::gensym> creates an anonymous glob and returns a reference
this routine is not exported by default--you may want to import it
+=head1 BUGS
+C<Symbol::delete_package> is a bit too powerful. It undefines every symbol
+that lives in the specified package and in its sub-packages. Since perl,
+for performance reasons, does not perform a symbol table lookup each time
+a function is called or a global variable is accessed, some code that has
+already been loaded and that makes use of symbols in package C<Foo> may
+stop working after you delete C<Foo>, even if you reload the C<Foo> module
BEGIN { require 5.005; }
@EXPORT = qw(gensym ungensym qualify qualify_to_ref);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(delete_package geniosym);
-$VERSION = 1.04;
+$VERSION = '1.05';
my $genpkg = "Symbol::";
my $genseq = 0;
@INC = '../lib';
-use Test::More tests => 14;
+use Test::More tests => 19;
BEGIN { $_ = 'foo'; } # because Symbol used to clobber $_
'qualify() with an identifier starting with a _' );
::ok( qualify("^FOO") eq "main::\cFOO",
'qualify() with an identifier starting with a ^' );
+# tests for delete_package
+package main;
+$Transient::variable = 42;
+ok( exists $::{'Transient::'}, 'transient stash exists' );
+ok( defined $Transient::{variable}, 'transient variable in stash' );
+ok( !exists $Transient::{variable}, 'transient variable no longer in stash' );
+is( scalar(keys %Transient::), 0, 'transient stash is empty' );
+ok( !exists $::{'Transient::'}, 'no transient stash' );