'clearer' => $options->{clearer},
'builder' => $options->{builder},
'init_arg' => $options->{init_arg},
- 'default' => $options->{default},
+ exists $options->{default}
+ ? ('default' => $options->{default})
+ : (),
'initializer' => $options->{initializer},
'definition_context' => $options->{definition_context},
# keep a weakened link to the
- elsif (defined $self->{'default'}) {
+ elsif (exists $self->{'default'}) {
use warnings;
use Carp 'confess';
-use Scalar::Util 'blessed', 'weaken', 'looks_like_number';
+use Scalar::Util 'blessed', 'weaken';
our $VERSION = '1.04';
sub _generate_constructor_method_inline {
my $self = shift;
- my $close_over = {};
+ my $defaults = [map { $_->default } @{ $self->_attributes }];
+ my $close_over = {
+ '$defaults' => \$defaults,
+ };
my $source = 'sub {';
$source .= "\n" . 'my $class = shift;';
$source .= "\n" . 'my $params = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};';
$source .= "\n" . 'my $instance = ' . $self->_meta_instance->inline_create_instance('$class');
+ my $idx = 0;
$source .= ";\n" . (join ";\n" => map {
- $self->_generate_slot_initializer($_, $close_over)
+ $self->_generate_slot_initializer($_, $idx++)
} @{ $self->_attributes });
$source .= ";\n" . 'return $instance';
$source .= ";\n" . '}';
sub _generate_slot_initializer {
my $self = shift;
my $attr = shift;
- my $close = shift;
+ my $idx = shift;
my $default;
if ($attr->has_default) {
- # NOTE:
- # default values can either be CODE refs
- # in which case we need to call them. Or
- # they can be scalars (strings/numbers)
- # in which case we can just deal with them
- # in the code we eval.
- if ($attr->is_default_a_coderef) {
- my $idx = @{$close->{'@defaults'}||=[]};
- push(@{$close->{'@defaults'}}, $attr->default);
- $default = '$defaults[' . $idx . ']->($instance)';
- }
- else {
- $default = $attr->default;
- # make sure to quote strings ...
- unless (looks_like_number($default)) {
- $default = "'$default'";
- }
- }
+ $default = $self->_generate_default_value($attr, $idx);
} elsif( $attr->has_builder ) {
$default = '$instance->'.$attr->builder;
} else { return '' }
+sub _generate_default_value {
+ my ($self, $attr, $index) = @_;
+ # NOTE:
+ # default values can either be CODE refs
+ # in which case we need to call them. Or
+ # they can be scalars (strings/numbers)
+ # in which case we can just deal with them
+ # in the code we eval.
+ if ($attr->is_default_a_coderef) {
+ return '$defaults->[' . $index . ']->($instance)';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '$defaults->[' . $index . ']';
+ }
sub has_clearer { defined $_[0]->{'clearer'} }
sub has_builder { defined $_[0]->{'builder'} }
sub has_init_arg { defined $_[0]->{'init_arg'} }
-sub has_default { defined $_[0]->{'default'} }
+sub has_default { exists $_[0]->{'default'} }
sub has_initializer { defined $_[0]->{'initializer'} }
sub has_insertion_order { defined $_[0]->{'insertion_order'} }
} '... no default AND builder';
+ my $undef_attr;
+ lives_ok {
+ $undef_attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$test' => (
+ default => undef,
+ predicate => 'has_test',
+ ));
+ } '... undef as a default is okay';
+ ok($undef_attr->has_default, '... and it counts as an actual default');
+ ok(!Class::MOP::Attribute->new('$test')->has_default,
+ '... but attributes with no default have no default');
+ Class::MOP::Class->create(
+ 'Foo',
+ attributes => [$undef_attr],
+ );
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->meta->new_object;
+ ok($obj->has_test, '... and the default is populated');
+ is($obj->meta->get_attribute('$test')->get_value($obj), undef, '... with the right value');
+ }
+ lives_ok { Foo->meta->make_immutable }
+ '... and it can be inlined';
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->new;
+ ok($obj->has_test, '... and the default is populated');
+ is($obj->meta->get_attribute('$test')->get_value($obj), undef, '... with the right value');
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use B;
+use Class::MOP;
+my @int_defaults = (
+ 100,
+ -2,
+ 01234,
+ 0xFF,
+my @num_defaults = (
+ 10.5,
+ -20.0,
+ 1e3,
+ 1.3e-10,
+my @string_defaults = (
+ 'foo',
+ '',
+ '100',
+ '10.5',
+ '1e3',
+ '0 but true',
+ '01234',
+ '09876',
+ '0xFF',
+for my $default (@int_defaults) {
+ my $copy = $default; # so we can print it out without modifying flags
+ my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new(
+ foo => (default => $default, reader => 'foo'),
+ );
+ my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
+ attributes => [$attr],
+ methods => {bar => sub { $default }},
+ );
+ my $obj = $meta->new_object;
+ for my $meth (qw(foo bar)) {
+ my $val = $obj->$meth;
+ my $b = B::svref_2object(\$val);
+ my $flags = $b->FLAGS;
+ ok($flags & B::SVf_IOK || $flags & B::SVp_IOK, "it's an int ($copy)");
+ ok(!($flags & B::SVf_POK), "not a string ($copy)");
+ }
+ $meta->make_immutable;
+ my $immutable_obj = $meta->name->new;
+ for my $meth (qw(foo bar)) {
+ my $val = $immutable_obj->$meth;
+ my $b = B::svref_2object(\$val);
+ my $flags = $b->FLAGS;
+ ok($flags & B::SVf_IOK || $flags & B::SVp_IOK, "it's an int ($copy) (immutable)");
+ ok(!($flags & B::SVf_POK), "not a string ($copy) (immutable)");
+ }
+for my $default (@num_defaults) {
+ my $copy = $default; # so we can print it out without modifying flags
+ my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new(
+ foo => (default => $default, reader => 'foo'),
+ );
+ my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
+ attributes => [$attr],
+ methods => {bar => sub { $default }},
+ );
+ my $obj = $meta->new_object;
+ for my $meth (qw(foo bar)) {
+ my $val = $obj->$meth;
+ my $b = B::svref_2object(\$val);
+ my $flags = $b->FLAGS;
+ ok($flags & B::SVf_NOK || $flags & B::SVp_NOK, "it's a num ($copy)");
+ ok(!($flags & B::SVf_POK), "not a string ($copy)");
+ }
+ $meta->make_immutable;
+ my $immutable_obj = $meta->name->new;
+ for my $meth (qw(foo bar)) {
+ my $val = $immutable_obj->$meth;
+ my $b = B::svref_2object(\$val);
+ my $flags = $b->FLAGS;
+ ok($flags & B::SVf_NOK || $flags & B::SVp_NOK, "it's a num ($copy) (immutable)");
+ ok(!($flags & B::SVf_POK), "not a string ($copy) (immutable)");
+ }
+for my $default (@string_defaults) {
+ my $copy = $default; # so we can print it out without modifying flags
+ my $attr = Class::MOP::Attribute->new(
+ foo => (default => $default, reader => 'foo'),
+ );
+ my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class(
+ attributes => [$attr],
+ methods => {bar => sub { $default }},
+ );
+ my $obj = $meta->new_object;
+ for my $meth (qw(foo bar)) {
+ my $val = $obj->$meth;
+ my $b = B::svref_2object(\$val);
+ my $flags = $b->FLAGS;
+ ok($flags & B::SVf_POK, "it's a string ($copy)");
+ }
+ $meta->make_immutable;
+ my $immutable_obj = $meta->name->new;
+ for my $meth (qw(foo bar)) {
+ my $val = $immutable_obj->$meth;
+ my $b = B::svref_2object(\$val);
+ my $flags = $b->FLAGS;
+ ok($flags & B::SVf_POK, "it's a string ($copy) (immutable)");
+ }