use Module::Install::XSUtil 0.30;
use Module::Install::AuthorTests;
-system($^X, 'tool/', 'lib/Mouse/') == 0
- or warn "Cannot generate Mouse::Tiny: $!";
name 'Mouse';
all_from 'lib/';
repository 'git://';
+system($^X, 'tool/', 'lib/Mouse/') == 0
+ or warn "Cannot generate Mouse::Tiny: $!";
+makemaker_args PL_FILES => {
+ 'tool/' => 'lib/Mouse/',
if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
require 'lib/Mouse/'; # for the version
my $require_version = Mouse::Spec->MooseVersion;
->_generate_delegation($self, $handle, $method_to_call);
-sub throw_error{
- my $self = shift;
- my $metaclass = (ref $self && $self->associated_class) || 'Mouse::Meta::Class';
- $metaclass->throw_error(@_, depth => 1);
-sub throw_error{
- my($self, $message, %args) = @_;
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1 + ($args{depth} || 0);
- local $Carp::MaxArgNums = 20; # default is 8, usually we use named args which gets messier though
- if(exists $args{longmess} && !$args{longmess}){ # intentionaly longmess => 0
- Carp::croak($message);
- }
- else{
- Carp::confess($message);
- }
-sub _check_required_methods{
- my($role, $consumer, $args) = @_;
- if($args->{_to} eq 'role'){
- $consumer->add_required_methods($role->get_required_method_list);
- }
- else{ # to class or instance
- my $consumer_class_name = $consumer->name;
- my @missing;
- foreach my $method_name(@{$role->{required_methods}}){
- next if exists $args->{aliased_methods}{$method_name};
- next if exists $role->{methods}{$method_name};
- next if $consumer_class_name->can($method_name);
- push @missing, $method_name;
- }
- if(@missing){
- $role->throw_error(sprintf "'%s' requires the method%s %s to be implemented by '%s'",
- $role->name,
- (@missing == 1 ? '' : 's'), # method or methods
- Mouse::Util::quoted_english_list(@missing),
- $consumer_class_name);
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _apply_methods{
- my($role, $consumer, $args) = @_;
- my $alias = $args->{-alias};
- my $excludes = $args->{-excludes};
- foreach my $method_name($role->get_method_list){
- next if $method_name eq 'meta';
- my $code = $role->get_method_body($method_name);
- if(!exists $excludes->{$method_name}){
- if(!$consumer->has_method($method_name)){
- # The third argument $role is used in Role::Composite
- $consumer->add_method($method_name => $code, $role);
- }
- }
- if(exists $alias->{$method_name}){
- my $dstname = $alias->{$method_name};
- my $dstcode = $consumer->get_method_body($dstname);
- if(defined($dstcode) && $dstcode != $code){
- $role->throw_error("Cannot create a method alias if a local method of the same name exists");
- }
- else{
- $consumer->add_method($dstname => $code, $role);
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _apply_attributes{
- #my($role, $consumer, $args) = @_;
- my($role, $consumer) = @_;
- for my $attr_name ($role->get_attribute_list) {
- next if $consumer->has_attribute($attr_name);
- $consumer->add_attribute($attr_name => $role->get_attribute($attr_name));
- }
- return;
-sub _apply_modifiers{
- #my($role, $consumer, $args) = @_;
- my($role, $consumer) = @_;
- if(my $modifiers = $role->{override_method_modifiers}){
- foreach my $method_name (keys %{$modifiers}){
- $consumer->add_override_method_modifier($method_name => $modifiers->{$method_name});
- }
- }
- for my $modifier_type (qw/before around after/) {
- my $table = $role->{"${modifier_type}_method_modifiers"}
- or next;
- my $add_modifier = "add_${modifier_type}_method_modifier";
- while(my($method_name, $modifiers) = each %{$table}){
- foreach my $code(@{ $modifiers }){
- next if $consumer->{"_applied_$modifier_type"}{$method_name, $code}++; # skip applied modifiers
- $consumer->$add_modifier($method_name => $code);
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-sub _append_roles{
- #my($role, $consumer, $args) = @_;
- my($role, $consumer) = @_;
- my $roles = $consumer->{roles};
- foreach my $r($role, @{$role->get_roles}){
- if(!$consumer->does_role($r)){
- push @{$roles}, $r;
- }
- }
- return;
# Moose uses Application::ToInstance, Application::ToClass, Application::ToRole
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
my $consumer = shift;
- my %args = (@_ == 1) ? %{ $_[0] } : @_;
- my $instance;
- if(Mouse::Util::is_a_metaclass($consumer)){ # Application::ToClass
- $args{_to} = 'class';
- }
- elsif(Mouse::Util::is_a_metarole($consumer)){ # Application::ToRole
- $args{_to} = 'role';
- }
- else{ # Appplication::ToInstance
- $args{_to} = 'instance';
- $instance = $consumer;
- $consumer = (Mouse::Util::class_of($instance) || 'Mouse::Meta::Class')
- ->create_anon_class(
- superclasses => [ref $instance],
- cache => 1,
- );
- }
- if($args{alias} && !exists $args{-alias}){
- $args{-alias} = $args{alias};
- }
- if($args{excludes} && !exists $args{-excludes}){
- $args{-excludes} = $args{excludes};
- }
- $args{aliased_methods} = {};
- if(my $alias = $args{-alias}){
- @{$args{aliased_methods}}{ values %{$alias} } = ();
- }
- if(my $excludes = $args{-excludes}){
- $args{-excludes} = {}; # replace with a hash ref
- if(ref $excludes){
- %{$args{-excludes}} = (map{ $_ => undef } @{$excludes});
- }
- else{
- $args{-excludes}{$excludes} = undef;
- }
- }
- $self->_check_required_methods($consumer, \%args);
- $self->_apply_attributes($consumer, \%args);
- $self->_apply_methods($consumer, \%args);
- $self->_apply_modifiers($consumer, \%args);
- $self->_append_roles($consumer, \%args);
- if(defined $instance){ # Application::ToInstance
- # rebless instance
- bless $instance, $consumer->name;
- $consumer->_initialize_object($instance, $instance, 1);
- }
- return;
+ require 'Mouse/Meta/Role/';
+ return Mouse::Meta::Role::Application->new(@_)->apply($self, $consumer);
sub combine {
my($self, @role_specs) = @_;
- require 'Mouse/Meta/Role/'; # we don't want to create its namespace
+ require 'Mouse/Meta/Role/';
my $composite = Mouse::Meta::Role::Composite->create_anon_role();
foreach my $role_spec (@role_specs) {
--- /dev/null
+package Mouse::Meta::Role::Application;
+use Mouse::Util qw(:meta);
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $args = $class->Mouse::Object::BUILDARGS(@_);
+ if(exists $args->{exclude} or exists $args->{alias}) {
+ warnings::warnif(deprecated =>
+ 'The alias and excludes options for role application have been'
+ . ' renamed -alias and -exclude');
+ if($args->{alias} && !exists $args->{-alias}){
+ $args->{-alias} = $args->{alias};
+ }
+ if($args->{excludes} && !exists $args->{-excludes}){
+ $args->{-excludes} = $args->{excludes};
+ }
+ }
+ $args->{aliased_methods} = {};
+ if(my $alias = $args->{-alias}){
+ @{$args->{aliased_methods}}{ values %{$alias} } = ();
+ }
+ if(my $excludes = $args->{-excludes}){
+ $args->{-excludes} = {}; # replace with a hash ref
+ if(ref $excludes){
+ %{$args->{-excludes}} = (map{ $_ => undef } @{$excludes});
+ }
+ else{
+ $args->{-excludes}{$excludes} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ my $self = bless $args, $class;
+ if($class ne __PACKAGE__){
+ $self->meta->_initialize_object($self, $args);
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub apply {
+ my($self, $role, $consumer, @extra) = @_;
+ my $instance;
+ if(Mouse::Util::is_a_metaclass($consumer)) { # Application::ToClass
+ $self->{_to} = 'class';
+ }
+ elsif(Mouse::Util::is_a_metarole($consumer)) { # Application::ToRole
+ $self->{_to} = 'role';
+ }
+ else { # Appplication::ToInstance
+ $self->{_to} = 'instance';
+ $instance = $consumer;
+ $consumer = (Mouse::Util::class_of($instance) || 'Mouse::Meta::Class')
+ ->create_anon_class(
+ superclasses => [ref $instance],
+ cache => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ #$self->check_role_exclusions($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ $self->check_required_methods($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ #$self->check_required_attributes($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ $self->apply_attributes($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ $self->apply_methods($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ #$self->apply_override_method_modifiers($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ #$self->apply_before_method_modifiers($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ #$self->apply_around_method_modifiers($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ #$self->apply_after_method_modifiers($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ $self->apply_modifiers($role, $consumer, @extra);
+ $self->_append_roles($role, $consumer);
+ if(defined $instance){ # Application::ToInstance
+ # rebless instance
+ bless $instance, $consumer->name;
+ $consumer->_initialize_object($instance, $instance, 1);
+ }
+ return;
+sub check_required_methods {
+ my($self, $role, $consumer) = @_;
+ if($self->{_to} eq 'role'){
+ $consumer->add_required_methods($role->get_required_method_list);
+ }
+ else{ # to class or instance
+ my $consumer_class_name = $consumer->name;
+ my @missing;
+ foreach my $method_name(@{$role->{required_methods}}){
+ next if exists $self->{aliased_methods}{$method_name};
+ next if exists $role->{methods}{$method_name};
+ next if $consumer_class_name->can($method_name);
+ push @missing, $method_name;
+ }
+ if(@missing){
+ $role->throw_error(sprintf "'%s' requires the method%s %s to be implemented by '%s'",
+ $role->name,
+ (@missing == 1 ? '' : 's'), # method or methods
+ Mouse::Util::quoted_english_list(@missing),
+ $consumer_class_name);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub apply_methods {
+ my($self, $role, $consumer) = @_;
+ my $alias = $self->{-alias};
+ my $excludes = $self->{-excludes};
+ foreach my $method_name($role->get_method_list){
+ next if $method_name eq 'meta';
+ my $code = $role->get_method_body($method_name);
+ if(!exists $excludes->{$method_name}){
+ if(!$consumer->has_method($method_name)){
+ # The third argument $role is used in Role::Composite
+ $consumer->add_method($method_name => $code, $role);
+ }
+ }
+ if(exists $alias->{$method_name}){
+ my $dstname = $alias->{$method_name};
+ my $dstcode = $consumer->get_method_body($dstname);
+ if(defined($dstcode) && $dstcode != $code){
+ $role->throw_error("Cannot create a method alias if a local method of the same name exists");
+ }
+ else{
+ $consumer->add_method($dstname => $code, $role);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub apply_attributes {
+ my($self, $role, $consumer) = @_;
+ for my $attr_name ($role->get_attribute_list) {
+ next if $consumer->has_attribute($attr_name);
+ $consumer->add_attribute($attr_name
+ => $role->get_attribute($attr_name));
+ }
+ return;
+sub apply_modifiers {
+ my($self, $role, $consumer) = @_;
+ if(my $modifiers = $role->{override_method_modifiers}){
+ foreach my $method_name (keys %{$modifiers}){
+ $consumer->add_override_method_modifier(
+ $method_name => $modifiers->{$method_name});
+ }
+ }
+ for my $modifier_type (qw/before around after/) {
+ my $table = $role->{"${modifier_type}_method_modifiers"}
+ or next;
+ my $add_modifier = "add_${modifier_type}_method_modifier";
+ while(my($method_name, $modifiers) = each %{$table}){
+ foreach my $code(@{ $modifiers }) {
+ # skip if the modifier is already applied
+ next if $consumer->{"_applied_$modifier_type"}{$method_name, $code}++;
+ $consumer->$add_modifier($method_name => $code);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub _append_roles {
+ my($self, $role, $metaclass_or_role) = @_;
+ my $roles = $metaclass_or_role->{roles};
+ foreach my $r($role, @{$role->get_roles}){
+ if(!$metaclass_or_role->does_role($r)){
+ push @{$roles}, $r;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+=head1 NAME
+Mouse::Meta::Role::Application - The Mouse role application class
+=head1 SEE ALSO
package Mouse::Meta::Role::Composite;
use Mouse::Util; # enables strict and warnings
use Mouse::Meta::Role;
+use Mouse::Meta::Role::Application;
our @ISA = qw(Mouse::Meta::Role);
-sub get_method_list{
+sub get_method_list {
my($self) = @_;
return keys %{ $self->{methods} };
sub has_method {
# my($self, $method_name) = @_;
- return 0; # to fool _apply_methods() in combine()
+ return 0; # to fool apply_methods() in combine()
-sub has_attribute{
+sub has_attribute {
# my($self, $method_name) = @_;
- return 0; # to fool _appply_attributes() in combine()
+ return 0; # to fool appply_attributes() in combine()
-sub has_override_method_modifier{
+sub has_override_method_modifier {
# my($self, $method_name) = @_;
- return 0; # to fool _apply_modifiers() in combine()
+ return 0; # to fool apply_modifiers() in combine()
-sub add_attribute{
+sub add_attribute {
my $self = shift;
my $attr_name = shift;
my $spec = (@_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_});
-sub add_override_method_modifier{
+sub add_override_method_modifier {
my($self, $method_name, $code) = @_;
my $existing = $self->{override_method_modifiers}{$method_name};
-# components of apply()
+sub apply {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $consumer = shift;
-sub _apply_methods{
- my($self, $consumer, $args) = @_;
+ Mouse::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation->new(@_)->apply($self, $consumer);
+ return;
+package Mouse::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation;
+our @ISA = qw(Mouse::Meta::Role::Application);
- if(exists $self->{conflicting_methods}){
+sub apply_methods {
+ my($self, $role, $consumer, @extra) = @_;
+ if(exists $role->{conflicting_methods}){
my $consumer_class_name = $consumer->name;
- my @conflicting = grep{ !$consumer_class_name->can($_) } keys %{ $self->{conflicting_methods} };
+ my @conflicting = grep{ !$consumer_class_name->can($_) }
+ keys %{ $role->{conflicting_methods} };
if(@conflicting == 1){
my $method_name = $conflicting[0];
- my $roles = Mouse::Util::quoted_english_list(map{ $_->name } @{ $self->{composed_roles_by_method}{$method_name} });
+ my $roles = Mouse::Util::quoted_english_list( map{ $_->name }
+ @{ $role->{composed_roles_by_method}{$method_name} });
sprintf q{Due to a method name conflict in roles %s, the method '%s' must be implemented or excluded by '%s'},
$roles, $method_name, $consumer_class_name
my $roles = Mouse::Util::quoted_english_list(
grep{ !$seen{$_}++ } # uniq
map { $_->name }
- map { @{$_} } @{ $self->{composed_roles_by_method} }{@conflicting}
+ map { @{$_} } @{ $role->{composed_roles_by_method} }{@conflicting}
- $self->SUPER::_apply_methods($consumer, $args);
+ $self->SUPER::apply_methods($role, $consumer, @extra);
+package Mouse::Meta::Role::Composite;
-sub throw_error {
- require Mouse::Meta::Module;
- goto &Mouse::Meta::Module::throw_error;
sub is_immutable { $_[0]->{is_immutable} }
- strict_constructor => $generate_class_accessor->('strict_constructor'),
+sub strict_constructor;
+*strict_constructor = $generate_class_accessor->('strict_constructor');
sub _report_unknown_args {
my($metaclass, $attrs, $args) = @_;
- does meta dump
+ does meta throw_error dump
groups => {
default => [], # export no functions by default
# The ':meta' group is 'use metaclass' for Mouse
- meta => [qw(does meta dump)],
+ meta => [qw(does meta dump throw_error)],
Mouse::Util->import({ into => 'Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor::XS' }, ':meta');
return 1;
} || 0;
- #warn $@ if $@;
+ warn $@ if $@ && $ENV{MOUSE_XS};
return Mouse::Meta::Class->initialize(ref($_[0]) || $_[0]);
+# general throw_error() method
+# $o->throw_error($msg, depth => $leve, longmess => $croak_or_confess)
+sub throw_error :method {
+ my($self, $message, %args) = @_;
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1 + ($args{depth} || 0);
+ local $Carp::MaxArgNums = 20; # default is 8, usually we use named args which gets messier though
+ if(exists $args{longmess} && !$args{longmess}) {
+ Carp::croak($message);
+ }
+ else{
+ Carp::confess($message);
+ }
# general dump() method
sub dump :method {
my($self, $maxdepth) = @_;