=head3 Constant
A Constant is a Perl scalar. It may either be a String (quoted series of
-characters) or a number (unquoted).
+characters) or a number (unquoted) or NULL (corresponds to Perl's C<undef>).
=head3 Function
A Function is anything of the form C< name( arglist ) > where C<name> is a
string and C<arglist> is a comma-separated list of Expressions.
-Yes, a Subquery is legal as an argument for many functions.
+Yes, a Subquery is legal as an argument for many functions. Some example
+functions are:
+=over 4
+=item * C<< IN >>
+=item * C<< MAX >>
+=item * C<< MIN >>
+=item * C<< SUM >>
=head3 Subquery
single-row restriction is much more difficult and, in most cases, probably
+Subqueries, when expressed in SQL, must bounded by parentheses.
=head3 Unary Operator
A UnaryOperator takes a single argument on the RHS and is one of the following:
=item * C<< IS NOT >>
-=item * C<< IN >>
-=item * C<< NOT IN >>
Note that an operator can comprise of what would be multiple tokens in a normal
=item * Expression BinaryOperator Expression
+=item * ( Expression )
+Parentheses indicate precedence and, in some situations, are necessary for
+certain operators.
=head2 SQL clauses
The expected clauses are (name and structure):
=head3 select
-This corresponds to the SELECT clause of a SELECT statement. It maps to a comma-
-separated list of the following construct C< Expression [ [ AS ] String ] >
-(where the [] indicate optional items).
+This corresponds to the SELECT clause of a SELECT statement.
+A select clause is composed as follows:
+ SelectComponent := Expression [ [ AS ] String ]
+ SelectComponent
+ [ , SelectComponent ]*
=head3 tables
This is a list of tables that this clause is affecting. It corresponds to the
-FROM clause in a SELECT statement and the UPDATE/DELETE clauses in those
-respective statements. Depending on the _query metadata entry, the appropriate
-clause name will be used.
+FROM clause in a SELECT statement and the INSERT INTO/UPDATE/DELETE clauses in
+those respective statements. Depending on the _query metadata entry, the
+appropriate clause name will be used.
The tables clause has several RDBMS-specific variations. The AST will support
all of them and it is up to the Visitor object constructing the actual SQL to
A table clause is composed as follows:
TableIdentifier := Identifier [ [ AS ] String ]
- JoinType := < LEFT|RIGHT [ OUTER ] > | < INNER >
+ JoinType := < LEFT|RIGHT [ OUTER ] > | INNER | CROSS
=head3 where
+This corresponds to the WHERE clause in a SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
+A where clause is composed as follows:
+ WhereOperator := AND | OR
+ WhereExpression := Expression | Expression WhereOperator Expression
+ WhereExpression
=head3 set
+This corresponds to the SET clause in an INSERT or UPDATE statement.
+A set clause is composed as follows:
+ SetComponent := Identifier = Expression
+ SetComponent [ , SetComponent ]*
+=head3 columns
+This corresponds to the optional list of columns in an INSERT statement.
+A columns clause is composed as follows:
+ ( Identifier [ , Identifier ]* )
=head3 values
+This corresponds to the VALUES clause in an INSERT statement.
+A values clause is composed as follows:
+ ( Expression [ , Expression ]* )
+If there is a columns clause, the number of entries in the values clause must be
+equal to the number of entries in the columns clause.
=head3 orderby
+This corresponds to the ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement.
+An orderby clause is composed as follows:
+ OrderByComponent := XXX
+ OrderByDirection := ASC | DESC
+ OrderByComponent [ OrderByDirection ]
+ [ , OrderByComponent [ OrderByDirection ] ]*
=head3 groupby
+This corresponds to the GROUP BY clause in a SELECT statement.
+An groupby clause is composed as follows:
+ GroupByComponent := XXX
+ GroupByComponent [ , GroupByComponent ]*
=head3 rows
+This corresponds to the clause that is used in some RDBMS engines to limit the
+number of rows returned by a query. In MySQL, this would be the LIMIT clause.
+A rows clause is composed as follows:
+ Number [, Number ]
=head3 for
+This corresponds to the clause that is used in some RDBMS engines to indicate
+what locks are to be taken by this SELECT statement.
+A for clause is composed as follows:
+=head3 connectby
+This corresponds to the clause that is used in some RDBMS engines to provide for
+an adjacency-list query.
+A connectby clause is composed as follows:
+ Identifier, WhereExpression
=head1 AUTHORS
-robkinyon: Rob Kinyon <rkinyon@cpan.org>
+robkinyon: Rob Kinyon C<< <rkinyon@cpan.org> >>
=head1 LICENSE