message { "'$_' is too long" };
+ ## Coerce an ArrayRef to a string via concatenation.
coerce Varchar,
from ArrayRef,
via {
conciseness of your type constraint declarations. An exception wil be thrown if
your type parameters don't match the required reference type.
-Also not that if you 'chain' parameterization results with a method call like:
+Also note that if you 'chain' parameterization results with a method call like:
You need to have the "(...)" around the ArrayRef in the Type Constraint
-parameters. This seems to have something to do with the precendent level of
-"->". Patches or thoughts welcomed. You only need to do this in the above
-case which I imagine is not a very common case.
+parameters. You can skip the wrapping parenthesis in the most common cases,
+such as when you use the type constraint in the options section of a L<Moose>
+attribute declaration, or when defining type libraries.
==head2 Subtyping a Parameterizable type constraints
shift >= 0;
-Or you could have done the following instead:
+In this case you'd now have a parameterizable type constraint called which
+would work like:
+ Test::More::ok PositiveRangedInt([{min=>-10, max=>75}])->check(5);
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt([{min=>-10, max=>75}])->check(-5);
+Of course the above is somewhat counter-intuitive to the reader, since we have
+defined our 'RangedInt' in such as way as to let you declare negative ranges.
+For the moment each type constraint rule is apply without knowledge of any
+other rule, nor can a rule 'inform' existing rules. This is a limitation of
+the current system. However, you could instead do the following:
## Subtype of Int for positive numbers
subtype PositiveInt,
subtype PositiveRangedInt,
as RangedInt[PositiveRange];
+This would constrain values in the same way as the previous type constraint but
+have the bonus that you'd throw a hard exception if you try to use an incorrect
+ Test::More::ok PositiveRangedInt([{min=>10, max=>75}])->check(15); ## OK
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt([{min=>-10, max=>75}])->check(-5); ## Dies
Notice how re-parameterizing the parameterizable type 'RangedInt' works slightly
differently from re-parameterizing 'PositiveRange' Although it initially takes
two type constraint values to declare a parameterizable type, should you wish to
+ package Test::MooseX::Types::Parameterizable::Subtypes;
+ use Moose;
+ use MooseX::Types::Parameterizable qw(Parameterizable);
+ use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(HashRef Int);
+ use MooseX::Types -declare=>[qw(Range RangedInt PositiveRangedInt
+ PositiveInt PositiveRange PositiveRangedInt2 )];
+ ## Minor change from docs to avoid additional test dependencies
+ subtype Range,
+ as HashRef[Int],
+ where {
+ my ($range) = @_;
+ return $range->{max} > $range->{min};
+ },
+ message { "Not a Valid range [ $_->{max} not > $_->{min} ] " };
+ subtype RangedInt,
+ as Parameterizable[Int, Range],
+ where {
+ my ($value, $range) = @_;
+ return ($value >= $range->{min} &&
+ $value <= $range->{max});
+ };
+ subtype PositiveRangedInt,
+ as RangedInt,
+ where {
+ shift >= 0;
+ };
+ Test::More::ok PositiveRangedInt([{min=>10,max=>100}])->check(50);
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt([{min=>50, max=>75}])->check(99);
+ eval {
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt([{min=>99, max=>10}])->check(10);
+ };
+ Test::More::ok $@, 'There was an error';
+ Test::More::like $@, qr(Not a Valid range), 'Correct custom error';
+ Test::More::ok PositiveRangedInt([min=>10,max=>100])->check(50);
+ Test::More::ok ! PositiveRangedInt([min=>50, max=>75])->check(99);
+ eval {
+ PositiveRangedInt([min=>99, max=>10])->check(10);
+ };
+ Test::More::ok $@, 'There was an error';
+ Test::More::like $@, qr(Not a Valid range), 'Correct custom error';
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt([{min=>-10, max=>75}])->check(-5);
+ ## Subtype of Int for positive numbers
+ subtype PositiveInt,
+ as Int,
+ where {
+ my ($value, $range) = @_;
+ return $value >= 0;
+ };
+ ## subtype Range to re-parameterize Range with subtypes. Minor change from
+ ## docs to reduce test dependencies
+ subtype PositiveRange,
+ as Range[PositiveInt],
+ message { "[ $_->{max} not > $_->{min} ] is not a positive range " };
+ ## create subtype via reparameterizing
+ subtype PositiveRangedInt2,
+ as RangedInt[PositiveRange];
+ Test::More::ok PositiveRangedInt2([{min=>10,max=>100}])->check(50);
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt2([{min=>50, max=>75}])->check(99);
+ eval {
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt2([{min=>99, max=>10}])->check(10);
+ };
+ Test::More::ok $@, 'There was an error';
+ Test::More::like $@, qr(not a positive range), 'Correct custom error';
+ Test::More::ok !PositiveRangedInt2([{min=>10, max=>75}])->check(-5);
+ ## See t/02-types-parameterizable-extended.t for remaining examples tests