-use Test::More tests => 14;
+use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;
package main;
-note 'Constructor behaviour';
-note '';
-note 'Testing class with a single UndefTolerant attribute';
- my $obj = Foo->new;
- ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has no value before it is assigned');
- ok(!$obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has no value before it is assigned');
- my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => undef);
- ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'UT attr1 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
- ok (exception { $obj = Foo->new(attr2 => undef) },
- 'But assigning undef to attr2 generates a type constraint error');
+sub do_tests
- my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => 1234, attr2 => 5678);
- is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
- ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
- is($obj->attr2, 5678, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
- ok($obj->has_attr2, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ note 'Testing class with a single UndefTolerant attribute';
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->new;
+ ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has no value before it is assigned');
+ ok(!$obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has no value before it is assigned');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => undef);
+ ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'UT attr1 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
+ ok (exception { $obj = Foo->new(attr2 => undef) },
+ 'But assigning undef to attr2 generates a type constraint error');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => 1234, attr2 => 5678);
+ is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ is($obj->attr2, 5678, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
+ ok($obj->has_attr2, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ }
+ note '';
+ note 'Testing class with the entire class being UndefTolerant';
+ {
+ my $obj = Bar->new;
+ ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has no value before it is assigned');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => undef);
+ ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
+ ok (!exception { $obj = Bar->new(attr2 => undef) },
+ 'assigning undef to attr2 does not produce an error');
+ ok(!$obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => 1234);
+ is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ }
+note 'Constructor behaviour: mutable classes';
note '';
-note 'Testing class with the entire class being UndefTolerant';
- my $obj = Bar->new;
- ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has no value before it is assigned');
- my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => undef);
- ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
- ok (!exception { $obj = Bar->new(attr2 => undef) },
- 'assigning undef to attr2 does not produce an error');
- ok(!$obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
- my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => 1234);
- is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
- ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+note '';
+note 'Constructor behaviour: immutable classes';
+note '';
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'some immutable cases are not handled yet';
+ # for now, catch errors
+ ok(! exception { do_tests }, 'tests do not die');
+ is(Test::More->builder->current_test, 28, 'if we got here, we can declare victory!');
-use Test::More tests => 22;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
use MooseX::UndefTolerant::Attribute ();
package main;
-note 'Default behaviour';
-note '';
-note 'Testing class with a single UndefTolerant attribute';
- my $obj = Foo->new;
- ok($obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has a value');
- ok($obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has a value');
- is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
- is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
- my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => undef);
- ok($obj->has_attr1, 'UT attr1 has a value when assigned undef in constructor');
- is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
- is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
+sub do_tests
- my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => 1234, attr2 => 5678);
- is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
- ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
- is($obj->attr2, 5678, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
- ok($obj->has_attr2, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ note 'Testing class with a single UndefTolerant attribute';
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->new;
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has a value');
+ ok($obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has a value');
+ is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
+ is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => undef);
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, 'UT attr1 has a value when assigned undef in constructor');
+ is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
+ is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => 1234, attr2 => 5678);
+ is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ is($obj->attr2, 5678, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
+ ok($obj->has_attr2, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ }
+ note '';
+ note 'Testing class with the entire class being UndefTolerant';
+ {
+ my $obj = Bar->new;
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has a value');
+ ok($obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has a value');
+ is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
+ is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => undef);
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, 'UT attr1 has a value when assigned undef in constructor');
+ is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
+ is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
+ }
+ {
+ my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => 1234, attr2 => 5678);
+ is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
+ ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ is($obj->attr2, 5678, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
+ ok($obj->has_attr2, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ }
+note 'Default behaviour: mutable classes';
+note '';
note '';
-note 'Testing class with the entire class being UndefTolerant';
- my $obj = Bar->new;
- ok($obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has a value');
- ok($obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has a value');
- is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
- is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
+note 'Default behaviour: immutable classes';
+note '';
- my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => undef);
- ok($obj->has_attr1, 'UT attr1 has a value when assigned undef in constructor');
- is($obj->attr1, 1, 'attr1\'s value is its default');
- is($obj->attr2, 2, 'attr2\'s value is its default');
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'some immutable cases are not handled yet';
+ # for now, catch errors
+ ok(! exception { do_tests }, 'tests do not die');
- my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => 1234, attr2 => 5678);
- is($obj->attr1, 1234, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
- ok($obj->has_attr1, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
- is($obj->attr2, 5678, 'assigning a defined value during construction works as normal');
- ok($obj->has_attr2, '...and the predicate returns true as normal');
+ is(Test::More->builder->current_test, 44, 'if we got here, we can declare victory!');