sub extensions {
my $class = shift;
my @ext
- = map { $_->extensions } grep { $_->is_supported } $class->plugins;
+ = map { $_->extensions } $class->plugins;
return wantarray ? @ext : \@ext;
use strict;
use warnings;
+# use Test::Without::Module qw(YAML YAML::Syck Config::General XML::Simple JSON JSON::Syck Config::Tiny );
use Test::More tests => 10;
use_ok( 'Config::Any' );
-# can only be sure that perl files will load
-my @files = ( 't/conf/' );
+my @files = glob( "t/supported/conf.*" );
ok( Config::Any->load_files( { files => \@files, use_ext => 0 } ),
"use_ext 0 works" );
ok( $@, "filter breaks" );
-my @stems = qw(t/conf/conf);
+my @stems = qw(t/supported/conf);
ok( Config::Any->load_stems( { stems => \@stems, use_ext => 1 } ),
"load_stems with stems works" );