use strict;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = '2.03';
+our $VERSION = '2.06';
use threads::shared 0.96;
use Scalar::Util 1.10 qw(looks_like_number);
$make_shared = sub {
my $item = shift;
- # If already thread-shared, then just return the input item
- return $item if (threads::shared::is_shared($item));
+ # If not running 'threads' or already thread-shared,
+ # then just return the input item
+ return $item if (! $threads::threads ||
+ threads::shared::is_shared($item));
# Make copies of array, hash and scalar refs
my $copy;
=head1 VERSION
-This document describes Thread::Queue version 2.03
+This document describes Thread::Queue version 2.06
+=head1 NOTES
+Queues created by L<Thread::Queue> can be used in both threaded and
+non-threaded applications.
Passing objects on queues may not work if the objects' classes do not support
Annotated POD for Thread::Queue:
+Source repository:
L<threads>, L<threads::shared>
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'}){
+ chdir('t');
+ unshift(@INC, '../lib');
+ }
+use Test::More 'tests' => 32;
+use Thread::Queue;
+# Regular array
+my @ary1 = qw/foo bar baz/;
+push(@ary1, [ 1..3 ], { 'qux' => 99 });
+# Shared array
+my @ary2 :shared = (99, 21, 86);
+# Regular hash-based object
+my $obj1 = {
+ 'foo' => 'bar',
+ 'qux' => 99,
+ 'biff' => [ qw/fee fi fo/ ],
+ 'boff' => { 'bork' => 'true' },
+bless($obj1, 'Foo');
+# Shared hash-based object
+my $obj2 = &threads::shared::share({});
+$$obj2{'bar'} = 86;
+$$obj2{'key'} = 'foo';
+bless($obj2, 'Bar');
+# Scalar ref
+my $sref1 = \do{ my $scalar = 'foo'; };
+# Shared scalar ref object
+my $sref2 = \do{ my $scalar = 69; };
+bless($sref2, 'Baz');
+# Ref of ref
+my $foo = [ 5, 'bork', { 'now' => 123 } ];
+my $bar = \$foo;
+my $baz = \$bar;
+my $qux = \$baz;
+is_deeply($$$$qux, $foo, 'Ref of ref');
+# Queue up items
+my $q = Thread::Queue->new(\@ary1, \@ary2);
+ok($q, 'New queue');
+is($q->pending(), 2, 'Queue count');
+$q->enqueue($obj1, $obj2);
+is($q->pending(), 4, 'Queue count');
+$q->enqueue($sref1, $sref2, $qux);
+is($q->pending(), 7, 'Queue count');
+# Process items in queue
+ is($q->pending(), 7, 'Queue count in thread');
+ my $ref = $q->peek(3);
+ is(ref($ref), 'Bar', 'Item is object');
+ my $tary1 = $q->dequeue();
+ ok($tary1, 'Thread got item');
+ is(ref($tary1), 'ARRAY', 'Item is array ref');
+ is_deeply($tary1, \@ary1, 'Complex array');
+ my $tary2 = $q->dequeue();
+ ok($tary2, 'Thread got item');
+ is(ref($tary2), 'ARRAY', 'Item is array ref');
+ for (my $ii=0; $ii < @ary2; $ii++) {
+ is($$tary2[$ii], $ary2[$ii], 'Shared array element check');
+ }
+ my $tobj1 = $q->dequeue();
+ ok($tobj1, 'Thread got item');
+ is(ref($tobj1), 'Foo', 'Item is object');
+ is_deeply($tobj1, $obj1, 'Object comparison');
+ my $tobj2 = $q->dequeue();
+ ok($tobj2, 'Thread got item');
+ is(ref($tobj2), 'Bar', 'Item is object');
+ is($$tobj2{'bar'}, 86, 'Shared object element check');
+ is($$tobj2{'key'}, 'foo', 'Shared object element check');
+ my $tsref1 = $q->dequeue();
+ ok($tsref1, 'Thread got item');
+ is(ref($tsref1), 'SCALAR', 'Item is scalar ref');
+ is($$tsref1, 'foo', 'Scalar ref contents');
+ my $tsref2 = $q->dequeue();
+ ok($tsref2, 'Thread got item');
+ is(ref($tsref2), 'Baz', 'Item is object');
+ is($$tsref2, 69, 'Shared scalar ref contents');
+ my $qux = $q->dequeue();
+ is_deeply($$$$qux, $foo, 'Ref of ref');
+ is($q->pending(), 0, 'Empty queue');
+ my $nothing = $q->dequeue_nb();
+ ok(! defined($nothing), 'Nothing on queue');
+# Check results of thread's activities
+is($q->pending(), 0, 'Empty queue');
+# EOF