my ($found) = first { -f $_ }
map File::Spec->catfile($_, $module),
- die "Couldn't find ${module} in remote \@INC. dir_list contains:\n"
+ die "Can't locate ${module} in \@INC. (on remote host) dir_list contains:\n"
.join("\n", @{$self->dir_list})
unless $found;
log_debug { "found '$module' at '$found'" };
--- /dev/null
+use strictures 1;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
+use Object::Remote::FromData;
+my $connection = Object::Remote->connect('-');
+like exception {
+ my $remote = My::Data::TestClass->new::on($connection);
+}, qr/Can't locate Not\/ in \@INC/, 'Should fail to load Not::Found';
+package My::Data::TestClass;
+use Moo;
+use Not::Found;
--- /dev/null
+use strictures 1;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
+use Object::Remote::FromData;
+my $connection = Object::Remote->connect('-');
+is exception {
+ my $remote = My::Data::TestClassLoad->new::on($connection);
+ is($remote->counter, 0, 'Counter at 0');
+ is($remote->increment, 1, 'Increment to 1');
+ is($remote->has_missing_module, 0, 'Shouldn\'t have loaded module');
+}, undef, 'Checking Class::Load load_optional_class works correctly.';
+is exception {
+ my $remote = My::Data::TestModuleRuntime->new::on($connection);
+ is($remote->counter, 0, 'Counter at 0');
+ is($remote->increment, 1, 'Increment to 1');
+ is($remote->has_missing_module, 0, 'Shouldn\'t have loaded module');
+}, undef, 'Checking Module::Runtime use_package_optimistically works correctly.';
+package My::Data::TestClassLoad;
+use Moo;
+use Class::Load 'load_optional_class';
+use constant HAS_MISSING_MODULE => load_optional_class('Not::Found');
+has counter => (is => 'rwp', default => sub { 0 });
+sub increment { $_[0]->_set_counter($_[0]->counter + 1); }
+sub has_missing_module { HAS_MISSING_MODULE };
+package My::Data::TestModuleRuntime;
+use Moo;
+use Module::Runtime 'use_package_optimistically';
+use constant HAS_MISSING_MODULE => use_package_optimistically('Not::Found');
+has counter => (is => 'rwp', default => sub { 0 });
+sub increment { $_[0]->_set_counter($_[0]->counter + 1); }
+sub has_missing_module { HAS_MISSING_MODULE };