--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar;
+use Parse::RecDescent;
+{ my $ERRORS;
+package Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($skip $AUTOLOAD );
+$skip = '\s*';
+ my ( %tables, $table_order, @table_comments, @views, @triggers );
+local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {0};
+*Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::AUTOLOAD = sub
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $AUTOLOAD =~ s/^Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar/Parse::RecDescent/;
+ goto &{$AUTOLOAD};
+push @Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::ISA, 'Parse::RecDescent';
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DECIMAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DECIMAL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DECIMAL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DECIMAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DEC/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DEC/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DEC)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DEC/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::triggered_action
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"triggered_action"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [triggered_action]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [when_clause SQL_procedure_statement]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{triggered_action});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{triggered_action});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::when_clause, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [when_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [when_clause]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{when_clause(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [SQL_procedure_statement]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{SQL_procedure_statement})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::SQL_procedure_statement($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [SQL_procedure_statement]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [SQL_procedure_statement]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{SQL_procedure_statement}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { 'condition' => $item[1][0],
+ 'statement' => $item{'SQL_procedure_statement'} };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [when_clause SQL_procedure_statement]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{triggered_action},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [predicate /SELECTIVITY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [predicate]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::predicate($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [predicate]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [predicate]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{predicate}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/SELECTIVITY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/SELECTIVITY/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/SELECTIVITY/i]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [predicate /SELECTIVITY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' search_condition ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{search_condition})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::search_condition($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [search_condition]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [search_condition]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{search_condition}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' search_condition ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::name1
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"name1"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [name1]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{name1});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{name1});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{name1},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{name1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [predicate /SELECTIVITY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [predicate]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::predicate($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [predicate]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [predicate]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{predicate}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/SELECTIVITY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/SELECTIVITY/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/SELECTIVITY/i]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [predicate /SELECTIVITY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' search_condition ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{search_condition})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::search_condition($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [search_condition]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [search_condition]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{search_condition}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' search_condition ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['+', or '-' function, or '(', or constant, or column_name, or host_variable, or special_register, or labeled_duration, or case_expression, or cast_specification, or OLAP_function, or method_invocation, or subtype_treatment, or sequence_reference]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: ['+', or '-']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: ['+', or '-']>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{function, or '(', or constant, or column_name, or host_variable, or special_register, or labeled_duration, or case_expression, or cast_specification, or OLAP_function, or method_invocation, or subtype_treatment, or sequence_reference})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['+', or '-' function, or '(', or constant, or column_name, or host_variable, or special_register, or labeled_duration, or case_expression, or cast_specification, or OLAP_function, or method_invocation, or subtype_treatment, or sequence_reference]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::SCHEMA
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"SCHEMA"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [SCHEMA]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\w+/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{SCHEMA});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{SCHEMA});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\w+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\w+)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\w+/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\w\{1,128\}/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{SCHEMA});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{SCHEMA});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\w\{1,128\}/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\w{1,128})//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\w\{1,128\}/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{SCHEMA},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/VARIANCE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/VARIANCE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:VARIANCE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/VARIANCE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/VAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/VAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:VAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/VAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['+']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['+']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\+//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['+']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['-']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['-']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\-//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['-']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::get_bracketed
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"get_bracketed"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [get_bracketed]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: []},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{get_bracketed});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{get_bracketed});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ extract_bracketed($text, '(');
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: []<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{get_bracketed},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::labeled_duration
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"labeled_duration"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [labeled_duration]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [ld_type ld_duration]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{labeled_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{labeled_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [ld_type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::ld_type($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [ld_type]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [ld_type]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{ld_type}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [ld_duration]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{ld_duration})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::ld_duration($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [ld_duration]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [ld_duration]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{ld_duration}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [ld_type ld_duration]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{labeled_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_end
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"group_end"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [group_end]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_end});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_end});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UNBOUNDED\s+PRECEDING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [unsigned_constant /FOLLOWING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_end});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_end});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [unsigned_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::unsigned_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [unsigned_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [unsigned_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{unsigned_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FOLLOWING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/FOLLOWING/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FOLLOWING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [unsigned_constant /FOLLOWING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{group_end},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::statement
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"statement"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [statement]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [comment]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{statement});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{statement});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [comment]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::comment($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [comment]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [comment]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{comment}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [comment]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [create]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{statement});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{statement});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [create]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::create($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [create]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [create]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{create}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [create]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [<error...>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{statement});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{statement});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying directive: [<error...>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = do { if (1) { do {
+ my $rule = $item[0];
+ $rule =~ s/_/ /g;
+ #WAS: Parse::RecDescent::_error("Invalid $rule: " . $expectation->message() ,$thisline);
+ push @{$thisparser->{errors}}, ["Invalid $rule: " . $expectation->message() ,$thisline];
+ } unless $_noactions; undef } else {0} };
+ if (defined($_tok))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched directive<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match directive>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ }
+ last unless defined $_tok;
+ push @item, $item{__DIRECTIVE1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [<error...>]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{statement},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [result_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [result_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::result_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [result_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [result_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{result_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [result_expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ELSE\\s+NULL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ELSE\\s+NULL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ELSE\s+NULL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ELSE\\s+NULL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ELSE/i result_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ELSE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ELSE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [result_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{result_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::result_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [result_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [result_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{result_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ELSE/i result_expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::subject_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"subject_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [subject_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{subject_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{subject_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { # with static result type that is a used-defined struct type
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{subject_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULLS\s+FIRST)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULLS\\s+LAST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULLS\\s+LAST/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULLS\s+LAST)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULLS\\s+LAST/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::view_name
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"view_name"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [view_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [SCHEMA '.' NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{view_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{view_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [SCHEMA]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::SCHEMA($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [SCHEMA]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [SCHEMA]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{SCHEMA}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['.']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'.'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\.//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{NAME})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { schema => $item[1], name => $item[3] } };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [SCHEMA '.' NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{view_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{view_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { name => $item[1] } };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{view_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/AND/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AND/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AND)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/AND/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/OR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/OR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:OR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/OR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::numbering_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"numbering_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [numbering_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ROW_NUMBER|ROWNUMBER/i '()' /OVER/i '(' window_partition_clause window_order_clause /RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i, or window_aggregation_group_clause ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{numbering_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{numbering_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ROW_NUMBER|ROWNUMBER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ROW_NUMBER|ROWNUMBER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['()']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'()'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/OVER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/OVER/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:OVER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [window_partition_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{window_partition_clause})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_partition_clause, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [window_partition_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [window_partition_clause]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{window_partition_clause(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{window_order_clause})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [window_order_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i, or window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i, or window_aggregation_group_clause})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i, or window_aggregation_group_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING3__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ROW_NUMBER|ROWNUMBER/i '()' /OVER/i '(' window_partition_clause window_order_clause /RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i, or window_aggregation_group_clause ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ROWS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ROWS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ROWS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ROWS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RANGE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RANGE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RANGE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RANGE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_bound1
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"group_bound1"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [group_bound1]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound1});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound1});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UNBOUNDED\s+PRECEDING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [unsigned_constant /PRECEDING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound1});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound1});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [unsigned_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::unsigned_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [unsigned_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [unsigned_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{unsigned_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/PRECEDING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/PRECEDING/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:PRECEDING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [unsigned_constant /PRECEDING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [unsigned_constant /FOLLOWING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound1});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound1});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [unsigned_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::unsigned_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [unsigned_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [unsigned_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{unsigned_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FOLLOWING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/FOLLOWING/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FOLLOWING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [unsigned_constant /FOLLOWING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound1});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound1});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CURRENT\s+ROW)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{group_bound1},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::OLAP_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"OLAP_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [OLAP_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [ranking_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{OLAP_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{OLAP_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [ranking_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::ranking_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [ranking_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [ranking_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{ranking_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [ranking_function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [numbering_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{OLAP_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{OLAP_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [numbering_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::numbering_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [numbering_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [numbering_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{numbering_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [numbering_function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [aggregation_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{OLAP_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{OLAP_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [aggregation_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::aggregation_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [aggregation_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [aggregation_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{aggregation_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [aggregation_function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{OLAP_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DOUBLE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DOUBLE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DOUBLE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DOUBLE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DOUBLE_PRECISION/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DOUBLE_PRECISION/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DOUBLE_PRECISION)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DOUBLE_PRECISION/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::FULL
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"FULL"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [FULL]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/full/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{FULL});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{FULL});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/full/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:full)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/full/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{FULL},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SCOPE/ typed_table_name, or typed_view_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SCOPE/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SCOPE)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{typed_table_name, or typed_view_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SCOPE/ typed_table_name, or typed_view_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::case_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"case_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [case_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CASE/i searched_when_clause, or simple_when_clause /ELSE\\s+NULL/i, or /ELSE/i /END/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{case_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{case_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CASE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CASE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{searched_when_clause, or simple_when_clause})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/ELSE\\s+NULL/i, or /ELSE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/ELSE\\s+NULL/i, or /ELSE/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/ELSE\\s+NULL/i, or /ELSE/i]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/END/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/END/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:END)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CASE/i searched_when_clause, or simple_when_clause /ELSE\\s+NULL/i, or /ELSE/i /END/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::operator
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"operator"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [operator]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CONCAT/i, or '||']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{operator});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{operator});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CONCAT/i, or '||']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['/']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{operator});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{operator});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['/']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\///)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['/']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['*']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{operator});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{operator});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['*']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\*//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['*']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['+']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{operator});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{operator});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['+']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\+//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['+']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['-']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{operator});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{operator});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['-']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\-//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['-']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{operator},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/INSERT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/INSERT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:INSERT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/INSERT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DELETE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DELETE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DELETE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DELETE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UPDATE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UPDATE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UPDATE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UPDATE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CONCAT/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CONCAT/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CONCAT)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CONCAT/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['||']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['||']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\|\|//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['||']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sequence_reference
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"sequence_reference"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [sequence_reference]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [nextval_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sequence_reference});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sequence_reference});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [nextval_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::nextval_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [nextval_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [nextval_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{nextval_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [nextval_expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [prevval_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sequence_reference});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sequence_reference});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [prevval_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::prevval_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [prevval_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [prevval_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{prevval_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [prevval_expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{sequence_reference},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ABS/i, or /ABSVAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ABS/i, or /ABSVAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/AVG/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AVG/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AVG)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/AVG/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/BIGINT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/BIGINT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:BIGINT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/BIGINT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/BLOB/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/BLOB/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:BLOB)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/BLOB/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CHAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CHAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CHAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CHAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CLOB/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[5];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CLOB/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CLOB)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CLOB/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COALESCE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[6];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/COALESCE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:COALESCE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COALESCE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CONCAT/, or '||']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[7];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CONCAT/, or '||']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CORRELATION/i, or /CORR/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[8];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CORRELATION/i, or /CORR/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COUNT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[9];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/COUNT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:COUNT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COUNT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COUNT_BIG/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[10];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/COUNT_BIG/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:COUNT_BIG)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COUNT_BIG/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COVARIANCE/i, or /COVAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[11];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COVARIANCE/i, or /COVAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DATE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[12];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DATE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DATE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DATE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DAY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[13];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DAY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DAY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DAY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DAYS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[14];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DAYS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DAYS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DAYS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DBCLOB/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[15];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DBCLOB/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DBCLOB)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DBCLOB/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DECIMAL/i, or /DEC/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[16];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DECIMAL/i, or /DEC/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DECRYPT_BIN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[17];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DECRYPT_BIN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DECRYPT_BIN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DECRYPT_BIN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DECRYPT_CHAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[18];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DECRYPT_CHAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DECRYPT_CHAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DECRYPT_CHAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DEREF/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[19];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DEREF/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DEREF)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DEREF/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DIGITS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[20];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DIGITS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DIGITS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DIGITS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLCOMMENT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[21];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLCOMMENT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLCOMMENT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLCOMMENT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLLINKTYPE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[22];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLLINKTYPE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLLINKTYPE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLLINKTYPE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLURLCOMPLETE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[23];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLURLCOMPLETE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLURLCOMPLETE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLURLCOMPLETE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLURLPATH/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[24];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLURLPATH/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLURLPATH)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLURLPATH/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLURLPATHONLY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[25];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLURLPATHONLY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLURLPATHONLY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLURLPATHONLY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLURLSCHEME/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[26];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLURLSCHEME/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLURLSCHEME)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLURLSCHEME/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLURLSERVER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[27];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLURLSERVER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLURLSERVER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLURLSERVER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DLVALUE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[28];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DLVALUE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DLVALUE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DLVALUE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DOUBLE/i, or /DOUBLE_PRECISION/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[29];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DOUBLE/i, or /DOUBLE_PRECISION/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ENCRYPT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[30];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ENCRYPT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ENCRYPT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ENCRYPT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/EVENT_MON_STATE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[31];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/EVENT_MON_STATE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:EVENT_MON_STATE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/EVENT_MON_STATE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/FLOAT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[32];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FLOAT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FLOAT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/FLOAT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/GETHINT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[33];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/GETHINT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:GETHINT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/GETHINT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/GENERATE_UNIQUE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[34];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/GENERATE_UNIQUE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:GENERATE_UNIQUE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/GENERATE_UNIQUE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/GRAPHIC/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[35];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/GRAPHIC/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:GRAPHIC)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/GRAPHIC/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/GROUPING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[36];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/GROUPING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:GROUPING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/GROUPING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/HEX/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[37];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/HEX/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:HEX)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/HEX/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/HOUR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[38];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/HOUR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:HOUR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/HOUR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[39];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/INTEGER/i, or /INT/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[40];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/INTEGER/i, or /INT/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LCASE/i, or /LOWER/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[41];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LCASE/i, or /LOWER/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LENGTH/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[42];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LENGTH/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LENGTH)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LENGTH/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LONG_VARCHAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[43];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LONG_VARCHAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LONG_VARCHAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LONG_VARCHAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LONG_VARGRAPHIC/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[44];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LONG_VARGRAPHIC/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LONG_VARGRAPHIC)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LONG_VARGRAPHIC/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LTRIM/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[45];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LTRIM/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LTRIM)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LTRIM/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MAX/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[46];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MAX/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MAX)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MAX/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MICROSECOND/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[47];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MICROSECOND/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MICROSECOND)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MICROSECOND/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MIN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[48];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MIN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MIN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MIN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MINUTE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[49];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MINUTE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MINUTE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MINUTE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MONTH/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[50];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MONTH/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MONTH)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MONTH/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MULTIPLY_ACT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[51];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MULTIPLY_ACT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MULTIPLY_ACT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MULTIPLY_ACT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NODENUMBER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[52];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NODENUMBER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NODENUMBER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NODENUMBER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULLIF/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[53];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULLIF/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULLIF)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULLIF/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/PARTITON/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[54];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/PARTITON/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:PARTITON)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/PARTITON/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/POSSTR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[55];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/POSSTR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:POSSTR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/POSSTR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RAISE_ERROR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[56];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RAISE_ERROR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RAISE_ERROR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RAISE_ERROR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[57];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REAL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REAL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REC2XML/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[58];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REC2XML/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REC2XML)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REC2XML/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_AVGX/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[59];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_AVGX/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_AVGX)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_AVGX/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_AVGY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[60];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_AVGY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_AVGY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_AVGY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_COUNT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[61];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_COUNT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_COUNT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_COUNT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_INTERCEPT/i, or /REGR_ICPT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[62];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_INTERCEPT/i, or /REGR_ICPT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_R2/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[63];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_R2/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_R2)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_R2/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_SLOPE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[64];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_SLOPE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_SLOPE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_SLOPE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_SXX/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[65];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_SXX/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_SXX)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_SXX/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_SXY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[66];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_SXY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_SXY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_SXY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_SYY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[67];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_SYY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_SYY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_SYY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RTRIM/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[68];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RTRIM/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RTRIM)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RTRIM/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SECOND/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[69];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SECOND/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SECOND)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SECOND/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SMALLINT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[70];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SMALLINT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SMALLINT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SMALLINT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/STDDEV/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[71];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/STDDEV/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:STDDEV)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/STDDEV/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SUBSTR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[72];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SUBSTR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SUBSTR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SUBSTR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SUM/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[73];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SUM/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SUM)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SUM/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TABLE_NAME/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[74];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TABLE_NAME/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TABLE_NAME)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TABLE_NAME/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TABLE_SCHEMA/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[75];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TABLE_SCHEMA/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TABLE_SCHEMA)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TABLE_SCHEMA/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TIME/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[76];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TIME/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TIME)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TIME/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TIMESTAMP/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[77];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TIMESTAMP/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TIMESTAMP)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TIMESTAMP/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TRANSLATE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[78];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TRANSLATE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TRANSLATE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TRANSLATE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TYPE_ID/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[79];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TYPE_ID/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TYPE_ID)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TYPE_ID/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TYPE_NAME/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[80];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TYPE_NAME/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TYPE_NAME)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TYPE_NAME/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TYPE_SCHEMA/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[81];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TYPE_SCHEMA/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TYPE_SCHEMA)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TYPE_SCHEMA/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UCASE/i, or /UPPER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[82];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UCASE/i, or /UPPER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/VALUE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[83];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/VALUE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:VALUE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/VALUE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/VARCHAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[84];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/VARCHAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:VARCHAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/VARCHAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/VARGRAPHIC/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[85];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/VARGRAPHIC/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:VARGRAPHIC)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/VARGRAPHIC/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/VARIANCE/i, or /VAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[86];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/VARIANCE/i, or /VAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/YEAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[87];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/YEAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:YEAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/YEAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_partition_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"window_partition_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [window_partition_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/PARTITION\\s+BY/i <leftop: partitioning_expression /,/ partitioning_expression>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{window_partition_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{window_partition_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/PARTITION\\s+BY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:PARTITION\s+BY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [<leftop: partitioning_expression /,/ partitioning_expression>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{<leftop: partitioning_expression /,/ partitioning_expression>})->at($text);
+ $_tok = undef;
+ OPLOOP: while (1)
+ {
+ $repcount = 0;
+ my @item;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [partitioning_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{partitioning_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::partitioning_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [partitioning_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [partitioning_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{partitioning_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $repcount++;
+ my $savetext = $text;
+ my $backtrack;
+ while ($repcount < 100000000)
+ {
+ $backtrack = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/,/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ pop @item;
+ if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'partitioning_expression(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [partitioning_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{partitioning_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::partitioning_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [partitioning_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [partitioning_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{partitioning_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $savetext = $text;
+ $repcount++;
+ }
+ $text = $savetext;
+ pop @item if $backtrack;
+ unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }
+ $_tok = [ @item ];
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ($repcount>=1)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match operator: [<leftop: partitioning_expression /,/ partitioning_expression>]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [<leftop: partitioning_expression /,/ partitioning_expression>]<< (return value: [}
+ . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{'partitioning_expression(s)'}=$_tok||[];
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/PARTITION\\s+BY/i <leftop: partitioning_expression /,/ partitioning_expression>]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{window_partition_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::WHERE
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"WHERE"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [WHERE]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/where/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{WHERE});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{WHERE});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/where/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:where)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/where/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{WHERE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::CREATE
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"CREATE"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [CREATE]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/create/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{CREATE});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{CREATE});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/create/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:create)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/create/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{CREATE},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ABS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ABS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ABS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ABS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ABSVAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ABSVAL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ABSVAL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ABSVAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SYSIBM\\.|/i sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SYSIBM\\.|/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SYSIBM\.|)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{sysibm_function})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sysibm_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [sysibm_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [sysibm_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{sysibm_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SYSIBM\\.|/i sysibm_function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SYSFUN\\.|/i sysfun_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SYSFUN\\.|/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SYSFUN\.|)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [sysfun_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{sysfun_function})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sysfun_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [sysfun_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [sysfun_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{sysfun_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SYSFUN\\.|/i sysfun_function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [userdefined_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [userdefined_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::userdefined_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [userdefined_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [userdefined_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{userdefined_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [userdefined_function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::identifier
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"identifier"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [identifier]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{identifier});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{identifier});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{identifier},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [asc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [asc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::asc_option($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [asc_option]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [asc_option]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{asc_option}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [asc_option]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [desc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [desc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::desc_option($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [desc_option]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [desc_option]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{desc_option}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [desc_option]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::result_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"result_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [result_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{result_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{result_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{result_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::scoped_reference_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"scoped_reference_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [scoped_reference_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{scoped_reference_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{scoped_reference_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { # scoped, reference
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{scoped_reference_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [typed_table_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [typed_table_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::typed_table_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [typed_table_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [typed_table_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{typed_table_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [typed_table_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [typed_view_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [typed_view_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::typed_view_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [typed_view_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [typed_view_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{typed_view_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [typed_view_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::when_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"when_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WHEN/i '(' search_condition ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/WHEN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:WHEN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{search_condition})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::search_condition($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [search_condition]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [search_condition]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{search_condition}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {$return = $item[3]};
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WHEN/i '(' search_condition ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULLS\s+FIRST)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULLS\\s+LAST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULLS\\s+LAST/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULLS\s+LAST)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULLS\\s+LAST/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sequence_name
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"sequence_name"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [sequence_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sequence_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sequence_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{sequence_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::ld_duration
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"ld_duration"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [ld_duration]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/YEARS?/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/YEARS?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:YEARS?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/YEARS?/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MONTHS?/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MONTHS?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MONTHS?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MONTHS?/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DAYS?/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DAYS?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DAYS?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DAYS?/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/HOURS?/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/HOURS?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:HOURS?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/HOURS?/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MINUTES?/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MINUTES?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MINUTES?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MINUTES?/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SECONDS?/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[5];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SECONDS?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SECONDS?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SECONDS?/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MICROSECONDS?/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[6];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_duration});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_duration});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MICROSECONDS?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MICROSECONDS?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MICROSECONDS?/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{ld_duration},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::reference_a
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"reference_a"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [reference_a]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REFERENCING/i old_new_corr old_new_table]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{reference_a});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{reference_a});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REFERENCING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REFERENCING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [old_new_corr]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{old_new_corr})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::old_new_corr, 0, 2, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [old_new_corr]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [old_new_corr]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{old_new_corr(0..2)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [old_new_table]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{old_new_table})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::old_new_table, 0, 2, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [old_new_table]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [old_new_table]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{old_new_table(0..2)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = join(' ', $item[1], join(' ', @{$item[2]}), join(' ', @{$item[3]}) ) };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REFERENCING/i old_new_corr old_new_table]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{reference_a},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::cast_specification
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"cast_specification"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CAST/i '(' expression, or /NULL/i, or parameter_marker /AS/i data_type /SCOPE/ ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{cast_specification});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{cast_specification});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CAST/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CAST)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{expression, or /NULL/i, or parameter_marker})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/AS/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [data_type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{data_type})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::data_type($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [data_type]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [data_type]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{data_type}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/SCOPE/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/SCOPE/})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/SCOPE/]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CAST/i '(' expression, or /NULL/i, or parameter_marker /AS/i data_type /SCOPE/ ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::type
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"type"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UPDATE/i /OF/i <leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UPDATE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UPDATE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/OF/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/OF/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:OF)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>})->at($text);
+ $_tok = undef;
+ OPLOOP: while (1)
+ {
+ $repcount = 0;
+ my @item;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{column_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $repcount++;
+ my $savetext = $text;
+ my $backtrack;
+ while ($repcount < 100000000)
+ {
+ $backtrack = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/,/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN3__}=$&;
+ pop @item;
+ if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'column_name(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{column_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $savetext = $text;
+ $repcount++;
+ }
+ $text = $savetext;
+ pop @item if $backtrack;
+ unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }
+ $_tok = [ @item ];
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ($repcount>=1)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match operator: [<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]<< (return value: [}
+ . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{'column_name(s)'}=$_tok||[];
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { event => 'update_on',
+ fields => $item[3] }
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UPDATE/i /OF/i <leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/INSERT/i, or /DELETE/i, or /UPDATE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { event => $item[1] } };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/INSERT/i, or /DELETE/i, or /UPDATE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{type},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COVARIANCE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/COVARIANCE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:COVARIANCE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COVARIANCE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COVAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/COVAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:COVAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COVAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::scalar_fullselect
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"scalar_fullselect"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [scalar_fullselect]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' fullselect ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{scalar_fullselect});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{scalar_fullselect});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [fullselect]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{fullselect})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::fullselect($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [fullselect]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [fullselect]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{fullselect}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' fullselect ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{scalar_fullselect},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CASCADED/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CASCADED/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CASCADED)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CASCADED/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LOCAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LOCAL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LOCAL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LOCAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::func_args
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"func_args"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [func_args]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{func_args});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{func_args});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{func_args},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::trigger_name
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"trigger_name"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [trigger_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [SCHEMA '.' NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{trigger_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{trigger_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [SCHEMA]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::SCHEMA($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [SCHEMA]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [SCHEMA]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{SCHEMA}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['.']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'.'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\.//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{NAME})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { schema => $item[1], name => $item[3] } };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [SCHEMA '.' NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{trigger_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{trigger_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { name => $item[1] } };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{trigger_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RANGE\s+BETWEEN\s+UNBOUNDED\s+PRECEDING\s+AND\s+UNBBOUNDED\s+FOLLOWING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RANGE\\s+BETWEEN\\s+UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING\\s+AND\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\s+FOLLOWING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_aggregation_group_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [window_aggregation_group_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [window_aggregation_group_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{window_aggregation_group_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [window_aggregation_group_clause]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::method_name
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"method_name"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [method_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{method_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{method_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { # must be a method of subject_expression
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{method_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::quantified_p
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"quantified_p"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [quantified_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression1 /(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/ /SOME|ANY|ALL/i '(' fullselect ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{quantified_p});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{quantified_p});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression1]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression1($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression1]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression1]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression1}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\^=|\^<|\^>|\!=))//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SOME|ANY|ALL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/SOME|ANY|ALL/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SOME|ANY|ALL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [fullselect]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{fullselect})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::fullselect($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [fullselect]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [fullselect]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{fullselect}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression1 /(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/ /SOME|ANY|ALL/i '(' fullselect ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{quantified_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::common_table_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"common_table_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [common_table_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [table_name column_list /AS/i get_bracketed]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{common_table_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{common_table_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [table_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::table_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [table_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [table_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{table_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_list]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{column_list})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_list($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_list]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_list]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_list}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/AS/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [get_bracketed]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{get_bracketed})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::get_bracketed($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [get_bracketed]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [get_bracketed]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{get_bracketed}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ $return = { name => $item{table_name}{name},
+ query => $item[4]
+ };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [table_name column_list /AS/i get_bracketed]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [table_name column_list /AS/i '(' fullselect ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{common_table_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{common_table_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [table_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::table_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [table_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [table_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{table_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_list]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{column_list})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_list($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_list]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_list]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_list}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/AS/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [fullselect]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{fullselect})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::fullselect($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [fullselect]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [fullselect]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{fullselect}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [table_name column_list /AS/i '(' fullselect ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{common_table_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::after
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"after"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [after]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{after},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/AFTER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{after},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{after});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{after});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AFTER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{after},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AFTER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/AFTER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{after},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{after},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{after},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{after},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{after},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::predicate
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"predicate"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [predicate]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [basic_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [basic_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::basic_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [basic_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [basic_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{basic_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [basic_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [quantified_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [quantified_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::quantified_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [quantified_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [quantified_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{quantified_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [quantified_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [between_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [between_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::between_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [between_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [between_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{between_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [between_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [exists_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [exists_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::exists_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [exists_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [exists_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{exists_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [exists_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [in_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [in_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::in_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [in_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [in_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{in_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [in_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [like_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[5];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [like_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::like_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [like_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [like_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{like_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [like_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [null_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[6];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [null_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::null_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [null_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [null_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{null_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [null_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [type_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[7];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{predicate});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{predicate});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [type_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::type_p($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [type_p]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [type_p]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{type_p}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [type_p]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{predicate},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_name
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"column_name"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{column_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{column_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{column_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::method_invocation
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"method_invocation"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [method_invocation]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [subject_expression '..' method_name '(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{method_invocation});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{method_invocation});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [subject_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::subject_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [subject_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [subject_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{subject_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['..']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'..'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\.\.//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [method_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{method_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::method_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [method_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [method_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{method_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: ['(']>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [subject_expression '..' method_name '(']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' expression ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression, 1, 100000000, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [expression]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression(s)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' expression ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WHEN/i search_condition /THEN/i result_expression, or /NULL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/WHEN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:WHEN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{search_condition})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::search_condition($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [search_condition]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [search_condition]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{search_condition}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/THEN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/THEN/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:THEN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{result_expression, or /NULL/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WHEN/i search_condition /THEN/i result_expression, or /NULL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_bound2
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"group_bound2"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [group_bound2]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound2});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound2});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UNBOUNDED\s+PRECEDING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [unsigned_constant /PRECEDING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound2});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound2});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [unsigned_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::unsigned_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [unsigned_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [unsigned_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{unsigned_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/PRECEDING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/PRECEDING/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:PRECEDING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [unsigned_constant /PRECEDING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [unsigned_constant /FOLLOWING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound2});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound2});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [unsigned_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::unsigned_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [unsigned_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [unsigned_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{unsigned_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FOLLOWING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/FOLLOWING/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FOLLOWING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [unsigned_constant /FOLLOWING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_bound2});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_bound2});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CURRENT\s+ROW)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{group_bound2},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::searched_when_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"searched_when_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [searched_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WHEN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{searched_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{searched_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/WHEN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause, 1, 100000000, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/WHEN/i]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause(s)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WHEN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::basic_p
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"basic_p"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [basic_p]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression /(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/ expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{basic_p});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{basic_p});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\^=|\^<|\^>|\!=))//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression /(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)/ expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{basic_p},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::asc_option
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"asc_option"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [asc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ASC/i /NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{asc_option});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{asc_option});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ASC/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ASC)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ASC/i /NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{asc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::search_condition
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"search_condition"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/[^)]+/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{search_condition});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{search_condition});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[^)]+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[^)]+)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/[^)]+/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NOT|/i predicate, or '(' cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{search_condition});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{search_condition});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NOT|/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NOT|)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{predicate, or '('})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{cond})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::cond, 0, 100000000, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [cond]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [cond]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{cond(s?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NOT|/i predicate, or '(' cond]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CONCAT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CONCAT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CONCAT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CONCAT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['||']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['||']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\|\|//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['||']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::simple_when_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"simple_when_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [simple_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression /WHEN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{simple_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{simple_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/WHEN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/WHEN/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause, 1, 100000000, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/WHEN/i]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause(s)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression /WHEN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::INNER
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"INNER"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [INNER]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/inner/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{INNER});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{INNER});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/inner/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:inner)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/inner/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{INNER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::eofile
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"eofile"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [eofile]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/^\\Z/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{eofile});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{eofile});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/^\\Z/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:^\Z)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/^\\Z/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{eofile},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::cond
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"cond"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/AND/i, or /OR/i /NOT|/i predicate, or '(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{cond});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{cond});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NOT|/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/NOT|/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NOT|)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{predicate, or '('})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/AND/i, or /OR/i /NOT|/i predicate, or '(']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{cond},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::ld_type
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"ld_type"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [ld_type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' expression ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' expression ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [constant]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [column_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [host_variable]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ld_type});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ld_type});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [host_variable]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::host_variable($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [host_variable]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [host_variable]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{host_variable}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [host_variable]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{ld_type},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::RIGHT
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"RIGHT"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [RIGHT]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/right/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{RIGHT});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{RIGHT});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/right/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:right)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/right/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{RIGHT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' expression ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression, 1, 100000000, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [expression]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression(s)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' expression ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::LEFT
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"LEFT"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [LEFT]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/left/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{LEFT});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{LEFT});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/left/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:left)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/left/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{LEFT},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::table_name
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"table_name"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [table_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [SCHEMA '.' NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{table_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{table_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [SCHEMA]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::SCHEMA($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [SCHEMA]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [SCHEMA]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{SCHEMA}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['.']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'.'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\.//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{NAME})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { schema => $item[1], name => $item[3] } };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [SCHEMA '.' NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{table_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{table_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = { name => $item[1] } };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{table_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TRUNCATE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TRUNCATE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TRUNCATE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TRUNCATE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TRUNC/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TRUNC/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TRUNC)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TRUNC/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::options
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"options"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [options]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WITH/i /CASCADED/i, or /LOCAL/i /CHECK\\s+OPTION/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{options});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{options});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/WITH/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:WITH)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{/CASCADED/i, or /LOCAL/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CHECK\\s+OPTION/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/CHECK\\s+OPTION/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CHECK\s+OPTION)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WITH/i /CASCADED/i, or /LOCAL/i /CHECK\\s+OPTION/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{options},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{options},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SYSIBM\\.|/i, or /SYSFUN\\.|/i, or userdefined_function '(' <leftop: func_args /,/ func_args> ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [<leftop: func_args /,/ func_args>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{<leftop: func_args /,/ func_args>})->at($text);
+ $_tok = undef;
+ OPLOOP: while (1)
+ {
+ $repcount = 0;
+ my @item;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [func_args]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{func_args})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::func_args($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [func_args]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [func_args]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{func_args}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $repcount++;
+ my $savetext = $text;
+ my $backtrack;
+ while ($repcount < 100000000)
+ {
+ $backtrack = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/,/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ pop @item;
+ if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'func_args(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [func_args]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{func_args})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::func_args($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [func_args]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [func_args]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{func_args}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $savetext = $text;
+ $repcount++;
+ }
+ $text = $savetext;
+ pop @item if $backtrack;
+ unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }
+ $_tok = [ @item ];
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ($repcount>=1)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match operator: [<leftop: func_args /,/ func_args>]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [<leftop: func_args /,/ func_args>]<< (return value: [}
+ . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{'func_args(s)'}=$_tok||[];
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SYSIBM\\.|/i, or /SYSFUN\\.|/i, or userdefined_function '(' <leftop: func_args /,/ func_args> ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/INTEGER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/INTEGER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:INTEGER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/INTEGER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/INT/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/INT/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:INT)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/INT/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [searched_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [searched_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::searched_when_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [searched_when_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [searched_when_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{searched_when_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [searched_when_clause]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [simple_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [simple_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::simple_when_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [simple_when_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [simple_when_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{simple_when_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [simple_when_clause]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [sort_key_expression asc_option, or desc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [sort_key_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sort_key_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [sort_key_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [sort_key_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{sort_key_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [asc_option, or desc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{asc_option, or desc_option})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [asc_option, or desc_option]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [sort_key_expression asc_option, or desc_option]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::create
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"create"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [create]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name before type /ON/i table_name reference_b /FOR EACH ROW/i 'MODE DB2SQL' triggered_action]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{create});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{create});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [CREATE]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::CREATE($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [CREATE]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [CREATE]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{CREATE}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [TRIGGER]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{TRIGGER})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::TRIGGER($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [TRIGGER]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [TRIGGER]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{TRIGGER}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [trigger_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{trigger_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::trigger_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [trigger_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [trigger_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{trigger_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [before]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{before})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::before($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [before]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [before]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{before}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{type})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::type($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [type]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [type]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{type}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ON/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/ON/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ON)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [table_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{table_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::table_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [table_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [table_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{table_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [reference_b]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{reference_b})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::reference_b, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [reference_b]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [reference_b]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{reference_b(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FOR EACH ROW/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/FOR EACH ROW/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FOR EACH ROW)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['MODE DB2SQL']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'MODE DB2SQL'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\AMODE\ DB2SQL//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [triggered_action]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{triggered_action})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::triggered_action($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [triggered_action]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [triggered_action]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{triggered_action}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ my $table_name = $item{'table_name'}{'name'};
+ $return = {
+ table => $table_name,
+ schema => $item{'trigger_name'}{'schema'},
+ name => $item{'trigger_name'}{'name'},
+ when => 'before',
+ db_event => $item{'type'}->{'event'},
+ fields => $item{'type'}{'fields'},
+ condition => $item{'triggered_action'}{'condition'},
+ reference => $item{'reference_b'},
+ granularity => $item[9],
+ action => $item{'triggered_action'}{'statement'}
+ };
+ push @triggers, $return;
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name before type /ON/i table_name reference_b /FOR EACH ROW/i 'MODE DB2SQL' triggered_action]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name after type /ON/i table_name reference_a /FOR EACH ROW|FOR EACH STATEMENT/i 'MODE DB2SQL' triggered_action]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{create});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{create});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [CREATE]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::CREATE($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [CREATE]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [CREATE]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{CREATE}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [TRIGGER]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{TRIGGER})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::TRIGGER($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [TRIGGER]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [TRIGGER]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{TRIGGER}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [trigger_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{trigger_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::trigger_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [trigger_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [trigger_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{trigger_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [after]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{after})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::after($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [after]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [after]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{after}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{type})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::type($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [type]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [type]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{type}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ON/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/ON/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ON)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [table_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{table_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::table_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [table_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [table_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{table_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [reference_a]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{reference_a})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::reference_a, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [reference_a]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [reference_a]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{reference_a(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FOR EACH ROW|FOR EACH STATEMENT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/FOR EACH ROW|FOR EACH STATEMENT/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FOR EACH ROW|FOR EACH STATEMENT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['MODE DB2SQL']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'MODE DB2SQL'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\AMODE\ DB2SQL//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [triggered_action]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{triggered_action})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::triggered_action($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [triggered_action]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [triggered_action]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{triggered_action}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ my $table_name = $item{'table_name'}{'name'};
+ $return = {
+ table => $table_name,
+ schema => $item{'trigger_name'}{'schema'},
+ name => $item{'trigger_name'}{'name'},
+ when => 'after',
+ db_event => $item{'type'}{'event'},
+ fields => $item{'type'}{'fields'},
+ condition => $item{'triggered_action'}{'condition'},
+ reference => $item{'reference_a'},
+ granularity => $item[9],
+ action => $item{'triggered_action'}{'statement'}
+ };
+ push @triggers, $return;
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name after type /ON/i table_name reference_a /FOR EACH ROW|FOR EACH STATEMENT/i 'MODE DB2SQL' triggered_action]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [CREATE /FEDERATED|/i VIEW view_name column_list /AS/i with_expression SQL_procedure_statement]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{create});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{create});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [CREATE]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::CREATE($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [CREATE]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [CREATE]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{CREATE}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FEDERATED|/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/FEDERATED|/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FEDERATED|)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [VIEW]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{VIEW})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::VIEW($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [VIEW]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [VIEW]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{VIEW}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [view_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{view_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::view_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [view_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [view_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{view_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [column_list]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{column_list})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_list, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [column_list]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [column_list]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_list(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/AS/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [with_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{with_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::with_expression, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [with_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [with_expression]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{with_expression(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [SQL_procedure_statement]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{SQL_procedure_statement})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::SQL_procedure_statement($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [SQL_procedure_statement]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [SQL_procedure_statement]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{SQL_procedure_statement}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ $return = {
+ name => $item{view_name}{name},
+ sql => $item{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ with => $item{'with_expression(?)'},
+ fields => $item{'column_list(?)'}
+ };
+ push @views, $return;
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [CREATE /FEDERATED|/i VIEW view_name column_list /AS/i with_expression SQL_procedure_statement]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{create},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{create},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sysfun
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"sysfun"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [sysfun]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ABS/i, or /ABSVAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ABS/i, or /ABSVAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ACOS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ACOS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ACOS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ACOS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ASCII/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ASCII/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ASCII)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ASCII/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ASIN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ASIN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ASIN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ASIN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ATAN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ATAN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ATAN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ATAN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ATAN2/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[5];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ATAN2/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ATAN2)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ATAN2/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CEIL/i, or /CEILING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[6];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CEIL/i, or /CEILING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CHAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[7];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CHAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CHAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CHAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CHR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[8];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CHR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CHR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CHR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[9];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/COS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:COS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/COT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[10];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/COT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:COT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/COT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DAYNAME/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[11];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DAYNAME/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DAYNAME)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DAYNAME/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DAYOFWEEK/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[12];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DAYOFWEEK/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DAYOFWEEK)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DAYOFWEEK/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DAYOFWEEK_ISO/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[13];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DAYOFWEEK_ISO/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DAYOFWEEK_ISO)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DAYOFWEEK_ISO/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DAYOFYEAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[14];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DAYOFYEAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DAYOFYEAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DAYOFYEAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DEGREES/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[15];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DEGREES/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DEGREES)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DEGREES/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DIFFERENCE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[16];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DIFFERENCE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DIFFERENCE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DIFFERENCE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DOUBLE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[17];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DOUBLE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DOUBLE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DOUBLE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/EXP/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[18];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/EXP/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:EXP)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/EXP/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/FLOOR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[19];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/FLOOR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:FLOOR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/FLOOR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/GET_ROUTINE_SAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[20];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/GET_ROUTINE_SAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:GET_ROUTINE_SAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/GET_ROUTINE_SAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/INSERT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[21];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/INSERT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:INSERT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/INSERT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/JULIAN_DAY/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[22];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/JULIAN_DAY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:JULIAN_DAY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/JULIAN_DAY/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LCASE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[23];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LCASE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LCASE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LCASE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LEFT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[24];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LEFT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LEFT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LEFT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[25];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LOCATE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[26];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LOCATE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LOCATE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LOCATE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LOG/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[27];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LOG/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LOG)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LOG/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LOG10/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[28];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LOG10/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LOG10)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LOG10/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LTRIM/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[29];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LTRIM/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LTRIM)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LTRIM/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MIDNIGHT_SECONDS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[30];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MIDNIGHT_SECONDS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MIDNIGHT_SECONDS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MIDNIGHT_SECONDS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MOD/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[31];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MOD/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MOD)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MOD/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/MONTHNAME/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[32];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/MONTHNAME/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:MONTHNAME)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/MONTHNAME/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/POWER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[33];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/POWER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:POWER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/POWER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/PUT_ROUTINE_SAR/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[34];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/PUT_ROUTINE_SAR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:PUT_ROUTINE_SAR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/PUT_ROUTINE_SAR/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/QUARTER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[35];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/QUARTER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:QUARTER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/QUARTER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RADIANS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[36];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RADIANS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RADIANS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RADIANS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RAND/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[37];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RAND/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RAND)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RAND/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REPEAT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[38];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REPEAT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REPEAT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REPEAT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REPLACE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[39];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REPLACE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REPLACE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REPLACE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RIGHT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[40];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RIGHT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RIGHT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RIGHT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ROUND/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[41];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ROUND/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ROUND)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ROUND/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RTRIM/ I]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[42];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RTRIM/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RTRIM)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [I]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{I})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::I($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [I]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [I]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{I}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RTRIM/ I]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SIGN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[43];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SIGN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SIGN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SIGN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SIN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[44];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SIN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SIN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SIN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SOUNDEX/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[45];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SOUNDEX/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SOUNDEX)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SOUNDEX/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SPACE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[46];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SPACE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SPACE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SPACE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[47];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SQRT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[48];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SQRT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SQRT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SQRT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TAN/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[49];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TAN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TAN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TAN/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TIMESTAMP_ISO/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[50];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TIMESTAMP_ISO/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TIMESTAMP_ISO)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TIMESTAMP_ISO/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TIMESTAMPDIFF/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[51];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TIMESTAMPDIFF/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TIMESTAMPDIFF)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TIMESTAMPDIFF/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TRUNCATE/i, or /TRUNC/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[52];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TRUNCATE/i, or /TRUNC/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UCASE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[53];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UCASE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UCASE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UCASE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WEEK/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[54];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/WEEK/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:WEEK)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WEEK/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WEEK_ISO/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[55];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/WEEK_ISO/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:WEEK_ISO)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WEEK_ISO/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SELECTIVITY/i numeric_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SELECTIVITY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SELECTIVITY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [numeric_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{numeric_constant})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::numeric_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [numeric_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [numeric_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{numeric_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SELECTIVITY/i numeric_constant]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"NAME"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\w+/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{NAME});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{NAME});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\w+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\w+)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\w+/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\w\{1,18\}/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{NAME});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{NAME});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\w\{1,18\}/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\w{1,18})//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\w\{1,18\}/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{NAME},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::constant
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"constant"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [int_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{constant});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{constant});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [int_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::int_const($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [int_const]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [int_const]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{int_const}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [int_const]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [float_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{constant});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{constant});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [float_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::float_const($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [float_const]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [float_const]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{float_const}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [float_const]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [dec_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{constant});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{constant});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [dec_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::dec_const($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [dec_const]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [dec_const]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{dec_const}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [dec_const]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [char_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{constant});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{constant});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [char_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::char_const($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [char_const]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [char_const]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{char_const}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [char_const]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [hex_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{constant});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{constant});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [hex_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::hex_const($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [hex_const]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [hex_const]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{hex_const}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [hex_const]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [grastr_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[5];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{constant});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{constant});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [grastr_const]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::grastr_const($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [grastr_const]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [grastr_const]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{grastr_const}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [grastr_const]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{constant},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RANK/ '()']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/RANK/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:RANK)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['()']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'()'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RANK/ '()']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK/i '()']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['()']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'()'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK/i '()']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_aggregation_group_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"window_aggregation_group_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ROWS/i, or /RANGE/i group_start, or group_between, or group_end]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{group_start, or group_between, or group_end})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ROWS/i, or /RANGE/i group_start, or group_between, or group_end]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [group_start]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [group_start]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_start($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [group_start]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [group_start]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{group_start}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [group_start]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [group_between]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [group_between]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_between($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [group_between]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [group_between]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{group_between}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [group_between]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [group_end]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [group_end]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_end($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [group_end]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [group_end]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{group_end}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [group_end]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::VIEW
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"VIEW"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [VIEW]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/view/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{VIEW});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{VIEW});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/view/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:view)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/view/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{VIEW},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::with_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"with_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [with_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WITH/i <leftop: common_table_expression /,/ common_table_expression>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{with_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{with_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/WITH/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:WITH)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [<leftop: common_table_expression /,/ common_table_expression>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{<leftop: common_table_expression /,/ common_table_expression>})->at($text);
+ $_tok = undef;
+ OPLOOP: while (1)
+ {
+ $repcount = 0;
+ my @item;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [common_table_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{common_table_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::common_table_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [common_table_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [common_table_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{common_table_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $repcount++;
+ my $savetext = $text;
+ my $backtrack;
+ while ($repcount < 100000000)
+ {
+ $backtrack = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/,/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ pop @item;
+ if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'common_table_expression(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [common_table_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{common_table_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::common_table_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [common_table_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [common_table_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{common_table_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $savetext = $text;
+ $repcount++;
+ }
+ $text = $savetext;
+ pop @item if $backtrack;
+ unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }
+ $_tok = [ @item ];
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ($repcount>=1)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match operator: [<leftop: common_table_expression /,/ common_table_expression>]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [<leftop: common_table_expression /,/ common_table_expression>]<< (return value: [}
+ . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{'common_table_expression(s)'}=$_tok||[];
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ $return = $item{'common_table_expression'};
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WITH/i <leftop: common_table_expression /,/ common_table_expression>]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{with_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::numeric_constant
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"numeric_constant"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [numeric_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/\\d+/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{numeric_constant});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{numeric_constant});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/\\d+/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:\d+)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/\\d+/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{numeric_constant},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::old_new_table
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"old_new_table"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [old_new_table]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/OLD_TABLE/i /(AS)?/i identifier]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{old_new_table});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{old_new_table});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/OLD_TABLE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:OLD_TABLE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/(AS)?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/(AS)?/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:(AS)?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [identifier]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{identifier})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::identifier($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [identifier]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [identifier]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{identifier}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = join(' ', @item[1..3] ) };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/OLD_TABLE/i /(AS)?/i identifier]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NEW_TABLE/i /(AS)?/i identifier]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{old_new_table});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{old_new_table});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NEW_TABLE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NEW_TABLE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/(AS)?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/(AS)?/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:(AS)?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [identifier]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{identifier})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::identifier($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [identifier]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [identifier]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{identifier}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = join(' ', @item[1..3] ) };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NEW_TABLE/i /(AS)?/i identifier]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{old_new_table},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [window_order_clause window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_order_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [window_order_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [window_order_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{window_order_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [window_aggregation_group_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{window_aggregation_group_clause})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_aggregation_group_clause, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [window_aggregation_group_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [window_aggregation_group_clause]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{window_aggregation_group_clause(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [window_order_clause window_aggregation_group_clause]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [result_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [result_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::result_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [result_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [result_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{result_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [result_expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::old_new_corr
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"old_new_corr"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [old_new_corr]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/OLD/i /(AS)?/i correlation_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{old_new_corr});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{old_new_corr});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/OLD/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:OLD)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/(AS)?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/(AS)?/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:(AS)?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [correlation_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{correlation_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::correlation_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [correlation_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [correlation_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{correlation_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = join(' ', @item[1..3] ) };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/OLD/i /(AS)?/i correlation_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NEW/i /(AS)?/i correlation_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{old_new_corr});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{old_new_corr});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NEW/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NEW)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/(AS)?/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/(AS)?/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:(AS)?)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [correlation_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{correlation_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::correlation_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [correlation_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [correlation_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{correlation_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = join(' ', @item[1..3] ) };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NEW/i /(AS)?/i correlation_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{old_new_corr},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LCASE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LCASE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LCASE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LCASE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/LOWER/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/LOWER/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:LOWER)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/LOWER/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::subtype_treatment
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"subtype_treatment"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [subtype_treatment]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/TREAT/i '(' expression /AS/i data_type ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{subtype_treatment});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{subtype_treatment});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/TREAT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:TREAT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/AS/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [data_type]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{data_type})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::data_type($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [data_type]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [data_type]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{data_type}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/TREAT/i '(' expression /AS/i data_type ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{subtype_treatment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [<leftop: '+', or '-' /operator/ '+', or '-'>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [<leftop: '+', or '-' /operator/ '+', or '-'>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ $_tok = undef;
+ OPLOOP: while (1)
+ {
+ $repcount = 0;
+ my @item;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{'+', or '-'})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $repcount++;
+ my $savetext = $text;
+ my $backtrack;
+ while ($repcount < 100000000)
+ {
+ $backtrack = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/operator/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/operator/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:operator)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ pop @item;
+ if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{'+', or '-'})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $savetext = $text;
+ $repcount++;
+ }
+ $text = $savetext;
+ pop @item if $backtrack;
+ unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }
+ $_tok = [ @item ];
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ($repcount>=1)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match operator: [<leftop: '+', or '-' /operator/ '+', or '-'>]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [<leftop: '+', or '-' /operator/ '+', or '-'>]<< (return value: [}
+ . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{'_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression(s)'}=$_tok||[];
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [<leftop: '+', or '-' /operator/ '+', or '-'>]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' expression ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' expression ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [constant]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[3];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [column_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [host_variable]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[4];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [host_variable]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::host_variable($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [host_variable]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [host_variable]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{host_variable}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [host_variable]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [special_register]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[5];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [special_register]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::special_register($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [special_register]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [special_register]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{special_register}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [special_register]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' scalar_fullselect ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[6];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [scalar_fullselect]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{scalar_fullselect})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::scalar_fullselect($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [scalar_fullselect]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [scalar_fullselect]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{scalar_fullselect}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' scalar_fullselect ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [labeled_duration]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[7];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [labeled_duration]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::labeled_duration($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [labeled_duration]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [labeled_duration]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{labeled_duration}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [labeled_duration]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [case_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[8];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [case_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::case_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [case_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [case_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{case_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [case_expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[9];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::cast_specification($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [cast_specification]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [cast_specification]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{cast_specification}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [cast_specification]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [OLAP_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[10];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [OLAP_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::OLAP_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [OLAP_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [OLAP_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{OLAP_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [OLAP_function]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [method_invocation]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[11];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [method_invocation]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::method_invocation($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [method_invocation]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [method_invocation]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{method_invocation}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [method_invocation]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [subtype_treatment]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[12];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [subtype_treatment]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::subtype_treatment($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [subtype_treatment]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [subtype_treatment]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{subtype_treatment}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [subtype_treatment]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [sequence_reference]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[13];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [sequence_reference]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sequence_reference($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [sequence_reference]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [sequence_reference]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{sequence_reference}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [sequence_reference]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::startrule
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"startrule"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [startrule]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [statement eofile]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{startrule});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{startrule});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [statement]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::statement, 1, 100000000, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [statement]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [statement]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{statement(s)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [eofile]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{eofile})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::eofile($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [eofile]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [eofile]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{eofile}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ $return = {
+ tables => \%tables,
+ views => \@views,
+ triggers => \@triggers,
+ }
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [statement eofile]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{startrule},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [expression]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NULL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NULL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NULL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NULL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [parameter_marker]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [parameter_marker]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::parameter_marker($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [parameter_marker]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [parameter_marker]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{parameter_marker}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [parameter_marker]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::before
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"before"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [before]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{before},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NO CASCADE BEFORE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{before},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{before});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{before});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NO CASCADE BEFORE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{before},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NO CASCADE BEFORE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NO CASCADE BEFORE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{before},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{before},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{before},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{before},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{before},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UCASE/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UCASE/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UCASE)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UCASE/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UPPER/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UPPER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UPPER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UPPER/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::ranking_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"ranking_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [ranking_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/RANK/, or /DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK/i /OVER/i '(' window_partition_clause window_order_clause ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{ranking_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{ranking_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/OVER/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/OVER/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:OVER)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [window_partition_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{window_partition_clause})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_partition_clause, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [window_partition_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [window_partition_clause]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{window_partition_clause(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{window_order_clause})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_order_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [window_order_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [window_order_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{window_order_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/RANK/, or /DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK/i /OVER/i '(' window_partition_clause window_order_clause ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{ranking_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/SELECTIVITY/i numeric_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/SELECTIVITY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:SELECTIVITY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [numeric_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{numeric_constant})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::numeric_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [numeric_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [numeric_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{numeric_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/SELECTIVITY/i numeric_constant]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ABS/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ABS/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ABS)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ABS/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ABSVAL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ABSVAL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ABSVAL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ABSVAL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::reference_b
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"reference_b"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [reference_b]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REFERENCING/i old_new_corr]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{reference_b});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{reference_b});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REFERENCING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REFERENCING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [old_new_corr]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{old_new_corr})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::old_new_corr, 0, 2, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [old_new_corr]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [old_new_corr]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{old_new_corr(0..2)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = join(' ', $item[1], join(' ', @{$item[2]}) ) };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REFERENCING/i old_new_corr]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{reference_b},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/WHEN/i search_condition /THEN/i result_expression, or /NULL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/WHEN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:WHEN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{search_condition})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::search_condition($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [search_condition]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [search_condition]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{search_condition}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/THEN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/THEN/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:THEN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{result_expression, or /NULL/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/WHEN/i search_condition /THEN/i result_expression, or /NULL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CORRELATION/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CORRELATION/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CORRELATION)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CORRELATION/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CORR/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CORR/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CORR)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CORR/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CEIL/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CEIL/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CEIL)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CEIL/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CEILING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CEILING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CEILING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CEILING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::prevval_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"prevval_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [prevval_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/PREVVAL\\s+FOR/i sequence_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{prevval_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{prevval_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/PREVVAL\\s+FOR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:PREVVAL\s+FOR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [sequence_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{sequence_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sequence_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [sequence_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [sequence_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{sequence_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/PREVVAL\\s+FOR/i sequence_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{prevval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::where_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"where_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [where_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [WHERE search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{where_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{where_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [WHERE]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::WHERE($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [WHERE]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [WHERE]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{WHERE}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [search_condition]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{search_condition})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::search_condition($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [search_condition]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [search_condition]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{search_condition}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [WHERE search_condition]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{where_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_start
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"group_start"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [group_start]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_start});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_start});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:UNBOUNDED\s+PRECEDING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [unsigned_constant /PRECEDING/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_start});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_start});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [unsigned_constant]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::unsigned_constant($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [unsigned_constant]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [unsigned_constant]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{unsigned_constant}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/PRECEDING/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/PRECEDING/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:PRECEDING)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [unsigned_constant /PRECEDING/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[2];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_start});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_start});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:CURRENT\s+ROW)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/CURRENT\\s+ROW/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{group_start},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::correlation_name
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"correlation_name"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [correlation_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{correlation_name});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{correlation_name});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [NAME]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::NAME($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [NAME]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [NAME]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{NAME}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [NAME]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{correlation_name},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::SQL_procedure_statement
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"SQL_procedure_statement"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [SQL_procedure_statement]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/[^;]*/ /(;|\\z)/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{SQL_procedure_statement});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{SQL_procedure_statement});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/[^;]*/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:[^;]*)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/(;|\\z)/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/(;|\\z)/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:(;|\z))//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do { $return = $item[1] . $item[2] };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/[^;]*/ /(;|\\z)/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_between
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"group_between"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [group_between]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/BETWEEN/i group_bound1 /AND/i group_bound2]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{group_between});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{group_between});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/BETWEEN/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:BETWEEN)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [group_bound1]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{group_bound1})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_bound1($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [group_bound1]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [group_bound1]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{group_bound1}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/AND/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/AND/i})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:AND)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [group_bound2]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{group_bound2})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::group_bound2($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [group_bound2]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [group_bound2]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{group_bound2}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/BETWEEN/i group_bound1 /AND/i group_bound2]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{group_between},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::nextval_expression
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"nextval_expression"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [nextval_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/NEXTVAL\\s+FOR/i sequence_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{nextval_expression});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{nextval_expression});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/NEXTVAL\\s+FOR/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:NEXTVAL\s+FOR)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [sequence_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{sequence_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::sequence_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [sequence_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [sequence_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{sequence_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/NEXTVAL\\s+FOR/i sequence_name]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{nextval_expression},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::desc_option
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"desc_option"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [desc_option]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/DESC/i /NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{desc_option});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{desc_option});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/DESC/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:DESC)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: [/NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/DESC/i /NULLS\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\s+LAST/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{desc_option},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_list
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"column_list"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [column_list]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: ['(' <leftop: column_name /,/ column_name> ')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{column_list});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{column_list});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\(//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>})->at($text);
+ $_tok = undef;
+ OPLOOP: while (1)
+ {
+ $repcount = 0;
+ my @item;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{column_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $repcount++;
+ my $savetext = $text;
+ my $backtrack;
+ while ($repcount < 100000000)
+ {
+ $backtrack = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/,/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ pop @item;
+ if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'column_name(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [column_name]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{column_name})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::column_name($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [column_name]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [column_name]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{column_name}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $savetext = $text;
+ $repcount++;
+ }
+ $text = $savetext;
+ pop @item if $backtrack;
+ unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }
+ $_tok = [ @item ];
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ($repcount>=1)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match operator: [<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>]<< (return value: [}
+ . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{'column_name(s)'}=$_tok||[];
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [')']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{')'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING2__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ $return = join(' ', '(', @{$item[2]}, ')');
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: ['(' <leftop: column_name /,/ column_name> ')']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{column_list},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_INTERCEPT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_INTERCEPT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_INTERCEPT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_INTERCEPT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/REGR_ICPT/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[1];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/REGR_ICPT/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:REGR_ICPT)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/REGR_ICPT/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::dereference_operation
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"dereference_operation"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [dereference_operation]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [scoped_reference_expression '->' name1 '(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{dereference_operation});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{dereference_operation});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [scoped_reference_expression]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::scoped_reference_expression($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [scoped_reference_expression]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [scoped_reference_expression]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{scoped_reference_expression}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: ['->']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{'->'})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A\-\>//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(qq{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__STRING1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [name1]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{name1})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::name1($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [name1]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [name1]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{name1}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying repeated subrule: ['(']},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{'('})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = $thisparser->_parserepeat($text, \&Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation, 0, 1, $_noactions,$expectation,undef)))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match repeated subrule: ['(']>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched repeated subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation]<< (}
+ . @$_tok . q{ times)},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation(?)}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [scoped_reference_expression '->' name1 '(']<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{dereference_operation},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::OUTER
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"OUTER"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [OUTER]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/outer/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{OUTER});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{OUTER});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/outer/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:outer)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/outer/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{OUTER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::window_order_clause
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"window_order_clause"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/ORDER\\s+BY/i <leftop: sort_key_expression /,/ sort_key_expression>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{window_order_clause});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{window_order_clause});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/ORDER\\s+BY/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:ORDER\s+BY)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying operator: [<leftop: sort_key_expression /,/ sort_key_expression>]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->is(q{<leftop: sort_key_expression /,/ sort_key_expression>})->at($text);
+ $_tok = undef;
+ OPLOOP: while (1)
+ {
+ $repcount = 0;
+ my @item;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{sort_key_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $repcount++;
+ my $savetext = $text;
+ my $backtrack;
+ while ($repcount < 100000000)
+ {
+ $backtrack = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/,/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{/,/})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:,)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN2__}=$&;
+ pop @item;
+ if (defined $1) {push @item, $item{'_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause(s)'}=$1; $backtrack=1;}
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ if (1) { no strict qw{refs};
+ $expectation->is(q{sort_key_expression})->at($text);
+ unless (defined ($_tok = Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause($thisparser,$text,$repeating,$_noactions,sub { \@arg })))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched subrule: [_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause]<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $item{q{_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause}} = $_tok;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ }
+ $savetext = $text;
+ $repcount++;
+ }
+ $text = $savetext;
+ pop @item if $backtrack;
+ unless (@item) { undef $_tok; last }
+ $_tok = [ @item ];
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ($repcount>=1)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match operator: [<leftop: sort_key_expression /,/ sort_key_expression>]>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $expectation->failed();
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched operator: [<leftop: sort_key_expression /,/ sort_key_expression>]<< (return value: [}
+ . qq{@{$_tok||[]}} . q{]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{'_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause(s)'}=$_tok||[];
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/ORDER\\s+BY/i <leftop: sort_key_expression /,/ sort_key_expression>]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{window_order_clause},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::TRIGGER
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"TRIGGER"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [TRIGGER]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/trigger/i]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{TRIGGER});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{TRIGGER});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/trigger/i]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:trigger)//i)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/trigger/i]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{TRIGGER},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+# ARGS ARE: ($parser, $text; $repeating, $_noactions, \@args)
+sub Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar::comment
+ my $thisparser = $_[0];
+ use vars q{$tracelevel};
+ local $tracelevel = ($tracelevel||0)+1;
+ $ERRORS = 0;
+ my $thisrule = $thisparser->{"rules"}{"comment"};
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying rule: [comment]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $err_at = @{$thisparser->{errors}};
+ my $score;
+ my $score_return;
+ my $_tok;
+ my $return = undef;
+ my $_matched=0;
+ my $commit=0;
+ my @item = ();
+ my %item = ();
+ my $repeating = defined($_[2]) && $_[2];
+ my $_noactions = defined($_[3]) && $_[3];
+ my @arg = defined $_[4] ? @{ &{$_[4]} } : ();
+ my %arg = ($#arg & 01) ? @arg : (@arg, undef);
+ my $text;
+ my $lastsep="";
+ my $expectation = new Parse::RecDescent::Expectation($thisrule->expected());
+ $expectation->at($_[1]);
+ my $thisline;
+ tie $thisline, q{Parse::RecDescent::LineCounter}, \$text, $thisparser;
+ while (!$_matched && !$commit)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying production: [/^\\s*-\{2\}.*\\n/]},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ my $thisprod = $thisrule->{"prods"}[0];
+ $text = $_[1];
+ my $_savetext;
+ @item = (q{comment});
+ %item = (__RULE__ => q{comment});
+ my $repcount = 0;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying terminal: [/^\\s*-\{2\}.*\\n/]}, Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $lastsep = "";
+ $expectation->is(q{})->at($text);
+ unless ($text =~ s/\A($skip)/$lastsep=$1 and ""/e and $text =~ s/\A(?:^\s*-{2}.*\n)//)
+ {
+ $expectation->failed();
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match terminal>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched terminal<< (return value: [}
+ . $& . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $item{__PATTERN1__}=$&;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{Trying action},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_tok = ($_noactions) ? 0 : do {
+ my $comment = $item[1];
+ $comment =~ s/^\s*(-{2})\s*//;
+ $comment =~ s/\s*$//;
+ $return = $comment;
+ };
+ unless (defined $_tok)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match action>> (return value: [undef])})
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ last;
+ }
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched action<< (return value: [}
+ . $_tok . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text))
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ push @item, $_tok;
+ $item{__ACTION1__}=$_tok;
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched production: [/^\\s*-\{2\}.*\\n/]<<},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $_matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ unless ( $_matched || defined($return) || defined($score) )
+ {
+ $_[1] = $text; # NOT SURE THIS IS NEEDED
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{<<Didn't match rule>>},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($_[1]),
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if (!defined($return) && defined($score))
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Accepted scored production<<}, "",
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ if defined $::RD_TRACE;
+ $return = $score_return;
+ }
+ splice @{$thisparser->{errors}}, $err_at;
+ $return = $item[$#item] unless defined $return;
+ if (defined $::RD_TRACE)
+ {
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{>>Matched rule<< (return value: [} .
+ $return . q{])}, "",
+ q{comment},
+ $tracelevel);
+ Parse::RecDescent::_trace(q{(consumed: [} .
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracemax(substr($_[1],0,-length($text))) . q{])},
+ Parse::RecDescent::_tracefirst($text),
+ , q{comment},
+ $tracelevel)
+ }
+ $_[1] = $text;
+ return $return;
+package SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar; sub new { my $self = bless( {
+ '_AUTOTREE' => undef,
+ 'localvars' => '',
+ 'startcode' => '',
+ '_check' => {
+ 'thisoffset' => '',
+ 'itempos' => '',
+ 'prevoffset' => '',
+ 'prevline' => '',
+ 'prevcolumn' => '',
+ 'thiscolumn' => ''
+ },
+ 'namespace' => 'Parse::RecDescent::SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2::Grammar',
+ '_AUTOACTION' => undef,
+ 'rules' => {
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DECIMAL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DECIMAL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DEC',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DEC/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'triggered_action' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'when_clause',
+ 'SQL_procedure_statement'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'when_clause',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 263
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'SQL_procedure_statement',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 263
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 264,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { \'condition\' => $item[1][0],
+ \'statement\' => $item{\'SQL_procedure_statement\'} };
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'triggered_action',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 263
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'predicate',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition',
+ 'search_condition'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'predicate',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition',
+ 'expected' => '/SELECTIVITY/i',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'search_condition',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'name1' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 536
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'name1',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 536
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'predicate',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ 'search_condition'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'predicate',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ 'expected' => '/SELECTIVITY/i',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'search_condition',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 2,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ 'expected' => '\'+\', or \'-\'',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 611
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'function, or \'(\', or constant, or column_name, or host_variable, or special_register, or labeled_duration, or case_expression, or cast_specification, or OLAP_function, or method_invocation, or subtype_treatment, or sequence_reference',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 608
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'SCHEMA' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '\\w+',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/\\\\w+/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 142,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '\\w{1,128}',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/\\\\w\\{1,128\\}/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 144,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'SCHEMA',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 142
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'VARIANCE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/VARIANCE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'VAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/VAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '+',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'+\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '-',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'-\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'get_bracketed' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 170,
+ 'code' => '{
+ extract_bracketed($text, \'(\');
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'get_bracketed',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 169
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'labeled_duration' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'ld_type',
+ 'ld_duration'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'ld_type',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 480
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'ld_duration',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 480
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'labeled_duration',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 480
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'group_end' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'unsigned_constant'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UNBOUNDED\\\\s+PRECEDING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 590,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'unsigned_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 591
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'FOLLOWING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/FOLLOWING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 591,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 591
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'group_end',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 590
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'statement' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'comment',
+ 'create'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'comment',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 23
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'create',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 24
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 24
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => 0,
+ 'error' => 1,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'msg' => '',
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'commitonly' => '',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 25
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Error' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 25
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'statement',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 22
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'result_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'result_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 627,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'result_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ELSE\\s+NULL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ELSE\\\\s+NULL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ELSE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ELSE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 627,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'result_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'subject_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 598
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 599,
+ 'code' => '{ # with static result type that is a used-defined struct type
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'subject_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 598
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULLS\\s+FIRST',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULLS\\\\s+FIRST/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULLS\\s+LAST',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULLS\\\\s+LAST/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'view_name' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'SCHEMA',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 129
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '.',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'.\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 129
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 129
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 130,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { schema => $item[1], name => $item[3] } }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 131
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 132,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { name => $item[1] } }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 131
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'view_name',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 129
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AND',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/AND/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'OR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/OR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'numbering_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 2,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'window_partition_clause',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function',
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 3,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ROW_NUMBER|ROWNUMBER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ROW_NUMBER|ROWNUMBER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 546,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '()',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'()\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 546
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'OVER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/OVER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 546,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 546
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'window_partition_clause',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 546
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function',
+ 'expected' => 'window_order_clause',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 548
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function',
+ 'expected' => '/RANGE\\\\s+BETWEEN\\\\s+UNBOUNDED\\\\s+PRECEDING\\\\s+AND\\\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\\\s+FOLLOWING/i, or window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 551
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING3__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 551
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'numbering_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 546
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ROWS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ROWS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RANGE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RANGE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 627,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'group_bound1' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'unsigned_constant'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UNBOUNDED\\\\s+PRECEDING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 580,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'unsigned_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 581
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'PRECEDING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/PRECEDING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 581,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 581
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'unsigned_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 582
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'FOLLOWING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/FOLLOWING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 582,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 582
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CURRENT\\s+ROW',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CURRENT\\\\s+ROW/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 583,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 583
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'group_bound1',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 580
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'OLAP_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'ranking_function',
+ 'numbering_function',
+ 'aggregation_function'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'ranking_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 538
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'numbering_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 539
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 539
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'aggregation_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 540
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 540
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'OLAP_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 538
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DOUBLE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DOUBLE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DOUBLE_PRECISION',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DOUBLE_PRECISION/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'FULL' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'full',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/full/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 113,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'FULL',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 113
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SCOPE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SCOPE/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 625,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'typed_table_name, or typed_view_name',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'case_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 2,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression',
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CASE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CASE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 496,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'searched_when_clause, or simple_when_clause',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 498
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression',
+ 'expected' => '/ELSE\\\\s+NULL/i, or /ELSE/i',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 501
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'END',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/END/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 501,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'case_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 496
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'operator' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/CONCAT/i, or \'||\'',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '/',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'/\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '*',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'*\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '+',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'+\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '-',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'-\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'operator',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 321
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'INSERT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/INSERT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DELETE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DELETE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UPDATE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UPDATE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CONCAT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CONCAT/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '||',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'||\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'sequence_reference' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'nextval_expression',
+ 'prevval_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'nextval_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 608
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'prevval_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 609
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 609
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'sequence_reference',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 608
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/ABS/i, or /ABSVAL/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 332
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AVG',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/AVG/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 333,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 333
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'BIGINT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/BIGINT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 334,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 334
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'BLOB',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/BLOB/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 335,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 335
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CHAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CHAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 336,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 336
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '5',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CLOB',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CLOB/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 337,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 337
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '6',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'COALESCE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/COALESCE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 338,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 338
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '7',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_8_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/CONCAT/, or \'||\'',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 339
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 339
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '8',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/CORRELATION/i, or /CORR/',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 340
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 340
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '9',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'COUNT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/COUNT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 341,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 341
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '10',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'COUNT_BIG',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/COUNT_BIG/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 342,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 342
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '11',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/COVARIANCE/i, or /COVAR/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 343
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 343
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '12',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DATE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DATE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 344,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 344
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '13',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DAY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DAY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 345,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 345
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '14',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DAYS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DAYS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 346,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 346
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '15',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DBCLOB',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DBCLOB/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 347,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 347
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '16',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_17_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/DECIMAL/i, or /DEC/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 348
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 348
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '17',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DECRYPT_BIN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DECRYPT_BIN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 349,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 349
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '18',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DECRYPT_CHAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DECRYPT_CHAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 350,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 350
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '19',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DEREF',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DEREF/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 351,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 351
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '20',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DIGITS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DIGITS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 352,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 352
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '21',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLCOMMENT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLCOMMENT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 353,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 353
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '22',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLLINKTYPE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLLINKTYPE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 354,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 354
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '23',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLURLCOMPLETE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLURLCOMPLETE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 355,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 355
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '24',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLURLPATH',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLURLPATH/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 356,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 356
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '25',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLURLPATHONLY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLURLPATHONLY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 357,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 357
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '26',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLURLSCHEME',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLURLSCHEME/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 358,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 358
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '27',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLURLSERVER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLURLSERVER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 359,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 359
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '28',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DLVALUE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DLVALUE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 360,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 360
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '29',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_30_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/DOUBLE/i, or /DOUBLE_PRECISION/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 361
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 361
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '30',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ENCRYPT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ENCRYPT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 362,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 362
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '31',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'EVENT_MON_STATE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/EVENT_MON_STATE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 363,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 363
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '32',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'FLOAT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/FLOAT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 364,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 364
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '33',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'GETHINT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/GETHINT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 365,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 365
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '34',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'GENERATE_UNIQUE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/GENERATE_UNIQUE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 366,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 366
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '35',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'GRAPHIC',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/GRAPHIC/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 367,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 367
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '36',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'GROUPING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/GROUPING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 368,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 368
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '37',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'HEX',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/HEX/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 369,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 369
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '38',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'HOUR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/HOUR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 370,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 370
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '39',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 371,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 371
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '40',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/INTEGER/i, or /INT/',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 372
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 372
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '41',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/LCASE/i, or /LOWER/',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 373
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 373
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '42',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LENGTH',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LENGTH/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 374,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 374
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '43',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LONG_VARCHAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LONG_VARCHAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 375,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 375
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '44',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LONG_VARGRAPHIC',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LONG_VARGRAPHIC/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 376,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 376
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '45',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LTRIM',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LTRIM/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 377,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 377
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '46',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MAX',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MAX/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 378,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 378
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '47',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MICROSECOND',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MICROSECOND/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 379,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 379
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '48',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MIN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MIN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 380,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 380
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '49',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MINUTE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MINUTE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 381,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 381
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '50',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MONTH',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MONTH/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 382,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 382
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '51',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MULTIPLY_ACT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MULTIPLY_ACT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 383,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 383
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '52',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NODENUMBER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NODENUMBER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 384,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 384
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '53',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULLIF',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULLIF/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 385,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 385
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '54',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'PARTITON',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/PARTITON/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 386,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 386
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '55',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'POSSTR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/POSSTR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 387,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 387
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '56',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RAISE_ERROR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RAISE_ERROR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 388,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 388
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '57',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REAL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REAL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 389,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 389
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '58',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REC2XML',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REC2XML/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 390,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 390
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '59',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_AVGX',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_AVGX/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 391,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 391
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '60',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_AVGY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_AVGY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 392,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 392
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '61',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_COUNT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_COUNT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 393,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 393
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '62',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/REGR_INTERCEPT/i, or /REGR_ICPT/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 394
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 394
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '63',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_R2',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_R2/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 395,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 395
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '64',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_SLOPE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_SLOPE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 396,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 396
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '65',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_SXX',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_SXX/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 397,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 397
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '66',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_SXY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_SXY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 398,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 398
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '67',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_SYY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_SYY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 399,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 399
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '68',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RTRIM',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RTRIM/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 400,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 400
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '69',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SECOND',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SECOND/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 401,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 401
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '70',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SMALLINT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SMALLINT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 402,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 402
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '71',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'STDDEV',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/STDDEV/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 403,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 403
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '72',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SUBSTR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SUBSTR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 404,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 404
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '73',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SUM',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SUM/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 405,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 405
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '74',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TABLE_NAME',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TABLE_NAME/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 406,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 406
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '75',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TABLE_SCHEMA',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TABLE_SCHEMA/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 407,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 407
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '76',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TIME',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TIME/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 408,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 408
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '77',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TIMESTAMP',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TIMESTAMP/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 409,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 409
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '78',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TRANSLATE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TRANSLATE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 410,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 410
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '79',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TYPE_ID',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TYPE_ID/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 411,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 411
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '80',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TYPE_NAME',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TYPE_NAME/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 412,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 412
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '81',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TYPE_SCHEMA',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TYPE_SCHEMA/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 413,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 413
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '82',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/UCASE/i, or /UPPER/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 414
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 414
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '83',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'VALUE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/VALUE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 415,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 415
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '84',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/VARCHAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 416,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 416
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '85',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'VARGRAPHIC',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/VARGRAPHIC/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 417,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 417
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '86',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_87_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/VARIANCE/i, or /VAR/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 418
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 418
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '87',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'YEAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/YEAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 419,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 419
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 332
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'window_partition_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'partitioning_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'op' => [],
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'PARTITION\\s+BY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/PARTITION\\\\s+BY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 553,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'expected' => '<leftop: partitioning_expression /,/ partitioning_expression>',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'name' => '\'partitioning_expression(s)\'',
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'leftarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'partitioning_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 553
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'rightarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'partitioning_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 553
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'type' => 'leftop',
+ 'op' => bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ',',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/,/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 553,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'window_partition_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 553
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'WHERE' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'where',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/where/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 117,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'WHERE',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 117
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'CREATE' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'create',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/create/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 101,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'CREATE',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 101
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ABS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ABS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ABSVAL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ABSVAL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'sysibm_function',
+ 'sysfun_function',
+ 'userdefined_function'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SYSIBM\\.|',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SYSIBM\\\\.|/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 625,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'sysibm_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SYSFUN\\.|',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SYSFUN\\\\.|/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'sysfun_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'userdefined_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'identifier' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 136
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'identifier',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 136
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'asc_option',
+ 'desc_option'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'asc_option',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'desc_option',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'result_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 515
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'result_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 515
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'scoped_reference_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 532
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 533,
+ 'code' => '{ # scoped, reference
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'scoped_reference_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 528
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'typed_table_name',
+ 'typed_view_name'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'typed_table_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'typed_view_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'when_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'search_condition'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'WHEN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/WHEN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 261,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 261
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'search_condition',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 261
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 261
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 261,
+ 'code' => '{$return = $item[3]}'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'when_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 259
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULLS\\s+FIRST',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULLS\\\\s+FIRST/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULLS\\s+LAST',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULLS\\\\s+LAST/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'sequence_name' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 615
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'sequence_name',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 615
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'ld_duration' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'YEARS?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/YEARS?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 488,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MONTHS?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MONTHS?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 489,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 489
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DAYS?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DAYS?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 490,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 490
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'HOURS?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/HOURS?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 491,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 491
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MINUTES?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MINUTES?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 492,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 492
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '5',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SECONDS?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SECONDS?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 493,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 493
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '6',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MICROSECONDS?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MICROSECONDS?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 494,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 494
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'ld_duration',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 488
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'reference_a' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'old_new_corr',
+ 'old_new_table'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REFERENCING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REFERENCING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 283,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'old_new_corr',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 2,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '0..2',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 283
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'old_new_table',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 2,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '0..2',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 283
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 284,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = join(\' \', $item[1], join(\' \', @{$item[2]}), join(\' \', @{$item[3]}) ) }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'reference_a',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 283
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'cast_specification' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 2,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification',
+ 'data_type',
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CAST',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CAST/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 517,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 517
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'expression, or /NULL/i, or parameter_marker',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 520
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/AS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 520,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'data_type',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 520
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification',
+ 'expected' => '/SCOPE/',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 524
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 524
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'cast_specification',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 517
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'type' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'column_name',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 3,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'op' => [],
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UPDATE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UPDATE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 272,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'OF',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/OF/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 272,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'expected' => '<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'name' => '\'column_name(s)\'',
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'leftarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 272
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'rightarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 272
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'type' => 'leftop',
+ 'op' => bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ',',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN3__',
+ 'description' => '/,/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 272,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 273,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { event => \'update_on\',
+ fields => $item[3] }
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_type',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/INSERT/i, or /DELETE/i, or /UPDATE/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 277
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 278,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { event => $item[1] } }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'type',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 272
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'COVARIANCE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/COVARIANCE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'COVAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/COVAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_12_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'scalar_fullselect' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'fullselect'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 478
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'fullselect',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 478
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 478
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'scalar_fullselect',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 478
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CASCADED',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CASCADED/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LOCAL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LOCAL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'func_args' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 330
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'func_args',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 330
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'trigger_name' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'SCHEMA',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 119
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '.',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'.\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 119
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 119
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 120,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { schema => $item[1], name => $item[3] } }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 121
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 122,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { name => $item[1] } }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 121
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'trigger_name',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 119
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'window_aggregation_group_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RANGE\\\\s+BETWEEN\\\\s+UNBOUNDED\\\\s+PRECEDING\\\\s+AND\\\\s+UNBBOUNDED\\\\s+FOLLOWING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'method_name' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 602
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 603,
+ 'code' => '{ # must be a method of subject_expression
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'method_name',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 602
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'quantified_p' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression1',
+ 'fullselect'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression1',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\\\^=|\\\\^<|\\\\^>|\\\\!=)/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SOME|ANY|ALL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/SOME|ANY|ALL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'fullselect',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'quantified_p',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'common_table_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'table_name',
+ 'column_list',
+ 'get_bracketed',
+ 'fullselect'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'table_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 162
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_list',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 162
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/AS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 162,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'get_bracketed',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 162
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 163,
+ 'code' => '{
+ $return = { name => $item{table_name}{name},
+ query => $item[4]
+ };
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'table_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 174
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_list',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 174
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/AS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 174,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 174
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'fullselect',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 174
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 174
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'common_table_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 160
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'after' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AFTER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/AFTER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 270,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'after',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 270
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'predicate' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'basic_p',
+ 'quantified_p',
+ 'between_p',
+ 'exists_p',
+ 'in_p',
+ 'like_p',
+ 'null_p',
+ 'type_p'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'basic_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'quantified_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'between_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'exists_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'in_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '5',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'like_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '6',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'null_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '7',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'type_p',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'predicate',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'column_name' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 134
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'column_name',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 134
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'method_invocation' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'subject_expression',
+ 'method_name',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'subject_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 593
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '..',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'..\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 593
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'method_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 593
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation',
+ 'expected' => '\'(\'',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 596
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'method_invocation',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 593
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => 's',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'search_condition',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'WHEN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/WHEN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 624,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'search_condition',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'THEN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/THEN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 624,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'result_expression, or /NULL/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'group_bound2' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'unsigned_constant'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UNBOUNDED\\\\s+PRECEDING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 585,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'unsigned_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 586
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'PRECEDING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/PRECEDING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 586,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 586
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'unsigned_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 587
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'FOLLOWING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/FOLLOWING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 587,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 587
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CURRENT\\s+ROW',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CURRENT\\\\s+ROW/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 588,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 588
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'group_bound2',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 585
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'searched_when_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause',
+ 'expected' => '/WHEN/i',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => 's',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 507
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'searched_when_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 503
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'basic_p' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\^=|\\^<|\\^>|\\!=)',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/(=|<>|<|>|<=|=>|\\\\^=|\\\\^<|\\\\^>|\\\\!=)/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 624,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'basic_p',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'asc_option' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ASC',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ASC/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 562,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_asc_option',
+ 'expected' => '/NULLS\\\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\\\s+LAST/i',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 562
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'asc_option',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 562
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'search_condition' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition',
+ 'cond'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '[^)]+',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/[^)]+/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 297,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NOT|',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NOT|/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 618,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'predicate, or \'(\'',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 618
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'cond',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => 's?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 618
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'search_condition',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 296
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CONCAT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CONCAT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '||',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'||\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_operator',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'simple_when_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 509
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause',
+ 'expected' => '/WHEN/i',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => 's',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 513
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'simple_when_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 509
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'INNER' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'inner',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/inner/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 107,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'INNER',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 107
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'eofile' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '^\\Z',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/^\\\\Z/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 20,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'eofile',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 20
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'cond' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 2,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/AND/i, or /OR/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 620
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NOT|',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NOT|/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 620,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'predicate, or \'(\'',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 620
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'cond',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 620
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'ld_type' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'function',
+ 'expression',
+ 'constant',
+ 'column_name',
+ 'host_variable'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 482
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 483
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 483
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 483
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 483
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 484
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 484
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 485
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 485
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'host_variable',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 486
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 486
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'ld_type',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 482
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'RIGHT' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'right',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/right/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 111,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'RIGHT',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 111
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => 's',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_method_invocation',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'LEFT' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'left',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/left/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 109,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'LEFT',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 109
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'table_name' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'SCHEMA',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 124
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '.',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'.\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 124
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 124
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 125,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { schema => $item[1], name => $item[3] } }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 126
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 127,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = { name => $item[1] } }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 126
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'table_name',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 124
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TRUNCATE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TRUNCATE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TRUNC',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TRUNC/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'options' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'WITH',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/WITH/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 150,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_options',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/CASCADED/i, or /LOCAL/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 150
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CHECK\\s+OPTION',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/CHECK\\\\s+OPTION/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 150,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'options',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 150
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function',
+ 'func_args'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'op' => [],
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/SYSIBM\\\\.|/i, or /SYSFUN\\\\.|/i, or userdefined_function',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 326
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 326
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'expected' => '<leftop: func_args /,/ func_args>',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'name' => '\'func_args(s)\'',
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'leftarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'func_args',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 326
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'rightarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'func_args',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 326
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'type' => 'leftop',
+ 'op' => bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ',',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/,/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 326,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 326
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 323
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/INTEGER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'INT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/INT/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_41_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'searched_when_clause',
+ 'simple_when_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'searched_when_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'simple_when_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_case_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'sort_key_expression',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'sort_key_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause',
+ 'expected' => 'asc_option, or desc_option',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'create' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'trigger_name',
+ 'before',
+ 'type',
+ 'table_name',
+ 'reference_b',
+ 'triggered_action',
+ 'after',
+ 'reference_a',
+ 'VIEW',
+ 'view_name',
+ 'column_list',
+ 'with_expression',
+ 'SQL_procedure_statement'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'CREATE',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'TRIGGER',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'trigger_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'before',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'type',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ON',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ON/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 36,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'table_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'reference_b',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'FOR EACH ROW',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/FOR EACH ROW/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 36,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MODE DB2SQL',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'MODE DB2SQL\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'triggered_action',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 37,
+ 'code' => '{
+ my $table_name = $item{\'table_name\'}{\'name\'};
+ $return = {
+ table => $table_name,
+ schema => $item{\'trigger_name\'}{\'schema\'},
+ name => $item{\'trigger_name\'}{\'name\'},
+ when => \'before\',
+ db_event => $item{\'type\'}->{\'event\'},
+ fields => $item{\'type\'}{\'fields\'},
+ condition => $item{\'triggered_action\'}{\'condition\'},
+ reference => $item{\'reference_b\'},
+ granularity => $item[9],
+ action => $item{\'triggered_action\'}{\'statement\'}
+ };
+ push @triggers, $return;
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'CREATE',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'TRIGGER',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'trigger_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'after',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'type',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ON',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ON/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 55,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'table_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'reference_a',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/FOR EACH ROW|FOR EACH STATEMENT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 55,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MODE DB2SQL',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'MODE DB2SQL\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'triggered_action',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 55
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 56,
+ 'code' => '{
+ my $table_name = $item{\'table_name\'}{\'name\'};
+ $return = {
+ table => $table_name,
+ schema => $item{\'trigger_name\'}{\'schema\'},
+ name => $item{\'trigger_name\'}{\'name\'},
+ when => \'after\',
+ db_event => $item{\'type\'}{\'event\'},
+ fields => $item{\'type\'}{\'fields\'},
+ condition => $item{\'triggered_action\'}{\'condition\'},
+ reference => $item{\'reference_a\'},
+ granularity => $item[9],
+ action => $item{\'triggered_action\'}{\'statement\'}
+ };
+ push @triggers, $return;
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'CREATE',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 74
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'FEDERATED|',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/FEDERATED|/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 74,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'VIEW',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 74
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'view_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 74
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_list',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 74
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/AS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 74,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'with_expression',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 74
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'SQL_procedure_statement',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 74
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 75,
+ 'code' => '{
+ $return = {
+ name => $item{view_name}{name},
+ sql => $item{SQL_procedure_statement},
+ with => $item{\'with_expression(?)\'},
+ fields => $item{\'column_list(?)\'}
+ };
+ push @views, $return;
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'create',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 36
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'sysfun' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun',
+ 'I',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysfun',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/ABS/i, or /ABSVAL/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 421
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ACOS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ACOS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 422,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 422
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ASCII',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ASCII/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 423,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 423
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ASIN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ASIN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 424,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 424
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ATAN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ATAN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 425,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 425
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '5',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ATAN2',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ATAN2/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 426,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 426
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '6',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/CEIL/i, or /CEILING/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 427
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 427
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '7',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CHAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CHAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 428,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 428
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '8',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CHR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CHR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 429,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 429
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '9',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'COS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/COS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 430,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 430
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '10',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'COT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/COT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 431,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 431
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '11',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DAYNAME',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DAYNAME/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 432,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 432
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '12',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DAYOFWEEK',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DAYOFWEEK/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 433,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 433
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '13',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DAYOFWEEK_ISO',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DAYOFWEEK_ISO/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 434,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 434
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '14',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DAYOFYEAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DAYOFYEAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 435,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 435
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '15',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DEGREES',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DEGREES/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 436,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 436
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '16',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DIFFERENCE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DIFFERENCE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 437,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 437
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '17',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DOUBLE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DOUBLE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 438,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 438
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '18',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'EXP',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/EXP/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 439,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
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+ 'number' => '19',
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+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'FLOOR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/FLOOR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 440,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 440
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
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+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'GET_ROUTINE_SAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/GET_ROUTINE_SAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 441,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'INSERT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/INSERT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 442,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
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+ 'number' => '22',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'JULIAN_DAY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/JULIAN_DAY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 443,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 443
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '23',
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+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LCASE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LCASE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 444,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '24',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LEFT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LEFT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 445,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 446,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LOCATE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LOCATE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 447,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '27',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LOG',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LOG/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 448,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '28',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LOG10',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LOG10/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 449,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '29',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LTRIM',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LTRIM/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 450,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MIDNIGHT_SECONDS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MIDNIGHT_SECONDS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 451,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '31',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MOD',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MOD/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 452,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '32',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'MONTHNAME',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/MONTHNAME/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 453,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '33',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'POWER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/POWER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 454,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '34',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'PUT_ROUTINE_SAR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/PUT_ROUTINE_SAR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 455,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 455
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '35',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'QUARTER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/QUARTER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 456,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 456
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '36',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RADIANS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RADIANS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 457,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 457
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '37',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RAND',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RAND/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 458,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 458
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '38',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REPEAT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REPEAT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 459,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 459
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '39',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REPLACE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REPLACE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 460,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 460
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '40',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RIGHT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RIGHT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 461,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 461
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '41',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ROUND',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ROUND/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 462,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 462
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '42',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RTRIM',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RTRIM/',
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+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 463,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'I',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 463
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 463
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SIGN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SIGN/i',
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+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 464,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ bless( {
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SIN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SIN/i',
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+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 465,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '45',
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SOUNDEX',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SOUNDEX/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 466,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SPACE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SPACE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 467,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 467
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 468,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 468
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '48',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SQRT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SQRT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 469,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 469
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '49',
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TAN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TAN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 470,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 470
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '50',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TIMESTAMP_ISO',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TIMESTAMP_ISO/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 471,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TIMESTAMPDIFF',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TIMESTAMPDIFF/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 472,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 472
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_53_of_rule_sysfun',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/TRUNCATE/i, or /TRUNC/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 473
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 473
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '53',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UCASE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UCASE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 474,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
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+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '54',
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+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
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+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'WEEK',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/WEEK/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 475,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 475
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '55',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'WEEK_ISO',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/WEEK_ISO/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 476,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 476
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'sysfun',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 421
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'numeric_constant'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SELECTIVITY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SELECTIVITY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'numeric_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_cond',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'NAME' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '\\w+',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/\\\\w+/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 146,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '\\w{1,18}',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/\\\\w\\{1,18\\}/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 148,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'NAME',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 146
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'constant' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'int_const',
+ 'float_const',
+ 'dec_const',
+ 'char_const',
+ 'hex_const',
+ 'grastr_const'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'int_const',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'float_const',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'dec_const',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'char_const',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'hex_const',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '5',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'grastr_const',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'constant',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 328
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'RANK',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/RANK/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '()',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'()\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 627,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '()',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'()\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'window_aggregation_group_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 2,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/ROWS/i, or /RANGE/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 568
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'group_start, or group_between, or group_end',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 572
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 566
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'group_start',
+ 'group_between',
+ 'group_end'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'group_start',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'group_between',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'group_end',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule_window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'VIEW' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'view',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/view/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 105,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'VIEW',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 105
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'with_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'common_table_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'op' => [],
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'WITH',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/WITH/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 89,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'expected' => '<leftop: common_table_expression /,/ common_table_expression>',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'name' => '\'common_table_expression(s)\'',
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'leftarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'common_table_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 89
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'rightarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'common_table_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 89
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'type' => 'leftop',
+ 'op' => bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ',',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/,/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 89,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 90,
+ 'code' => '{
+ $return = $item{\'common_table_expression\'};
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'with_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 87
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'numeric_constant' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '\\d+',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/\\\\d+/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 140,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'numeric_constant',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 140
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'old_new_table' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'identifier'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'OLD_TABLE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/OLD_TABLE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 291,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(AS)?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/(AS)?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 291,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'identifier',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 291
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 292,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = join(\' \', @item[1..3] ) }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NEW_TABLE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NEW_TABLE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 293,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(AS)?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/(AS)?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 293,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'identifier',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 293
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 294,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = join(\' \', @item[1..3] ) }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 293
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'old_new_table',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 291
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'window_order_clause',
+ 'window_aggregation_group_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'window_order_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'window_aggregation_group_clause',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_numbering_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'result_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'result_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 627,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_searched_when_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'old_new_corr' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'correlation_name'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'OLD',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/OLD/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 286,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(AS)?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/(AS)?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 286,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'correlation_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 286
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 287,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = join(\' \', @item[1..3] ) }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NEW',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NEW/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 288,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(AS)?',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/(AS)?/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 288,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'correlation_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 288
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 289,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = join(\' \', @item[1..3] ) }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 288
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'old_new_corr',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 286
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LCASE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LCASE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'LOWER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/LOWER/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_42_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'subtype_treatment' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression',
+ 'data_type'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'TREAT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/TREAT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 606,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 606
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 606
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/AS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 606,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'data_type',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 606
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 606
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'subtype_treatment',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 606
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'op' => [],
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'expected' => '<leftop: \'+\', or \'-\' /operator/ \'+\', or \'-\'>',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'name' => '\'_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression(s)\'',
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'leftarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '\'+\', or \'-\'',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 319
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'rightarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '\'+\', or \'-\'',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 319
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'type' => 'leftop',
+ 'op' => bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'operator',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/operator/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 319,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 299
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'function',
+ 'expression',
+ 'constant',
+ 'column_name',
+ 'host_variable',
+ 'special_register',
+ 'scalar_fullselect',
+ 'labeled_duration',
+ 'case_expression',
+ 'cast_specification',
+ 'OLAP_function',
+ 'method_invocation',
+ 'subtype_treatment',
+ 'sequence_reference'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 613
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 614
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 614
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 614
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 614
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 615
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 615
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '3',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 616
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 616
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '4',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'host_variable',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 617
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 617
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '5',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'special_register',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 618
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 618
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '6',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 619
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'scalar_fullselect',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 619
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 619
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 619
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '7',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'labeled_duration',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 620
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 620
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '8',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'case_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 621
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 621
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '9',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'cast_specification',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 622
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '10',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'OLAP_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 623
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '11',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'method_invocation',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '12',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'subtype_treatment',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '13',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'sequence_reference',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_2_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 613
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'startrule' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'statement',
+ 'eofile'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'statement',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => 's',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 12
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'eofile',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 12
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 12,
+ 'code' => '{
+ $return = {
+ tables => \\%tables,
+ views => \\@views,
+ triggers => \\@triggers,
+ }
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'startrule',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 11
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'expression',
+ 'parameter_marker'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NULL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NULL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 626,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 626
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'parameter_marker',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_cast_specification',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 625
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'before' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NO CASCADE BEFORE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NO CASCADE BEFORE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 268,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'before',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 268
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UCASE',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UCASE/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UPPER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UPPER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_83_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'ranking_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function',
+ 'window_partition_clause',
+ 'window_order_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_ranking_function',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => '/RANK/, or /DENSE_RANK|DENSERANK/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 544
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'OVER',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/OVER/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 544,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 544
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'window_partition_clause',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 544
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'window_order_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 544
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 544
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'ranking_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 542
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'numeric_constant'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'SELECTIVITY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/SELECTIVITY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'numeric_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_2_of_rule_search_condition',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ABS',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ABS/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ABSVAL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ABSVAL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'reference_b' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'old_new_corr'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REFERENCING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REFERENCING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 280,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'old_new_corr',
+ 'expected' => undef,
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 2,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '0..2',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 280
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 281,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = join(\' \', $item[1], join(\' \', @{$item[2]}) ) }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'reference_b',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 280
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'search_condition',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'WHEN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/WHEN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 624,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'search_condition',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'THEN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/THEN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 624,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule__alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'result_expression, or /NULL/i',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 627
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_simple_when_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 624
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CORRELATION',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CORRELATION/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CORR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CORR/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_9_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CEIL',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CEIL/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CEILING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CEILING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_7_of_rule_sysfun',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'prevval_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'sequence_name'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'PREVVAL\\s+FOR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/PREVVAL\\\\s+FOR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 613,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'sequence_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 613
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'prevval_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 613
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'where_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'WHERE',
+ 'search_condition'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'WHERE',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 218
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'search_condition',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 218
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'where_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 216
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'group_start' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'unsigned_constant'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'UNBOUNDED\\s+PRECEDING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/UNBOUNDED\\\\s+PRECEDING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 574,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'unsigned_constant',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 575
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'PRECEDING',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/PRECEDING/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 575,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 575
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '2',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'CURRENT\\s+ROW',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/CURRENT\\\\s+ROW/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 576,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 576
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'group_start',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 574
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'correlation_name' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'NAME'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'NAME',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 138
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'correlation_name',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 138
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'SQL_procedure_statement' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '[^;]*',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/[^;]*/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 94,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(;|\\z)',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/(;|\\\\z)/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 94,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 94,
+ 'code' => '{ $return = $item[1] . $item[2] }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'SQL_procedure_statement',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 94
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'group_between' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'group_bound1',
+ 'group_bound2'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'BETWEEN',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/BETWEEN/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 578,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'group_bound1',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 578
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'AND',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/AND/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 578,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'group_bound2',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 578
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'group_between',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 578
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'nextval_expression' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'sequence_name'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'NEXTVAL\\s+FOR',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/NEXTVAL\\\\s+FOR/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 611,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'sequence_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 611
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'nextval_expression',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 611
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'desc_option' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'DESC',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/DESC/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 564,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_desc_option',
+ 'expected' => '/NULLS\\\\s+FIRST/i, or /NULLS\\\\s+LAST/i',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 564
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'desc_option',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 564
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'column_list' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'column_name'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 2,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'op' => [],
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '(',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'(\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 96
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'expected' => '<leftop: column_name /,/ column_name>',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'name' => '\'column_name(s)\'',
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'leftarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 96
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'rightarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'column_name',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 96
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'type' => 'leftop',
+ 'op' => bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ',',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/,/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 96,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ')',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING2__',
+ 'description' => '\')\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 96
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 97,
+ 'code' => '{
+ $return = join(\' \', \'(\', @{$item[2]}, \')\');
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'column_list',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 96
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_INTERCEPT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_INTERCEPT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '1',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'REGR_ICPT',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/REGR_ICPT/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 628,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => '_alternation_1_of_production_63_of_rule_sysibm_function',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 628
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'dereference_operation' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ 'scoped_reference_expression',
+ 'name1',
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 1,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 0,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'scoped_reference_expression',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 526
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '->',
+ 'hashname' => '__STRING1__',
+ 'description' => '\'->\'',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 526
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Literal' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => 'name1',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => undef,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 526
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_dereference_operation',
+ 'expected' => '\'(\'',
+ 'min' => 0,
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'max' => 1,
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'repspec' => '?',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 527
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Repetition' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'dereference_operation',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 526
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'OUTER' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'outer',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/outer/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 115,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'OUTER',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 115
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'window_order_clause' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 1,
+ 'calls' => [
+ '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause'
+ ],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 1,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 2,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'op' => [],
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'ORDER\\s+BY',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/ORDER\\\\s+BY/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 555,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'expected' => '<leftop: sort_key_expression /,/ sort_key_expression>',
+ 'min' => 1,
+ 'name' => '\'_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause(s)\'',
+ 'max' => 100000000,
+ 'leftarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'sort_key_expression',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 560
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'rightarg' => bless( {
+ 'subrule' => '_alternation_1_of_production_1_of_rule_window_order_clause',
+ 'matchrule' => 0,
+ 'implicit' => 'sort_key_expression',
+ 'argcode' => undef,
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 560
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Subrule' ),
+ 'hashname' => '__DIRECTIVE1__',
+ 'type' => 'leftop',
+ 'op' => bless( {
+ 'pattern' => ',',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN2__',
+ 'description' => '/,/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 560,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Operator' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'window_order_clause',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 555
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'TRIGGER' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 0,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => 'trigger',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/trigger/i',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 103,
+ 'mod' => 'i',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'TRIGGER',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 103
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' ),
+ 'comment' => bless( {
+ 'impcount' => 0,
+ 'calls' => [],
+ 'changed' => 0,
+ 'opcount' => 0,
+ 'prods' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'number' => '0',
+ 'strcount' => 0,
+ 'dircount' => 0,
+ 'uncommit' => undef,
+ 'error' => undef,
+ 'patcount' => 1,
+ 'actcount' => 1,
+ 'items' => [
+ bless( {
+ 'pattern' => '^\\s*-{2}.*\\n',
+ 'hashname' => '__PATTERN1__',
+ 'description' => '/^\\\\s*-\\{2\\}.*\\\\n/',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'rdelim' => '/',
+ 'line' => 27,
+ 'mod' => '',
+ 'ldelim' => '/'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Token' ),
+ bless( {
+ 'hashname' => '__ACTION1__',
+ 'lookahead' => 0,
+ 'line' => 28,
+ 'code' => '{
+ my $comment = $item[1];
+ $comment =~ s/^\\s*(-{2})\\s*//;
+ $comment =~ s/\\s*$//;
+ $return = $comment;
+ }'
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Action' )
+ ],
+ 'line' => undef
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Production' )
+ ],
+ 'name' => 'comment',
+ 'vars' => '',
+ 'line' => 27
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent::Rule' )
+ }
+ }, 'Parse::RecDescent' );
\ No newline at end of file