use Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint;
+my %valid_options = map { $_ => undef } (
+ 'accessor',
+ 'auto_deref',
+ 'builder',
+ 'clearer',
+ 'coerce',
+ 'default',
+ 'documentation',
+ 'does',
+ 'handles',
+ 'init_arg',
+ 'is',
+ 'isa',
+ 'lazy',
+ 'lazy_build',
+ 'name',
+ 'predicate',
+ 'reader',
+ 'required',
+ 'traits',
+ 'trigger',
+ 'type_constraint',
+ 'weak_ref',
+ 'writer',
+ # internally used
+ 'associated_class',
+ 'associated_methods',
+ # Moose defines, but Mouse doesn't
+ #'definition_context',
+ #'initializer',
+ #'insertion_order',
+ # special case for AttributeHelpers
+ 'provides',
+ 'curries',
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$args->{name} = $name;
+ # check options
+ # (1) known by core
+ my @bad = grep{ !exists $valid_options{$_} } keys %{$args};
+ # (2) known by subclasses
+ if(@bad && $class ne __PACKAGE__){
+ my %valid_attrs = (
+ map { $_ => undef }
+ grep { defined }
+ map { $_->init_arg() }
+ $class->meta->get_all_attributes()
+ );
+ @bad = grep{ !exists $valid_attrs{$_} } @bad;
+ }
+ # (3) bad options found
+ if(@bad){
+ @bad = sort @bad;
+ Carp::cluck("Found unknown argument(s) passed to '$name' attribute constructor in '$class': @bad");
+ }
my $self = bless $args, $class;
# extra attributes
$class->meta->_initialize_object($self, $args);
-# XXX: there is no fast way to check attribute validity
-# my @bad = ...;
-# if(@bad){
-# @bad = sort @bad;
-# Carp::cluck("Found unknown argument(s) passed to '$name' attribute constructor in '$class': @bad");
-# }
return $self;
$args->{$name} = $self->{$name};
+ # remove temporary caches
+ foreach my $attr(keys %{$args}){
+ if($attr =~ /\A _/xms){
+ delete $args->{$attr};
+ }
+ }
return $attribute_class->new($self->name, $args);