- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { x => { -in => [ 1 .. 3] } },
- stmt => "WHERE ( x IN (?, ?, ?) )",
- bind => [ 1 .. 3],
+ stmt => "WHERE x IN (?, ?, ?)",
+ bind => [ 1 .. 3 ],
test => '-in with an array of scalars',
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { x => { -in => [] } },
- stmt => "WHERE ( 0=1 )",
+ stmt => "WHERE 0=1",
bind => [],
test => '-in with an empty array',
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { x => { -in => \'( 1,2,lower(y) )' } },
- stmt => "WHERE ( x IN ( 1,2,lower(y) ) )",
+ stmt => "WHERE x IN ( 1,2,lower(y) )",
bind => [],
test => '-in with a literal scalarref',
# note that outer parens are opened even though literal was requested below
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { x => { -in => \['( ( ?,?,lower(y) ) )', 1, 2] } },
- stmt => "WHERE ( x IN ( ?,?,lower(y) ) )",
+ stmt => "WHERE x IN ( ?,?,lower(y) )",
bind => [1, 2],
test => '-in with a literal arrayrefref',
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => {
status => { -in => \"(SELECT status_codes\nFROM states)" },
- stmt => " WHERE ( status IN ( SELECT status_codes FROM states )) ",
+ stmt => " WHERE status IN ( SELECT status_codes FROM states )",
bind => [],
test => '-in multi-line subquery test',
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => {
customer => { -in => \[
'SELECT cust_id FROM cust WHERE balance > ?',
status => { -in => \'SELECT status_codes FROM states' },
stmt => "
- WHERE ((
customer IN ( SELECT cust_id FROM cust WHERE balance > ? )
AND status IN ( SELECT status_codes FROM states )
- ))
bind => [2000],
test => '-in POD test',
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { x => { -in => [ \['LOWER(?)', 'A' ], \'LOWER(b)', { -lower => 'c' } ] } },
stmt => " WHERE ( x IN ( LOWER(?), LOWER(b), LOWER ? ) )",
bind => [qw/A c/],
\Qversion of SQL::Abstract will emit the logically correct SQL \E
\Qinstead of raising this exception)\E
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { x => { -in => [ 1, undef ] } },
stmt => " WHERE ( x IN ( ? ) OR x IS NULL )",
bind => [ 1 ],
\Qversion of SQL::Abstract will emit the logically correct SQL \E
\Qinstead of raising this exception)\E
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { x => { -in => [ 1, undef, 2, 3, undef ] } },
stmt => " WHERE ( x IN ( ?, ?, ? ) OR x IS NULL )",
bind => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
test => '-in with multiple undef elements',
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { a => { -in => 42 }, b => { -not_in => 42 } },
- stmt => ' WHERE ( ( a IN ( ? ) AND b NOT IN ( ? ) ) )',
+ stmt => ' WHERE a IN ( ? ) AND b NOT IN ( ? )',
bind => [ 42, 42 ],
test => '-in, -not_in with scalar',
\Qversion of SQL::Abstract will emit the logically correct SQL \E
\Qinstead of raising this exception)\E
- parenthesis_significant => 1,
where => { a => { -in => [42, undef] }, b => { -not_in => [42, undef] } },
stmt => ' WHERE ( ( a IN ( ? ) OR a IS NULL ) AND b NOT IN ( ? ) AND b IS NOT NULL )',
bind => [ 42, 42 ],