use Data::Dump qw/ dump /;
use POSIX qw//;
use File::Spec qw//;
+use Digest::MD5 qw//;
require DBIx::Class;
our $VERSION = '0.03999_01';
The created schema class will have the same classname as the one on
which you are setting this option (and the ResultSource classes will be
-based on this name as well). Therefore it is wise to note that if you
-point the C<dump_directory> option of a schema class at the live libdir
-where that class is currently located, it will overwrite itself with a
-manual version of itself. This might be a really good or bad thing
-depending on your situation and perspective.
+based on this name as well).
Normally you wouldn't hard-code this setting in your schema class, as it
is meant for one-time manual usage.
=head2 dump_overwrite
-If set to a true value, the dumping code will overwrite existing files.
-The default is false, which means the dumping code will skip the already
-existing files.
+Default false. If true, Loader will unconditionally delete any existing
+files before creating the new ones from scratch when dumping a schema to disk.
+The default behavior is instead to only replace the top portion of the
+file, up to and including the final stanza which contains
+leaving any customizations you placed after that as they were.
+When C<dump_overwrite> is not set, if the output file already exists,
+but the aforementioned final stanza is not found, or the checksum
+contained there does not match the generated contents, Loader will
+croak and not touch the file.
=head1 METHODS
$abs_dump_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($self->dump_directory)
if $self->dump_directory;
- foreach my $table_class (values %{$self->classes}) {
- $table_class->require;
+ foreach my $class ($self->schema_class, values %{$self->classes}) {
+ $class->require;
if($@ && $@ !~ /^Can't locate /) {
croak "Failed to load external class definition"
- . " for '$table_class': $@";
+ . " for '$class': $@";
next if $@; # "Can't locate" error
# If we make it to here, we loaded an external definition
- warn qq/# Loaded external class definition for '$table_class'\n/
+ warn qq/# Loaded external class definition for '$class'\n/
if $self->debug;
if($abs_dump_dir) {
- my $class_path = $table_class;
+ my $class_path = $class;
$class_path =~ s{::}{/}g;
$class_path .= '.pm';
my $filename = File::Spec->rel2abs($INC{$class_path});
croak 'Failed to locate actual external module file for '
- . "'$table_class'"
+ . "'$class'"
if !$filename;
+ # XXX this should be done MUCH EARLIER, do not require dump_dir files!!!
next if($filename =~ /^$abs_dump_dir/);
open(my $fh, '<', $filename)
or croak "Failed to open $filename for reading: $!";
- $self->_raw_stmt($table_class,
- q|# These lines loaded from user-supplied external file: |
+ $self->_ext_stmt($class,
+ qq|# These lines were loaded from '$filename' found in \@INC.|
+ .q|# They are now part of the custom portion of this file|
+ .q|# for you to hand-edit. If you do not either delete|
+ .q|# this section or remove that file from @INC, this section|
+ .q|# will be repeated redundantly when you re-create this|
+ .q|# file again via Loader!|
while(<$fh>) {
- $self->_raw_stmt($table_class, $_);
+ $self->_ext_stmt($class, $_);
- $self->_raw_stmt($table_class,
- q|# End of lines loaded from user-supplied external file |
+ $self->_ext_stmt($class,
+ q|# End of lines loaded from '$filename' |
or croak "Failed to close $filename: $!";
# which is a filename
my $dir = $self->dump_directory;
- foreach (@name_parts) {
- $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir,$_);
- if(! -d $dir) {
+ while (1) {
+ if(!-d $dir) {
mkdir($dir) or croak "mkdir('$dir') failed: $!";
+ last if !@name_parts;
+ $dir = File::Spec->catdir($dir, shift @name_parts);
warn "Dumping manual schema for $schema_class to directory $target_dir ...\n";
- if(! -d $target_dir) {
- mkdir($target_dir) or croak "mkdir('$target_dir') failed: $!";
- }
+ my $schema_text =
+ qq|package $schema_class;\n\n|
+ . qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n|
+ . qq|use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';\n\n|
+ . qq|__PACKAGE__->load_classes;\n|;
- my $verstr = $DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::VERSION;
- my $datestr = POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime);
- my $tagline = qq|# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v$verstr @ $datestr|;
+ $self->_write_classfile($schema_class, $schema_text);
- $self->_ensure_dump_subdirs($schema_class);
+ foreach my $src_class (sort keys %{$self->{_dump_storage}}) {
+ my $src_text =
+ qq|package $src_class;\n\n|
+ . qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n|
+ . qq|use base 'DBIx::Class';\n\n|;
- my $schema_fn = $self->_get_dump_filename($schema_class);
- if (-f $schema_fn && !$self->dump_overwrite) {
- warn "$schema_fn exists, will not overwrite\n";
- }
- else {
- open(my $schema_fh, '>', $schema_fn)
- or croak "Cannot open $schema_fn for writing: $!";
- print $schema_fh qq|package $schema_class;\n\n$tagline\n\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';\n\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|__PACKAGE__->load_classes;\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|\n1;\n\n|;
- close($schema_fh)
- or croak "Cannot close $schema_fn: $!";
+ $self->_write_classfile($src_class, $src_text);
- foreach my $src_class (sort keys %{$self->{_dump_storage}}) {
- $self->_ensure_dump_subdirs($src_class);
- my $src_fn = $self->_get_dump_filename($src_class);
- if (-f $src_fn && !$self->dump_overwrite) {
- warn "$src_fn exists, will not overwrite\n";
- next;
- }
- open(my $src_fh, '>', $src_fn)
- or croak "Cannot open $src_fn for writing: $!";
- print $src_fh qq|package $src_class;\n\n$tagline\n\n|;
- print $src_fh qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n|;
- print $src_fh qq|use base 'DBIx::Class';\n\n|;
- print $src_fh qq|$_\n|
- for @{$self->{_dump_storage}->{$src_class}};
- print $src_fh qq|\n1;\n\n|;
- close($src_fh)
- or croak "Cannot close $src_fn: $!";
+ warn "Schema dump completed.\n";
+sub _write_classfile {
+ my ($self, $class, $text) = @_;
+ my $filename = $self->_get_dump_filename($class);
+ $self->_ensure_dump_subdirs($class);
+ if (-f $filename && $self->dump_overwrite) {
+ warn "Deleting existing file '$filename' due to "
+ . "'dump_overwrite' setting\n";
+ unlink($filename);
+ }
+ my $custom_content = (-f $filename)
+ ? $self->_get_custom_content($filename)
+ : undef;
+ $custom_content ||= qq|\n# You can replace this text with custom|
+ . qq| content, and it will be preserved on regeneration|
+ . qq|\n1;\n|;
+ $text .= qq|$_\n|
+ for @{$self->{_dump_storage}->{$class} || []};
+ $text .= qq|\n\n# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader|
+ . qq| v| . $DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::VERSION
+ . q| @ | . POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime)
+ open(my $fh, '>', $filename)
+ or croak "Cannot open '$filename' for writing: $!";
+ # Write the top half and its MD5 sum
+ print $fh $text . Digest::MD5::md5_base64($text) . "\n\n";
+ # Write out anything loaded via external partial class file in @INC
+ print $fh qq|$_\n|
+ for @{$self->{_ext_storage}->{$class} || []};
+ print $fh $custom_content;
+ close($fh)
+ or croak "Cannot close '$filename': $!";
+sub _get_custom_content {
+ my ($self, $class, $filename) = @_;
+ return if ! -f $filename;
+ open(my $fh, '<', $filename)
+ or croak "Cannot open '$filename' for reading: $!";
+ my $mark_re =
+ /^(# DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:)([A-Za-z0-9/+]{22})\n/;
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $buffer = '';
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ if(!$found && /$mark_re/) {
+ $found = 1;
+ $buffer .= $1;
+ $checksum = $2;
+ croak "Checksum mismatch in '$filename'"
+ if Digest::MD5::md5_base64($buffer) ne $checksum;
+ $buffer = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $buffer .= $_;
+ }
- warn "Schema dump completed.\n";
+ if(!$found) {
+ }
+ return $buffer;
sub _use {
push(@{$self->{_dump_storage}->{$class}}, $stmt) if $self->dump_directory;
+# Like above, but separately for the externally loaded stuff
+sub _ext_stmt {
+ my ($self, $class, $stmt) = @_;
+ push(@{$self->{_ext_storage}->{$class}}, $stmt) if $self->dump_directory;
=head2 monikers
Returns a hashref of loaded table to moniker mappings. There will