package MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Trait;
use Moose::Role;
-our $VERSION = '0.02';
+our $VERSION = '0.03';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
has 'description' => (
if (my $traits = delete $desc->{traits}) {
my $meta = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class(
superclasses => [ $metadesc_class ],
- roles => $traits,
+ roles => $self->prepare_traits_for_application($traits),
$meta->add_method('meta' => sub { $meta });
$metadesc_class = $meta->name;
+# this is for the subclasses to use ...
+sub prepare_traits_for_application { $_[1] }
no Moose::Role; 1;
need to set this yourself, but simply set C<metadescription_classname>
and it will all just work.
+=item B<prepare_traits_for_application ($traits)>
+This is passed the ARRAY ref of trait names so that they can be pre-processed
+before they are applied to the metadescription. It is expected to return
+an ARRAY ref of trait names to be applied. By default it simply returns what
+it is given.
=item B<meta>
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More no_plan => 1;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Moose;
+ use_ok('MooseX::MetaDescription');
+ package Foo::Description::Trait;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ has 'bar' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');
+ has 'baz' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');
+ has 'gorch' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');
+ package Foo::MetaDescription::Attribute;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Attribute';
+ sub prepare_traits_for_application {
+ my ($self, $traits) = @_;
+ [ map { "${_}::Description::Trait" } @$traits ]
+ }
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'baz' => (
+ metaclass => 'Foo::MetaDescription::Attribute',
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => sub { 'Foo::baz' },
+ description => {
+ traits => [qw[Foo]],
+ bar => 'Foo::baz::bar',
+ gorch => 'Foo::baz::gorch',
+ }
+ );
+# check the meta-desc
+my $baz_attr = Foo->meta->get_attribute('baz');
+isa_ok($baz_attr->metadescription, 'MooseX::MetaDescription::Description');
+does_ok($baz_attr->metadescription, 'Foo::Description::Trait');
+is($baz_attr->metadescription->descriptor, $baz_attr, '... got the circular ref');
+# check the actual descs
+foreach my $foo ('Foo', Foo->new) {
+ is_deeply(
+ $foo->meta->get_attribute('baz')->description,
+ {
+ bar => 'Foo::baz::bar',
+ gorch => 'Foo::baz::gorch',
+ },
+ '... got the right class description'
+ );
+ my $baz_meta_desc = $foo->meta->get_attribute('baz')->metadescription;
+ is($baz_meta_desc->bar, 'Foo::baz::bar', '... we have methods');
+ is($baz_meta_desc->gorch, 'Foo::baz::gorch', '... we have methods');