package Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor;
use strict;
use warnings;
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
sub _install_accessor{
my (undef, $attribute, $method_name, $class, $type) = @_;
my $compiled_type_constraint = $constraint ? $constraint->{_compiled_type_constraint} : undef;
my $self = '$_[0]';
- my $key = $attribute->_inlined_name;
+ my $key = sprintf q{"%s"}, quotemeta $name;
$type ||= 'accessor';
sub _install_predicate {
my (undef, $attribute, $method_name, $class) = @_;
- my $key = $attribute->_inlined_name;
+ my $slot = $attribute->name;
- my $predicate = 'sub { exists($_[0]->{'.$key.'}) }';
- my $code = eval $predicate;
- $attribute->throw_error($@) if $@;
- $class->add_method($method_name => $code);
+ $class->add_method($method_name => sub{
+ return exists $_[0]->{$slot};
+ });
sub _install_clearer {
my (undef, $attribute, $method_name, $class) = @_;
- my $key = $attribute->_inlined_name;
- my $clearer = 'sub { delete($_[0]->{'.$key.'}) }';
+ my $slot = $attribute->name;
- my $code = eval $clearer;
- $attribute->throw_error($@) if $@;
- $class->add_method($method_name => $code);
+ $class->add_method($method_name => sub{
+ delete $_[0]->{$slot};
+ });
sub _install_handles {
my (undef, $attribute, $handles, $class) = @_;
- my $reader = $attribute->name;
- my %handles = $attribute->_canonicalize_handles($handles);
+ my $reader = $attribute->reader || $attribute->accessor
+ or $class->throw_error("You must pass a reader method for '".$attribute->name."'");
- my @methods;
- foreach my $local_method (keys %handles) {
- my $remote_method = $handles{$local_method};
- my $method = 'sub {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->'.$reader.'->'.$remote_method.'(@_)
- }';
- my $code = eval $method;
- $attribute->throw_error($@) if $@;
- push @methods, ($local_method => $code);
- }
+ my %handles = $attribute->_canonicalize_handles($handles);
- # install after all the method compiled successfully
- while(my($name, $code) = splice @methods, 0, 2){
- $class->add_method($name, $code);
+ foreach my $handle_name (keys %handles) {
+ my $method_to_call = $handles{$handle_name};
+ my $code = sub {\r
+ my $instance = shift;\r
+ my $proxy = $instance->$reader();\r
+ my $error = !defined($proxy) ? ' is not defined'\r
+ : ref($proxy) && !blessed($proxy) ? qq{ is not an object (got '$proxy')}\r
+ : undef;\r
+ if ($error) {\r
+ $instance->meta->throw_error(\r
+ "Cannot delegate $handle_name to $method_to_call because "\r
+ . "the value of "\r
+ . $attribute->name\r
+ . $error,
+ );\r
+ }\r
+ $proxy->$method_to_call(@_);\r
+ };
+ $class->add_method($handle_name => $code);